Moon Touched (Zodiac Wolves: The Lost Pack #1)(57)

"Ayla," he said, a warning in his voice. A warning I chose to ignore.

“Please,” I whispered. “Please help me.”

I watched his resolve shatter, like a glass ceiling falling. The careful control he had over his body unwound, and he let go of his death grip on the chair and pulled me into his lap. His touch ignited the fire inside me and I moved to kiss him, but he stopped me with a hand on my lips.

“I can offer you some relief with my fingers," he said. "But nothing more."

"Thank you," I said with a whimper. Anything to get this awful heat out of me, and the feeling that I was literally coming apart at the seams from lust.

He shifted me on the chair for better access, and then he yanked my dress up to my thighs. Low, animal noises escaped my throat as his strong fingers gripped my knees and spread my legs. I reached for my panties, trying to get them off quickly, but Kaden’s hands pushed mine aside.

"You're soaked," he murmured, and that only made me whimper even more. His knuckles brushed against the pounding heat of me, and I sucked in a shuddering breath.

“Please,” I said. “Just keep going.”

His jaw tightened, and he pressed a hand down onto my pelvis, holding me still.

“Let me get these off,” he said, tugging at the soaked underwear.

I nodded, trying to think past the pounding need, and how that single brush of his knuckles across my sex had felt like so much more. I lifted my hips slightly to let him slide off my underwear and closed my eyes against the feeling of the air against my bare skin. It was just this side of not enough that I groaned in frustration. I reached for Kaden, putting my hand on his chest. I needed him to touch me, now.

He grabbed my hands and pushed them down to my sides. “Don’t touch me. I touch you, not the other way around."

His eyes were cold, detached, as if he was telling me about the weather, not working to help me get off. I nodded and quivered beneath him, so slick that it felt like I was dripping onto the chair beneath us.

Even through the haze of desire, I paused as his words registered. “Do you not want to do this?”

“I want it too much. Being around you right now is difficult. All I want,” he said, as his fingers tightened around my wrists, “is to rip your clothes off and fuck you senseless.”

The words sent another bolt of desire through me, and I moaned as if he’d just licked down my body. I wanted that too, and it was such a relief to know my lust wasn't one-sided. For a second, I'd worried he was only doing this out of some sense of duty or pity.

"Then touch me," I said.

With a growl, he released my wrists and slid one hand down to the throbbing ache between my thighs. Then he dragged his fingers lightly across my slit, finger dipping inside just enough to cause my breath to sharpen. I shuddered, body quivering with the need to move, to chase that touch, make it more concrete.

“Stop fucking teasing me,” I ground out.

Kaden made a low rumbling sound that was almost a laugh, and I looked up to glare at him, but just then he stroked his thumb along my clit in a delicious, torturous slide. He followed it up with another stroke, and then slid two of his fingers inside of me, while keeping his thumb on my clit. I shut my eyes so tight that little spots of light danced at the edge of my vision, while he worked his fingers in and out of me, giving me exactly what I'd needed all this time. His other hand found my breast, touching my rock-hard nipples, and I couldn’t hold myself still any longer. I ground myself on his hand, chasing that feeling, wanting even more.

“How the hell are you so good at this?” I gasped out.

“I’m unmated, not celibate."

Kaden increased the tempo, circling my clit with his thumb and crooking his fingers inside of me, pistoning them in and out as if it was his cock instead. He was almost brutal, too quick, and too skilled to bring me to a gentle orgasm. No, this one was going to tear through me with something I'd never experienced before. I’d certainly never been able to bring myself this much pleasure with my own fingers.

I shuddered around him, hands clenching into fists, nails digging into my skin with the effort to not touch him. Then the need that was pounding through my body all seemed to gather in my pussy, laser-focused into a single point of desire, before exploding to the rest of me. My eyes rolled back with the intensity of my orgasm, and I let out a low moan. Kaden’s fingers continued their rhythm, working me through the orgasm while I twitched against him. Finally, he released me, fingers leaving my body, and I leaned against his chest, breathless and trembling.

He rested his hands on the arms of the chair again, gripping them like it was all he could do not to touch me further. I opened my mouth to thank Kaden, when the next wave of desire poured over me, as subtle as a train. My back arched, my nipples straining against the fabric of my dress, and I moaned.

"That didn't work," I said, my voice desperate as I tried to get a handle on the wave of need. I gripped Kaden's shoulders, and when our eyes met, I found a well of lust waiting, deep and untamed. He could probably smell just how unsatisfied I was. He’d just made me come, but it had seemed to make things worse, not better. “I feel like I’m going to burn up. Kaden, please...”

"Damn," he said, his brow creased in frustration. "You need sex. Nothing else will do."

“Don’t sound so enthusiastic, you might ruin the mood,” I gasped out, trying desperately to hold onto whatever semblance of my sanity I had with the sarcasm. It didn't work, and I found myself grinding my wet pussy against Kaden's lap, where I felt his hard length under his pants. He wanted me too, so why weren't we fucking already?

Elizabeth Briggs's Books