Midnight Lily(39)

Watching her writhe in pleasure had practically undone me. I put one hand behind her knee and pulled her leg up, opening her to me. "Guide me in," I said. "I won't go deeper unless you tell me to."

She lifted her head and wrapped her fingers around me and lined me up at her entrance. Then she lay back and looked up into my eyes as I pushed just the head of my penis inside, hissing out at the tight clamp of her body. "Jesus, Lily," I said. "You feel so good."

"More," she said, and a shiver ran down my spine as I pushed inside.

"That okay?" I choked out. I wanted to pound myself inside her so badly I was aching, desperate. She nodded her head, but her expression had become pained.

"More," she said, but there was an edge of hesitation in her voice. When I didn't move, she repeated the word with more force. "More."

I breathed deeply for a second, lowering my face to the crook of her neck and then with one swift motion, I pushed all the way inside her, growling with the intense, gripping pleasure, pinpoints of light bursting before my eyes.

Lily's body went rigid, and when I lifted my head she was biting her lip, and there were tears in her eyes. "That's the worst of it," I said. "I promise. I'll make it better now, okay? Trust me?"

Her eyes met mine and there, joined with her, the moment felt profound. It felt more than physical. It felt like our hearts were joined, too. I'd never experienced this before. Never. "Yes," she whispered again, touching my face very gently. "Yes, Boy Scout, I trust you." My heart squeezed as I felt her body relax. I understood the gift she was giving me—not just her body, but her open trust, her willingness to be so vulnerable. Though instinct was instructing me to thrust and pound, I moved slowly, gently, letting her body grow accustomed to mine.

"Better?" I asked. "Okay?"

She nodded. "Yes, better. That feels nice." And I began to move, in and out, her body wrapped so tightly around me, I thought I'd die of pleasure. "I love you," I chanted. "I love you." I did, I loved her. I had never loved anyone like I loved Lily, and I knew I never would.

"I love you, too," she whispered into my ear. I felt the wetness of her tears on my cheek and wondered why she was crying, hoping it was because of the intensity of this experience. "I love you, Boy Scout."

Thrusting into her once more, my abdomen tightened, and I pressed deeply as my body shuddered in release, the pleasure spreading from my cock, down my thighs and all the way to my toes. "I love you," I said again, circling my hips to milk the pleasure and then stilling. "I love you."

I burrowed my face into the side of her neck, inhaling her sweet scent, as her hands moved caressingly over my back, her fingers stilling here and there as she traced a scar, circling her finger around a small one on my shoulder blade that I couldn't remember how I'd gotten. My brain felt cloudy with happiness and pleasure. Smiling and kissing up her still-wet jaw, I ended at her lips. She was smiling, too. She tasted both salty and sweet.

"Lily of the Night," I whispered. "My Lily of the Night. Are you okay?"

She smiled sweetly at me and nodded. I kissed her one last time before I pulled out of her and she yelped softly.

"I know. I don't like that part either," I said. I made a quick trip to the bathroom where I flushed the condom and returned to bed.

I lay back down and pulled Lily to me, hugging her against my body. She was soft, and sweet, and warm. "Will you come home with me?"

"We are at your home," she said distractedly, running a fingertip around my nipple, watching as it hardened beneath her touch. I shivered.

"No, my real home. I don't mean tomorrow. I mean in a couple weeks. Once I'm . . . feeling better. Will you come back to San Francisco with me?"

She was quiet for a moment, her finger stilling. "I can't. My mother . . ." A slight look of confusion crossed her beautiful features, but then it disappeared, making me wonder if I'd just imagined it.

"Your mother could come with us. Hell, I'll buy your mother her own house."

She smiled. "She'd never allow that. It's just not possible."

I tilted my head to look down at her. "Lily, she can't expect you to live on the edge of the woods for the rest of your life. What kind of life do you really have out here?"

"You don't know what my life is like," she said, her voice sounding harder. "Not really."

I sighed. The last thing I wanted to do was fight with her or push her after what we'd just done. "I know. I just mean . . . aren't you lonely?"

She hesitated before answering. "Yes. Sometimes. But not tonight." She snuggled closer, covering a small yawn. "Hold me." I pulled her tighter, kissing her head. We would talk about this in a couple days when I'd gone through the worst of the withdrawals. My body tensed at the thought alone. Here we go again. But I'd worry about that tomorrow. Tonight I had Lily. I fell asleep holding her in my arms, the smell of us bringing me happiness and comfort.

At some point in the middle of the night, I woke up to hear her whimpering softly and pulled her to me more tightly. "Shh," I crooned. "You're just dreaming."

"Don't leave me," she murmured, a note of fearful distress in her sleepy tone.

"Lily," I said, shaking her a bit. "Wake up, you're dreaming."

Mia Sheridan's Books