Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #7)(55)
“Hey, man.”
“King Brayden,” he says with a bow, “to what do I owe the honor of your presence?”
“Cut the bullshit and just call me Bray. If you bow again, I’ll tackle you into the water.”
“I’d love to see you try.”
“Is that what we need to do, fight it out? Because I’ll do whatever it takes to show you I’m sorry. I know you weren’t pretending to be my friend. I knew it then, too, I just let my pride get in the way.”
“Hurt pride can be a bitch. I know. My pride got a little hurt, too. And as much as I’d love to wrestle with you, I have a date later, and I don’t feel like showering again.”
“Rain check?” I ask.
“Most definitely. So what’s up?”
“I’ll tell you, but then we’ve got to talk about your girl. And your fancy new job.”
“Do you remember when you asked me if I would give up my kingdom for your sister?”
“I believe I asked you that several times.”
“You did. And tomorrow, I’m going to do it.”
He searches my eyes, and his go wide. “You’re serious.”
“I’ve talked to my family already.”
“You’ve always wanted to be King of Cyndryann.”
“I want you sister more. This is apparently my only choice since the members of Parliament have told me they won’t change the law.”
“Can you even do it?”
“I looked it up, and yes, I can. If someone else is available to take my place.”
“My sister’s going to freak.”
“I’m hoping to get some help from her friends, so that she doesn’t see the news until I’m already in Las Vegas and have started Phase 2 of my plan.”
“Phase 2?”
“Yep. My kingdom isn’t enough for your sister. I need to woo her, and pass some tests in order to be worthy of her love.”
“You gonna slay a dragon or some shit like that?”
“If there was one around, I would. But no, I thought I’d master some things that would impress her and show her I can live as a normal American citizen. Jen’s coming over to help me finish the list with you.”
“This could go so well, or so terribly wrong. I’ll have to make sure Ainsley captures it all on tape.”
“Yeah, yeah. Now let’s talk about this village girl, and your new job with my restoration company.”
“I believe it is Steven’s company now.”
“Tomorrow it’ll be his company. And I’ll still be a prince, *.”
“Hey honeys, I’m home,” Jen yells, causing us both to burst out laughing. She’s been watching too many old American TV shows. She’d never fit in there. At least not without some help.
By the time we finish my list, Noah has to leave for his date, so we don’t get much more time to talk. We’re okay, though. You don’t give up being best friends after ten years just because one of you does something stupid. Or at least we don’t.
I called Matt when I saw something interesting pop-up on the Corrigan & Co. website while I was online. We have a meeting set for tomorrow. I think my list is pretty good, too. We all looked up stuff on the internet, and chose what seemed best, or most romantic. I’m going to add some things when I meet up with the guys in Vegas—Noah contacted Nate, and he promised to help me and said he thinks everyone else will want to as well. Now, I just need to give up my throne, and honestly, that’s going to be the easiest thing to do.
Brayden’s List of Tasks to Impress Darcy (and prove he can be a normal American man):
1. Give up the throne (probably the easiest one of all)
2. Win a game of Call of Duty (Nate, Aiden, Jake & Matt will help)
3. Make Darcy a meal (cooking lesson with Gavin)
4. Make Darcy a cake (Jen says girls love a guy who can bake. Help TBD)
5. Get a job (meeting with Matt to discuss)
6. Serenade her publicly (Okay, this has to be lip synch because I don’t want to scare the children)
7. Master an American sport (Zack=American football, Miles Corrigan=baseball, Luke Griffin=hockey. I have to be good at one. Right?)
8. Learn how to be a cowboy (Caleb)
9. Remind her that we’re already married, and ask her again with a special ring.
10. Other tasks to be added once I meet with the American guys!
* * *
“Ainsley, there seems to be something wrong with my internet and my TV. Nothing’s been working since I woke up. I thought it was just at home, but I can’t get online here at the office, either.”
“Oh yeah. I’m working on a few things. I should be done soon.”
“Okay,” I tell her, thinking about how weird this is. We’ve never lost everything while she’s working on one of her projects. I guess it is best that it’s happening now, while no one’s on a mission and we’re all here at the Foundation. We can just find each other for anything we need. Still weird, though.
An hour later, there’s a knock at my door. I look up to see everyone—and I do mean, everyone—walking into my office. “Um, hi. Is there a meeting or something I don’t know about?”