Make Me Yours(72)

I put my shoulder to the wall right beside the door and sneak a peek through the shade. My breath catches, and I drop the knife when I see Remi standing there.

He’s steps from the door on the porch, and his hand is behind his neck. He looks like he might have jogged over here. He’s all sweaty and sexy, and my mind flies to that night in the kitchen when he kissed me.

Grab the reins, Ruby.

Turning the lock, I open the door for him, scooting the knife out of sight with my foot. “Remi? What are you doing here?”

More importantly, who’s watching Lillie?

His pretty eyes lighten when he sees me, and he takes a half-step forward. “Hey.” His voice is slightly breathless and so sexy. “Sorry for just barging over. I was thinking I should have texted first or something. I hope I didn’t scare you.”

“Oh, no. Why should I be scared in Oakville?” I do a fake chuckle. So fake.

“I was just thinking about yesterday and Friday and how everything went down.” He clears his throat. “So much shit was happening from the gala to the ketchup scare to the moving out business. I think we had a massive miscommunication.”

I shift on my bare feet, crossing my arms at my waist. Remi’s eyes flicker down to my breasts, and the way his lips press together makes my panties hot. It’s like he’s thinking about kissing me… And my whole entire body wants that to happen. Yes, please.

“A miscommunication?” I focus my brain.

“I’m sorry for not realizing how that extra money made you feel. In no way did I think of it as any sort of payment for your time… I just wanted to do something nice for you.”

His eyes are pained, and I can tell he’s struggling with getting this right. It melts my heart to see him so sincere.

“Apology accepted.” My voice is quiet, and I give him a little smile.

“Ruby…” He steps forward on that nugget of encouragement. “I came here to ask you… Would you consider going out with me?”

“Like on a date?”

“Yes. Go to dinner with me.”

I rub my forehead, trying to think. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

His expression collapses, and I see something like frustration and anger bubbling beneath the surface. It’s a teensy bit scary and a whole lot sexy.

“Why not?”

“First, don’t shout at me… Second, why do you think I moved out?”

“I didn’t shout.” His jaw is clenched, and he’s a little growly. “I thought you moved out so we could date without people making rude insinuations—because you care what these assholes think, and I don’t.”


“I moved out because too many lines were getting crossed. Things were getting muddled, and you have a little girl to consider.”

He exhales deeply and turns, looking out at the street a moment before turning back to me. “So you’re saying you won’t date me while you’re Lillie’s nanny?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Is that a no? Is that really what you want, Ruby?” The crack in his voice breaks my heart.

“Not really… I just. I think it’s too soon to have this conversation. I think we need to give it some time.” My hand is on my stomach, and I instinctively rub the pain there. “When I started you said you needed to focus on your work. Maybe we both need to take a step back and think about what we really want.”

His arms drop, and he pivots toward the street. “I have to go. I was just out jogging, and I needed to say these things. I wanted to be sure you know how I feel.”

“Who’s watching Lillie?”

“Eleanor’s at the house. I expect she’ll want to leave when I get back.”

Nodding, I swallow the lump in my throat. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Afternoon.” He does a little wave and jogs off into the night.

I stand and watch him go until I can’t see him anymore. Then I slowly close the door and pick up the knife. I’m not in the mood for black beans anymore.



I pick up Lillie in the car line for the first time ever since I’ve been her nanny. Not because I don’t want to face the Mean Moms—I’m not that big of a wuss—but because I got a text from Drew as I was leaving the house.

Dotty’s neighbor has free puppies. Miniature Schnoodles!

Just reading the word makes my insides feel happy. I can’t resist texting back, Bless you! Now, Miniature whats?

Her reply is the laugh-crying emoji, and I’m bouncing in my seat waiting for Lillie. I called the school and asked them to send her to the car line, and while I’m waiting, I shoot a quick text to Remi. Important errand to run. Taking Lillie with me. Exciting day!

Remi texts me back with the okay just as the back door opens and Lillie climbs in with all her things. She looks a little sleepy, and I reach back to hold her hand.

“How are you doing, butter bean? Feeling tired?” She does a little shrug, and I can’t stand it anymore. “Want to go look at some puppies with me?”

That changes everything. “For me?”

“What if…” I turn the car toward Dotty’s house. “What if I get a puppy for you, and it lives at my house?”

Tia Louise's Books