Moon Touched (Zodiac Wolves: The Lost Pack #1)(58)

He grabbed my hips to still me, but that only turned me on even more. "Do you realize what you're asking for?"

"Yes!" Of course I knew. I'd been begging for it for what seemed like hours now. "If you don't help me, I'll have to find someone else who can."

"No fucking way." His hands cupped my breasts through my thin dress and squeezed, and it was enough to make me moan and stop squirming against him. "The only man who will touch you tonight is me."

"Then get on with it already," I said, but then paused as a tiny bit of common sense returned to my brain for a split second. "Wait. Will I get pregnant?”

He shook his head. "I don't think so. I'm not your mate."

My mind must have really been gone because I thought I heard bitterness in his voice. I wasn't sure though, because I was too hung up on the idea of having Kaden’s wolf pups. It’s a shame he won’t get me pregnant, I thought, and then shook my head violently, shoving the crazy thought away.

"Then what's the problem?" I asked.

He pinched my breasts almost painfully, sending a bolt of pleasure straight through me. "The problem is it can never be more than one night. Do you understand?"

"I understand." I leaned closer to him, breathing in his musky scent, while my animal instincts fought for control. I'd wanted him in my dream, and I wanted him even more now. If it was only for one night, I'd take it. “Kaden, please fuck me."

The words seemed to break down some wall inside of him as if he’d been holding back before. Kaden bared his teeth, the burn of desire clear in his gaze. In that look, I saw the alpha wolf in him, the dangerous male who had kidnapped me and threatened to kill me if I hurt anyone he loved. He grabbed my dress and yanked it over my head in one smooth flourish. I wasn't wearing a bra underneath, and now I was completely exposed to his hungry, roaming eyes. He pulled me close and pressed his nose to my neck, breathing me in, but not kissing me. Never kissing me.

"As you wish, little wolf."

Chapter Twenty-Four

Kaden tossed me on the couch without ceremony and looked down at me like a king gazing at his domain. His eyes traced every line of my naked body. My legs. My breasts. My scars. It was all on display for him, and though I was tempted to cover myself, I didn't. Maybe the heat madness made me braver, or maybe I felt more comfortable with Kaden than anyone else in my life, but for once I wanted him to see me. All of me.

"Fuck, you're beautiful," he said, and his praise struck through the lust haze and made my stomach flip-flop. No man had ever said such a thing to me before.

He reached down to his jeans, unzipping them. I could see the bulge there, and I had to hold my hands down before I sat up and offered to do it myself. I doubted my help would be welcome. He hadn’t wanted me to touch him before, and just because we were going to have sex didn’t mean that had changed anything. He was only doing this because he had to, because we were out of options.

He stripped off his jeans, leaving him completely nude. I’d seen him in various states of undress since I’d known him, but this was different. Knowing why he was naked now held a different kind of weight. All the other times I'd tried—and failed—to avoid staring at his magnificent body, but this time I let my gaze trace down his abs, to the sharp vee of his hips, and then lower. This time I could really take a good, long look.

His cock was a thing of art, perfectly proportioned to his large size, rock hard and jutting toward me. I swallowed audibly at the sight. I wanted to sink myself down onto it until he was so deep inside of me, I’d feel full enough to sate this overwhelming need. I wanted to slide my tongue along the vein on the underside, just to see if I could get him to lose a bit of his control. I was almost overwhelmed with the possibilities, and the irony was I had no idea how to do any of them. My body seemed to have its own ideas though, but I was still a bit nervous at my lack of experience. No amount of lust could override the fact that I’d never had sex before.

Kaden stalked toward me like the predator he was, and I drew in a sharp breath. He sank to his knees in front of where I lay, presented like an offering, and drew his cock into his hand. His eyes roamed over my legs, spread wide, and I watched his nostrils flare as he looked at my sex. A spark of something passed through his gaze, and his grip tightened around his cock.

"If we had more time, I'd make you come with my mouth," he said. "But I don't think that's what you need right now."

I let out a little whimper and arched my hips up at that. Honestly, that sounded amazing, but he was right. I needed him inside me. Nothing else would do.

When he looked back up at me, his eyes were dark, darker than I’d ever seen them, just a thin ring of blue around pupils blown huge. He wanted this as much as I did. The knowledge flooded me with desire and I nearly dragged him on top of me. But then he frowned slightly as he looked at my face, and he must have seen something hidden under the pure, base want, because he said, “You’ve never done this before, have you?"

I shook my head but wasn’t able to find any words, feeling frustrating beyond measure. My body screamed for me to pull him closer, to reach down and be the one to put his cock inside, but my mind was stuck on the mechanics of it. Apprehension twisted in my gut, but it was overpowered by the need to have Kaden pounding the heat out of me with his cock. “No, it's my first time," I managed to say.

Elizabeth Briggs's Books