Love in the Light (Hearts in Darkness, #2)(50)

Walking beside Caden after so long apart, that night seemed like it’d happened a million years before.

Laughter and trash talk spilled out of a room off to the left. Having been to the station before, Makenna knew it was the kitchen and dining room. A quick peek in as they passed it revealed that the table was full, and all the guys had plates of food in front of them. She caught Bear’s eye as she and Caden walked by.

“I’m sorry I interrupted your dinner,” she said, peering up at Caden.

“Don’t be,” he said in a quiet voice.

At the end of the hall, they turned to the right. “Let’s, uh, let’s go in here,” he said, pushing a door open for her. He flicked on the light, revealing two rows of bunk beds along the walls, all neatly made.

The door shut, closing them in together.

Makenna’s heart tripped into a sprint.

Caden’s gaze raked over her and finally settled on her face, his eyes filled with an intensity she didn’t understand. “You look really great, Makenna.”

“Uh, thanks,” she said, the compliment catching her off guard. “You look good, too. Better.” Better than before, she thought, but she didn’t want to get caught up in talking about the past when what she needed to discuss with him was the future. “So—”

“Did you have a good Christmas?” he asked, stepping a little closer.

She tilted her head, trying to read him. “Um. Sure. I went home to Philly. It was…it was nice.”

On top of the awkwardness, an odd tension filled the space between them, like they were magnets that didn’t know whether they were supposed to attract or repel.

Because the attraction was definitely there—at least for her. Her body was hyperaware of his. How much taller than her he was. How close he stood. How broad his chest was. How his hands fisted and his jaw ticked.

He reached out and fingered the end of her hair, then seemed to think better of it and pulled his hand away. “Your hair’s gotten longer.”

The fleeting touch had Makenna’s heart pounding in her chest. Desire and yearning roared through her, and she didn’t know whether to be annoyed at herself for responding that way or climb him. Or both.

“Yeah,” she managed. “I just haven’t gotten around to it.” She shrugged, because why they were talking about her hair, she wasn’t sure. “Look, Caden,” she said, wanting to take control of things. “I need to—”

Dooodo, dooodo, dooodo

The tones of the station alerting system sounded loudly in the small space and blue and red lights on the ceiling started flashing—the color combination communicated that they had a fire and medical call. Caden had taught her that the first time she’d visited there. The dispatcher’s voice spilled from a speaker in the ceiling with the details of the call.

“Shit,” Caden said, his face going serious but his eyes filled with something that looked a lot like disappointment. “I’m really sorry, but I gotta go.”

Makenna’s stomach fell. “I know,” she said. “Duty calls.”

“I’d rather stay and talk to you,” he said, stepping closer, so close that she could’ve leaned forward and his chest would’ve easily cushioned her weight. “I don’t know how long I’ll be. This day has been a bear, and the freezing rain we’re supposed to get tonight probably means more of the same,” he rushed out.

She caught the scent of his clean, crisp aftershave. “Will you promise to call me? When you have time to talk. As soon as you can?” Makenna nailed him with a stare.

Heated brown eyes blazed down at her—or maybe that was her projecting what she felt and what she wished. “I’m on tomorrow, too, but I can promise that.”

“I mean it, Caden,” she said.

And then he stole her breath. He cupped the back of her head in his hand and pressed a kiss to her forehead, then one to her cheek. He nuzzled the side of her face. “I promise,” he said.

Oh God. His heat, his touch, this confusing moment of bliss. It ended in an instant.

“I’m sorry. You know your way out, yeah?” he said, already opening the door.

Stunned, all Makenna could do was nod. “Be careful,” she called.

But he was already gone.

And Makenna had no idea how to interpret what’d just happened.


Fuck. Fuckf*ckf*ck.

That was the general tenor of Caden’s thoughts as he and his partner pulled out of the bay in response to the call. He couldn’t believe…so much. That Makenna had come to see him. That he’d had her right there in front of him. And that they’d been interrupted before he could say even one of the things that needed to be said.

And before she could tell him why she’d come. Curiosity curled through his gut. Why had she come to see him? After all this time? He was dying to know, but wasn’t sure what the next thirty-six hours of his double shift might entail for him given the shit show bad weather usually created. And he didn’t want to leave anything up to chance. Glad he wasn’t driving for this one, he pulled out his phone and shot off a text.

It was damn good to see you, Red. Do you maybe want to get together Friday night to talk? I’m serious about keeping my promise.

Not just the one he’d made to call her, but the one he’d made to himself to live with no regrets.

Laura Kaye's Books