Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #7)(60)
“I wouldn’t call it that. Maybe interesting is a good word.”
“The cake should taste great since I didn’t make it. Doreen didn’t want me to burn the place down.”
“It looks like you tried to make it,” she says motioning to my clothes and apron, trying to hold back a smile.
“Yeah. I tried.”
“Then it’s the best cake I’ve ever gotten. Thanks for making it for me.”
I smile at my girl. “You’re welcome.”
Maybe I didn’t exactly pass the test I set for myself, but I still won.
Chapter 23
4. Get a job
5. Serenade her publicly.
I can only imagine what Brayden’s going to come up with next. And wonder if it’s going to mean a trip to the hospital for him—or someone else. The cake wasn’t horrible—okay, maybe it was a little bit horrible—but at least nothing burned down. He hasn’t given me any kind of hint about what’s next to come, and I’m a little nervous.
My friends convinced me that we needed a night out at Karaoke Q, and so here I am, eating Korean food and getting buzzed on sake. Nate and Jade arrive, and he tries to sit next to me, but I put my hand on the chair. “Your week’s not up.”
“You’re a cold-hearted bitch, Darce.”
“That’s why you love me.”
The music stops and we all turn to see who’s up next. A man—it’s very clearly a man, even though his back is turned—dressed as Cyndi Lauper from the 80s, wig included, is getting ready to perform. The opening music for True Colors begins, and he turns. Oh my f*cking God. It’s Brayden. He starts to lip synch instead of sing, but just wow. My mouth drops open as my friends start to holler.
“This. This right here is why he’s the shit,” Owen Griffin says. “You go man. Let your freak flag fly.”
“He’s won. The man has won it all. Everything,” Audrey responds.
“Stella,” I say.
“Yes, Darcy?”
“That is so you up there on the stage.”
“I may have had something to do with the hair, makeup, and clothing choices. Now shut up and let him serenade you.”
It hits me then that that’s exactly what’s happening. He’s serenading me. Oh God. It’s both hilarious and romantic at the same time. He starts walking towards me, and I can’t help but smile at him. As he sits down on my lap—yes, people, he really does that—and caresses my face while singing, I blush and sing along. It’s pretty freaking epic.
* * *
7. Master an American sport
Miles has apparently been working with Brayden, teaching him how to play baseball like a pro. Well, I’ve heard he’s far from pro status, but they’re going to let him throw out the first pitch at the local baseball game tonight. It works out perfectly since Storyside is singing the National Anthem. Everyone is here for the show, even the mentors.
Brayden is practicing his pitch on the side of the dugout. He’s away from where the real pitchers are, but I think he may be a little too close to the guys warming up their arms by swinging their bats. I’m worried that he’ll get hit, but what happens next is…well, I have no sufficient words for what it is.
Right as Brayden throws, the player closest to him swings his bat around. They connect and the ball flies at full speed towards Storyside as they walk out onto the field. It takes everyone a moment to notice and then they yell, but it’s too late. That ball hits Wayne square on his forehead and he goes down hard.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. That boy went right down,” says the lady sitting next to me in the private box. A close-up of Wayne pops up on the screen and her tone changes. “Oh. He’s hot. Do you think he needs mouth to mouth?”
I fall out of my chair laughing. I can’t help it. It was funny enough seeing Wayne just tip over, but this cougar next to me just sent me over the edge of sanity. Oh dear God. My boyfriend is seriously going to be the end of us all, and here I am laughing. I can’t help it, though. Mallory is looking down at me like I’m a crazy person, and maybe I am, but that was funny as hell.
* * *
Oh f*ck, I think I just killed Wayne. I mean, it wasn’t me. I wasn’t the batter. Who the hell am I kidding? It’s me. I’m the menace. The cursed one.
I run over to him, and get there just as he is struggling to sit up. I thought he was knocked out, but I think he was maybe just resting. I’d rest, too, if a ball hit me at around a hundred miles an hour. I step back as his eyes meet mine.
“You? You did this? What the ever loving f*ck, man? Did your cousin put you up to this? Or was it just another of your hare-brained schemes gone wrong?”
“Jen had nothing to do with this, I swear. It was an accident.”
“You seem to have a lot of those,” Gary Griffin tells me. “More than any human being should be allowed to have. Maybe you need a companion. Like a sober companion, but for you it would be an accident companion.”
“I don’t need a companion. I just need to be able to do something right.”
I look around, and my eyes land on Ryan Griffin. I smile, and he looks horrified and starts backing up. “No. Uh-uh. Fuck to the no. All I need is for you to bring one of my buildings crashing to the ground.”