Only You (Adair Family #5)(43)

I patted my big brother’s shoulder as I passed. “Sleepless nights?”

“Vivien is going through a nocturnal phase right now,” he murmured, his eyes already closing again.

My gaze shot to Robyn, who studied her husband with affectionate sympathy. She looked tired too. Christ, I didn’t envy them. But then she crossed the room and eased herself onto the arm of the chair. She pressed a kiss to Lachlan’s temple as she tenderly brushed his hair back from his face. His eyes opened, and he smiled softly before pulling her onto his lap.


Maybe I did envy them a wee bit.

I also worried for Lachlan. If something ever happened to Robyn or Vivien, it would destroy him.

It would destroy Thane to lose Regan or the kids. Arran to lose Eredine. Arro to lose Mac or Skye.

Growing up and losing what we had, my siblings had to have known what they risked. They were just braver than I was.

The thought attempted to sour my mood, so I pushed it away and wandered over to Lewis, playing a game on his tablet. He hadn’t said hello, and I wondered if it was because I’d bailed on the rehearsal.

As if she’d read my mind, Eredine said from her spot at the other end of the large corner sofa, “Are you feeling better, Brodan?”

I frowned.

“Regan told us you left the bake sale early because you were sick.”

“Oh. Aye. I had a headache come on.” Feeling guilty about the lie, I lowered to my haunches by Lewis, drawing his attention from the game. “Hey, bud.”

“Hi, Uncle Brodan.” He stared at me impassively.

“Can we talk?” I jerked my head toward the sliding doors, gesturing to outside.

“You’ll need jackets for that,” Regan called from the kitchen, proving she had bat ears. She moved toward the hallway. “And don’t be too long. Dinner will be ready soon.”

As I stood, Regan returned with Lewis’s jacket. He lowered his tablet to the couch and got up to shrug it on, still not looking at me or saying a word. More guilt consumed me. It was a wonder I could function with the amount of it I carried daily.

Leading Lewis to the sliders, I heard Regan ask Eilidh, “Now, what’s this about me doing something to you?”

“You know what you did,” Eilidh repeated in a huff.

“Eilidh, don’t cheek your mum,” Thane admonished gruffly.

I opened the slider door, the biting November air blasting through us.

“She ruined my favorite shoes. She said she was getting them fixed, but I found them in your closet!”

“She has a name,” Thane said with his authoritative dad voice. “And what were you doing in our closet?”

“Um …”


“Looking for Christmas presents.”

I closed the slider behind me and Lewis as the room erupted into noise as everyone chimed in on the conversation. Except for Lachlan and Robyn, who I think might actually have fallen asleep.

Turning to Lewis, the deck light illuminating us, I grinned. “Your sister is something else.”

Lewis smirked as he rubbed his chilled hands together. “Her friends told her that Santa only brings one present and the rest is from our family. Then they told her all the good places to hunt for them.”

“Did you join in the hunt?”

He shook his head. “I’d prefer to wait until Christmas.”

Nodding, I turned and stared out at the blackness beyond. Clouds obscured the moon tonight, and I couldn’t make out the sea. But we could hear it crashing against the coast. Despite the cold nipping at our skin, the fresh sea air was awesome. Not for the first time, I considered that plot of land waiting for me along the coast from my siblings’ architect-built homes. Thane had designed each one to maximize the spectacular view.

“It’s freezing,” Lewis reminded me.

“Right.” I glanced down at him. “I just wanted to chat with you about something. First, I’m sorry for leaving early on Friday.”

He dropped his gaze. “It’s fine.”

“No. It’s not. I haven’t been acting … I haven’t been the best uncle to you, and I’m sorry.”

Lewis frowned. “You’re helping with our school musical. The other kids think I’m lit.”


The wee shit smirked. “It means cool, Uncle Brodan.”

Right. I knew that.

“Anyway, some of my friends have even seen your movies.”

My lips twitched. “And they think you’re lit because of me?”

He nodded seriously.

Grinning, I reached out and hugged him to my side. “You’re a good kid, Lew. But … I noticed that you’ve been a bit rude to Ms. Sinclair lately, and I think I know why.”

My nephew stiffened against me but didn’t pull away.

“You know, a long time ago, Ms. Sinclair and I were best friends. A bit like you and Callie.”

“Really?” He stared up at me, shocked.

“Aye. When we were your age. Younger, even. We became friends in P1 and never looked back.” A hollowness gaped in my chest. “But life happens, and stuff that I won’t get into because it’s private occurred between us. I think you’re old enough to understand that. That some things are just between two people.”

Samantha Young's Books