Moon Touched (Zodiac Wolves: The Lost Pack #1)(54)

“all right, then,” I’d muttered at the note, and torn it off the fridge. That afternoon, I asked Stella if she could spend a little extra time with me to show me how to fight as a wolf. I explained what had happened, probably unnecessarily, since Kaden seemed to share everything with her and had probably informed her of what had happened, blow-by-blow. Except for the part when he'd licked my naked body. I had a feeling that was something he wouldn’t share with anyone.

“I guess it’s too late to tell you to take it slow since we have a new problem on our hands,” Stella said. “I’ll have to get it approved, of course, but I can show you some basic stuff today.”

“Good luck,” I said. “I can’t seem to pin Kaden down long enough to exchange a word with him. He even has Clayton doing my combat training now. If I didn’t know any better, I'd say he’s avoiding me.”

“He’s just preparing,” she said. “There’s a lot to get ready now that we know the Aries pack is hunting us. Two shifters got away, the one who charged you, and the one you injured. I’m sure they’re telling the Leo pack our general location as we speak.”

I sighed. That was my fault. And maybe Stella was right, and Kaden was too busy with ‘alpha things’ to keep training someone who wasn’t even part of his pack, who'd put everyone in it in danger. But I couldn't ignore that his disappearance coincided very helpfully with the fact that we’d almost kissed—and that he’d likely smelled the same desire from me, but this time directed toward him.

Over the next few days, I avoided thinking about it as much as possible. Stella taught me ways to fight as a wolf, and I spent time practicing moving between patches of moonlight every evening. I wanted to make sure I would never find myself helpless or powerless again. I was evolving, and some primal part of me was fiercely proud of the rapid changes I was going through. I would never be at anyone’s mercy again.

Clayton was a much better teacher than Kaden, objectively. He gave out praise and didn’t borderline insult me, but I missed Kaden’s training anyway. It wasn’t that I had anything against Clayton, quite the opposite. Since the barbecue, he’d almost been like a friend. But he wasn’t Kaden, and I missed the physical proximity our training had brought us.

Changes started happening around town, as well. All entrances and exits of the town were guarded twenty-four seven. Everyone seemed to be on high alert, gazes focused on the forest, and all of the children were accompanied by adults everywhere they went. I was also on guard and kept telling myself that when I was scanning the crowds, it wasn’t for Kaden, but for threats.

Really, the disappearing act he’d done was impressive. If I ever found him, I’d ask him how he learned to do it just so I could use that trick myself. The only plus side was that I wasn’t having any inappropriate dreams about Kaden anymore.

Now it was the night of the full moon, which Stella had been hyping up for days beforehand. I could feel it, the change in the air, and felt the same thrill of excitement that filled Stella’s voice whenever she talked about it. This was the first full moon I’d experience after having my wolf unlocked, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. Would I finally see Kaden again tonight?

I headed downstairs at sunset and found Stella already waiting for me. She wore a sexy little red dress that showed off her long legs, and her eyes were especially bright. She'd told me to wear something cute too, and I'd opted for a light, breezy sundress that brushed against my skin as I walked.

"All ready for the full moon party?" she asked. “I have to warn you, it can get pretty rowdy."

I glanced down at my dress, wondering if I was underdressed...or overdressed. "How so?"

"Emotions run high during a full moon and there's always a lot of fighting at these things...and a lot of sex."

I grinned at her. "Is that why you're dressed up? Hoping to get lucky?"

She grinned back and gave me a wink. "Hey, just because I haven't found my mate yet doesn't mean I can't have a little fun, right?"

"Should I be worried? Is it like a full-out orgy all over the forest?"

"No, not really," she said with a laugh. "Not this time, anyway. Nine months before the Ophiuchus sign is in power is when our females go into heat, so around mid-March. Now that's like one big orgy, but it’s not the right time of year, thank goodness.”

“The Cancer pack used to have full moon events. I was never invited, though. I’m not sure I’m welcome tonight either.” Since I still wasn’t part of the pack, I didn’t know if I was even allowed to attend. I frowned as I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and downed it. I was so eager to prove myself to the pack, but this would probably be one of the things Kaden wouldn’t allow.

“Of course you’re welcome,” Stella said. “Right, Kaden?”

If I’d had any more water in my mouth, I probably would have spit it out. I hadn’t even heard Kaden come in, but when I turned toward the back doorway, Kaden was looming in it. My heart rate soared as I looked him over. He looked incredibly delectable for some reason I couldn't put a finger on, and I wanted to lick his jawline, to see if he tasted as good too. I sucked in a breath and glanced away quickly before I had any more of those thoughts.

“Fine,” Kaden said. “As long as you behave yourself.” He walked back outside, and I wondered why he'd even come to the kitchen in the first place. Maybe he was avoiding me.

Elizabeth Briggs's Books