Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #7)(61)
“Isn’t that a little harsh, Ry?” his brother, Luke, asks him.
“In regards to him? No. I think I’m being nice.”
“I’ve got a replacement task for you. It’s one you’ll enjoy, and no one else will be injured by it. At least they shouldn’t be,” Miles tells me. His smile is a little too calculated, but beggars can’t be choosers.
* * *
8. Miles’ addition to the list
“Knock, knock,” Ellie says, walking into my office.
“Hey, El, what’s up?”
“I thought you should know that Brayden’s in the cafeteria, holding court with a bunch of the women who work here.”
“Foundation here, or C&C here?”
“C&C. He’s, well, he’s flirting pretty hard.”
“Are you f*cking kidding me? He refuses to touch me, and he’s off flirting with some chicks?”
“Yeah, but I think it may be one of his test thingies.”
“How would flirting be a test to win me over?”
“I don’t know, but Miles looked like he was enjoying the show. Nate, Jake, and Aiden were laughing, too.”
“Idiots. They’re all a bunch of immature morons,” I say, practically running to the elevator.
Well, as fast as I can run in heels. I’ve been trying to look a little more ladylike, even though I know Brayden fell in love with me for who I am. Today I have on a fitted t-shirt over a black leather skirt that has layers of fringe. I turn into the cafeteria and it’s just like Ellie said.
Brayden’s in full on playboy mode, cocky smile and all. He’s not the one I’m here for, though. He may have been stupid enough to fall for whatever line he was fed, but I’m after the ringleader. Who just happens to be making it a little too easy for me.
Miles is laughing and leaning back in his chair when I tip it all the way back. He crashes to the floor and starts to say something. Until he’s sees that it’s me standing over him. The other guys quickly shut up, too. In fact, you can hear a pin drop in the cafeteria.
“It was a joke, DC. I mean, come on, you saw what he did on the baseball field. That’s my sacred place. I just wanted a little payback and he made it too easy.”
“Go take care of you man, Darcy. I’ll take care of my husband, or rather, I won’t be taking care of him,” Alex says, coming up beside me.
“What? Baby, come on. It was a harmless joke.”
“Shut up, Miles.”
I walk over to the table, noting that Brayden is looking a little green. “What did he say to you?”
“That American women like it when their man flirts with other girls because they like to know that he’s desirable.”
“And you believed him?”
“Have I ever given you the impression that I’d like to see you flirt with other women?”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be so uptight, and then he wouldn’t have to flirt with us.”
I start to turn towards the voice, but then stop myself. Instead, I take a deep breath and do something I’ve been wanting to do all week. Something that’s much better than punching a silly girl. I grab Brayden by his lapels, pull him to his feet, and then kiss the f*ck out of him. He tries not to react, but when I move my hands to his hair, he’s done fighting. He grabs my waist, and pulls me up against him, kissing me back like I knew he would. I kiss him for a good minute before pushing back just a little to whisper in his ear.
“Hurry up and finish these damn tests. My vibrator’s just not cutting it.”
“Yeah, that’s what I need, so please make it happen soon.”
“Just two more things,” he says, nodding. “It should be more since I keep failing, but my hand’s not cutting it either.”
I give him one more kiss, and then I walk out, making sure to give the guys a double one fingered salute on my way out. I love my boys, but they’re not doing me any favors lately. My girls—oh yeah, they’re rocking it, but the guys? Not so much.
* * *
9. Learn how to be a cowboy
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little scared of this next test. I know how to ride a horse, I mean I play polo for God’s sake. But cowboy style, while trying to rope a steer? Yeah, no. Where did Caleb even get a steer? He said he borrowed it, but isn’t that weird? I guess it’s just an American thing.
Tegan said if I was going to play cowboy, I had to look the part. I have on jeans, a checkered shirt, chaps, boots, spurs, and a cowboy hat. I thought it was a bit much, but she insisted, and there’s no arguing with any of these women when they set their mind to something. Caleb hands me my gloves as I climb onto the horse. I almost forgot those, which would have been very bad—rope burn is not fun. I know, because I’ve been practicing throwing the rope all week. Today is just the main event. Caleb thinks I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Which is probably not at all. Here goes nothing.
Caleb releases the steer, and then we’re off. Everything seems to be going well, and I swing the rope over my head at the same time he does. I even manage to get it over the head like I’m supposed to. That’s when everything goes to hell. While Caleb easily jumps off his horse and starts tying the steer’s legs, I somehow get my leg caught in my reins as I climb off and then I’m down. I roll away from my horse hooves, and almost get kicked by the steer. He realizes I’m no longer in control, and starts bucking.