Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #7)(54)
“So do you.”
“It’s not possible. You know that.”
“Laws can be changed.”
“I talked to the men of Parliament after she left today,” I say, noting the surprise on his face. “They said they would vote me down.”
“Damn those close-minded bastards.”
“That’s what I’m doing right now. Drinking myself into oblivion while damning them all to hell.”
“You could tell the people. They’d rally behind you.”
“Most of them would, yes, but the rest would fight against me. The country would be divided. All because of love.”
“There’s not much in this world that’s stronger than love, Brayden.”
“My parents didn’t marry for love.”
“No they didn’t, and your mother has never gotten over it. Your father was always kind to her, but they never fell in love.”
“Yet she wishes the same fate on me.”
“It’s all she knows. She’s a good woman, but she was born and raised on tradition.”
“She could still find love now that I’ve taken over. There’s no law saying she can’t remarry.”
“Perhaps you should remind her of that.”
“Yeah, I think I will. One of us should be happy.”
“How drunk are you?”
“Not nearly enough.”
“Good. Because I need you to think about your future. Think about being King and ruling with a woman you don’t love. And then think about having to fight for it, but ending up with Darcy by your side. Which do you really and truly want?”
“You didn’t even hesitate.”
“No, I didn’t,” I say, in surprise. “I’ve wanted to be King for as long as I can remember. But now I know it’s not important to me if she’s not by my side.”
“Then you have a decision to make. And maybe you’ll even get to marry her a second time.”
“A second time?”
“You had a nice little wedding when you were both five and we were visiting her family in America.”
My mouth drops open as I remember that day. I’d forgotten it, and forgotten that I’d ever met Darcy before. How I could ever forget the little girl who insisted I marry her to make her a princess is beyond me. But now I remember, and I know exactly what I’m going to do. It’s not what my uncle expects, but it’ll still have the same outcome.
Chapter 21
I wake up feeling happier than I have in a long time. I have a plan, and I just need to talk to everyone before I put it into motion. Well first, I need to look over some books in our library, and then I need to talk to everyone. I’m pretty sure I’m clear on the law, though.
After checking that I’m right, I start to make my rounds. I stop in to see my mother first. Her reaction is unexpected, but wonderful.
“I’m glad you’re following your heart.”
I tell her she should do the same, and then go to find my uncle.
“This is not what I was expecting when I talked to you last night.”
“I know, but will you do it?”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes. I love Darcy, and this gives me the chance to be with her.”
“Then yes, I’ll do it.”
“Thank you,” I say, pulling him into a hug.
I search out Jen next.
“This is the best news I’ve heard all year. Maybe in my entire life. Thank God you came to your senses.”
“So, you really hate the idea, huh?” I ask with a laugh.
She tosses a throw pillow at me. “Just go make it happen.”
“I have to wait until tomorrow to call Parliament into session. I have one more person to go see, though.”
“Are you going to apologize to him for being such an ass, too?”
She raises another pillow. “Okay. Yes. Yes, I’m going to apologize to Noah.”
“Thank you for bringing him to my coronation. You were right about me wanting him there once I stopped being my own worst enemy.”
“It meant a lot to him that he was there. Even after you sent his sister away in tears.”
“I’m hoping to have her crying in happiness soon.”
“When she sees the news, she’ll come running to you.”
“Nope. That’s not the plan. The news will be a big gesture, but then I need to earn her love by doing some other things.”
“What things?”
“Come to your house in an hour, and I’ll tell you and Noah. I have a partial list, but I’m open to suggestions.”
“Deal. Now go beg for your best friend back.”
“So bossy.”
“So cheeky.”
I shrug. “You wouldn’t want me any other way.”
“No, I really wouldn’t.”
I hurry to my final destination, driving only because I gave Jen an hour, and knowing her, she’ll interrupt even if I’m not done groveling. I head in the front gate, and then go around back. Jen said Noah’s probably on the beach, and she’s right. He’s standing near the water’s edge, looking out. I take off my shoes and socks and run out to join him.