Moon Touched (Zodiac Wolves: The Lost Pack #1)(56)

I crossed my arms, covering my nipples, which had become so hard and sensitive that even the slight brush of my dress against them was driving me wild. “This is insane. Are you planning to guard me all night?”

“I don’t know,” Kaden said, sounding as frustrated as he looked. “I just knew I had to get you out of there before someone tore off your clothes.” He turned away and let out a long, colorful string of curses. If I’d been in a better state of mind, I would have quipped something back at him, but as it was, all I felt was the rising desire. He turned back to me, his face under control once more. “Sit down. I’ll get you some water.”

I complied, sitting on one of the sofas in the living room. My entire body felt like it was overheating, and I closed my eyes, trying to suppress my reactions. It was as if I didn’t have any control over anything. “You know,” I said, eyes still closed, “I really don’t like this.”

“That makes two of us,” Kaden said dryly.

I jumped at the sound of his voice. He’d moved silently again, or maybe I was just so out of it I hadn’t heard him approach. He leaned over me, a glass of water in one hand, and my body ached for him to be mine. After he handed me the water, whatever he saw in my gaze had him backing off quickly. He took a seat across the coffee table, carefully out of touching range. The perfect spot for my eyes to soak him up, and I found myself licking my lips and squirming in my seat. He drank from his own glass of water, and I stared at his throat as it moved. Then I watched his forearms as he set the water down on the table. Damn, I had no idea forearms could be so fucking sexy. Every inch of him was driving me wild. At the very least he could do me a favor and put on a damn shirt already.

"You should get away from me too," I said, my voice low and breathless. "You're also an unmated male."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"If I leave, you'll be unprotected during your heat. Someone has to keep you safe."

"But if you stay..." I let the words trail off.

He shook his head. "Unlike the others, I can control myself."

How disappointing. I sipped at the water and stared outside, hoping the sight of the moon and the stars would give me some comfort. “So, what now? We just sit here?”

“Oh, no,” Kaden said, leaning forward. “Now, it gets much worse.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

The moon rose, and with it, my heat became almost unbearable. I tried to sit, my pride keeping me in place for a few minutes longer, but by the time the moon was above the trees, I was practically panting. I’d never experienced anything like this before. I felt out of control, a wild thing that couldn’t be contained in my own skin. I was pretty sure I would die if I didn’t have someone touching me, taking away this need in my body. I was so fucking horny I thought I might explode.

I set the water glass down and balled my hands into fists, trying to keep them in my lap so I wouldn’t try to take my clothes off. The urge was unbearable. The heat between my legs felt hot and heavy, and I carefully didn’t rub against anything. What would Kaden think if I just stripped my clothes off and rubbed myself along his couch to try to get rid of this awful need? I could never look him in the face again.

But even worse than that was the urge to cross the distance between us. It grew and grew until I had to stand up, or I felt like I’d die right there. “I’m going insane,” I said, pacing back and forth, trying to get the energy out. It didn’t do a damn bit of good.

“You can’t get to your mate,” Kaden said with a frown. “That must be why.”

I threw my hands up in the air as I paced behind the couch, trying to get further away from him before I made a very bad decision. “I don’t even want my mate!”

Kaden's eyes narrowed at me. "You say that, but your body says otherwise. I can smell it."

Anger burst through the desire at his words. This was just like the other night with my dream. I wanted nothing to do with Jordan. How could I get that through his thick skull?

"It's not him I want, it's—"

As soon as the words were out, I slapped a hand over my mouth. Kaden's eyes widened at my admission. Shit, I hadn't meant to say that out loud. I turned away, wishing I had never admitted how much I wanted him, feeling vulnerable as hell, and still so turned on I thought I might die.

"Ayla..." The sound of my name on his lips was so sensual it made me tremble with need. I turned back to see his fingers curling around the armchair edges, nostrils flared wide as if he was taking in my scent again. He let out a shuddering breath and closed his eyes, his knuckles going white as he clutched the chair. "We can't."

I could hear the edge of lust in his voice, and that’s what really set me over the edge. "Why not?"

His jaw moved as he swallowed. "You should go to your room. Watch TV. Read a book. Try to distract yourself."

"We both know that won't help." There would be no way to get through this alone. I ground my teeth, trying one last time to take control over my traitorous body, but it didn’t do any good. I needed release. I needed him.

I crossed the space between us as if drawn to him. This pull didn’t feel the same as the mating bond with Jordan, but it was just as strong. I dropped to my knees beside his chair, ready to beg, to debase myself, whatever it took. If I’d been any saner, I would've had too much pride to do such a thing, but the need in my body was so strong I didn't care.

Elizabeth Briggs's Books