Love in the Light (Hearts in Darkness, #2)(54)


Caden was climbing the walls. Once they’d reached the emergency department, the staff had made him wait while Makenna was triaged and treated. But there was one thing he could do to fill the crawling time. Her family needed to know what’d happened.

At Thanksgiving, Caden and Patrick had exchanged information. He found her brother’s number and waited as it rang.

“Patrick James here,” he answered.

“Patrick, it’s Caden Grayson, Makenna’s—”

“I know who you are, Caden.” The ice in the other man’s tone made it crystal clear that Patrick knew what’d gone down between him and Makenna. “To what do I owe the call?”

“Makenna was in an accident. She’s stable but in the hospital. Came in by ambulance fifteen minutes ago,” Caden said, hating to be the bearer of this news when he knew how close Patrick and Makenna were.

“Fuck,” Patrick said. “What happened? Is she injured? How’s the baby?”

Patrick knowing about the baby made Caden feel grateful that Makenna hadn’t been dealing with that all on her own. Caden should’ve been there, but at least she’d had her family. “She was semi-conscious and banged up when she came in but her injuries weren’t serious, although they haven’t determined the baby’s condition yet. Ten-car pile-up on Interstate 66. Makenna’s Prius got flipped over a guard rail and overturned.” Caden scrubbed his hand over his scar as he paced in the busy waiting room.

“I’m going to get the family together and we’ll get down there as fast as we can. Where are you?” Patrick asked. Caden gave him the hospital information, and then Patrick said, “Thanks for calling me, Caden. I appreciate it. But I need you to be prepared to answer some questions for me when we get Makenna squared away. You hearing me?”

“A hundred percent. I’ll be happy to tell you anything you want to know,” Caden said. “I love her, Patrick. I f*cked up, but I love her.”

A long pause, and then, “We’ll see you soon.” Patrick hung up.

Caden couldn’t spare any worry for the James men’s reactions to him, not when every cell in his body agonized over what was going on with Makenna. Besides, any anger they bore toward him he’d earned with his mistakes. So he understood that he’d have to work to earn back their trust. He’d be f*cking happy to grovel to anyone who wanted that from him if it would make Makenna and their baby okay.

Their baby. Every time he thought about Makenna’s pregnancy, the wonder of it smacked him upside the head anew. Sheer awe lit up his chest. There was fear inside him, too, he wasn’t going to deny that. Fear for this little, vulnerable life, maybe struggling to survive. Fear that he would be responsible for protecting and guiding that life. Fear of the million unknowns that could rain down on you at absolutely any moment.

As tonight proved.

But the wonder, the awe, the light—the love—all of it was so much bigger than the fear. So much more powerful. It was the fiery brightness of the sun against the cool glow of the moon.

No matter what happened, Caden had a family. Right this very minute. For the first time in over fourteen years.

And he wanted that family more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life.

“Makenna James family?” a blond-haired woman wearing scrubs called from the doors to the emergency department.

Caden rushed over. “I’m her boyfriend,” he said. The word was so f*cking inadequate compared to what she was to him—his everything.

The doctor guided him inside past patients waiting in cubicles, on gurneys, and in chairs. “I’m Dr. Ellison. Makenna’s awake and stable. She’s cramping a little and the baby’s heartrate is elevated, but otherwise the baby seems to be fine. The next twelve to twenty-four hours will give us more information.” They turned a corner into a hallway with curtained rooms. “She needs an X-ray on her hand and a CT scan for the head injury. We’ve got those orders in, but radiology’s backed up so we’re in a holding pattern. Hopefully it won’t be too long.” The doctor stopped at the edge of a curtain. “Any questions?”

Only about a million, but none that he needed the doctor to answer. “No, thanks.”

With a nod, Dr. Ellison drew back the striped curtain and stepped into the small room. And there was his Makenna, bandaged and bruised with IVs protruding from her hand, but alive and awake. And without question the most beautiful thing Caden Grayson had ever seen in his life.


Makenna felt like she was moving slower than everything around her, or maybe that was just the pain meds they’d given her. Sounds came as if from a distance. The walls seemed a little wavy. Her limbs were like lead.

The curtain to her room suddenly opened and the doctor walked in…with Caden!

“Makenna,” Dr. Ellison said, “I have Caden here for you. I’ve updated him on your condition. We’re just waiting on radiology, okay?” The woman patted Makenna’s arm.

“Okay,” Makenna said in a weak voice, her gaze glued to Caden. He wore his uniform, his coat dirty with mud and blood here and there. “Thank you.”

“Press the call button if either of you need anything,” Dr. Ellison said, and then she was gone.

Caden shrugged out of his coat and dropped it on a chair, and then it was like he was stuck there at the edge of the room. She ached for him to come to her, but all she could manage was his name before she started crying. “Caden…”

Laura Kaye's Books