Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #7)(53)
“You didn’t push. I’m the one who had my hands down your pants. I just can’t make love with you, and then leave again. And I can’t stay to be your secret lover while you look for a wife.”
“I’m not looking.”
“Maybe not right now, but we both know you’ll have to eventually. The longer this goes one, the harder it’ll be for both of us. I probably shouldn’t have even come, but I had to. I wanted to see you become King, and I was also a little afraid that your entire country would come after me if I didn’t make an appearance.”
“They love you. I love you. I’m so happy that you’re here.”
“I love you, too.”
We kiss one more time, and then I leave her alone. Walking away from her this time is harder than any other. Before there was a chance, even when I was throwing her out of the country. There was a chance that I could be man enough to fight for her. This time, we both know that I’m not. Even though I really, really want to be.
* * *
Last night I dressed for me, but today I’m dressed like a true lady. Stella helped me find a light blue dress that hits below my knee and is covered in lace on the top, sides, and back. I feel like I belong as I file into the cathedral. When I give my name, I’m escorted to the second row, where Noah is already sitting. Nate and Aiden take their places near a side door.
“Hey, Sis. I didn’t get to see you much last night. Brayden was hogging you.”
“It was the last night we’ll ever have together.”
“He could fight the law.”
“He told me he didn’t know if he would. I won’t force him to do something he’s not sure about. He’d resent me forever, even if he did want me. Once that crown is placed on his head, it’ll be over for us.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Me too.”
I hold my brother’s hand through the ceremony, using him like an anchor to hold me steady while I watch it all unfold. The pomp and circumstance is beautiful. Brayden is beautiful in his suit with the fur cape draped over him. He’s handed his scepter, and then the crown is lowered to his head by the Archbishop. As it’s settled there, his eyes find me, and I see the pain that mirrors mine. It’s only for a second, and then he’s looking away to smile for everyone else.
I have to go. I can’t stay here. It’s over. My God, I knew it was coming, but now that it’s here, I feel like I’m suffocating, or drowning. I stumble from the pew, as Noah follows me.
“Get me out of here, I need to get out of here,” I whisper to Aiden and Nate.
Nate immediately pushes open the side door, and I practically run to the SUV that’s waiting for us. The driver gets the door open, and then I’m inside curling myself into the seat. Noah, Aiden, and Nate follow me inside, and try to calm me down.
“I knew…I mean I knew…but I thought…I wanted…he didn’t choose me…I wanted him to choose me.”
My body is wracked by sobs, and I can hear them trying to reassure me that he loves me, that he’ll come to his senses, but I block it all out. I just want to go home. I need to be far, far away from this place, and that man. The King of Cyndryann.
When we get to the airport, I can barely stand because I’m shaking so hard. Nate swoops me up into his arms as the car door shields me from the press, both local and international. Someone must have seen us leave, and now they’re swarming the airfield. Noah kisses the top of my head and makes me promise to call him once I land. I squeeze his hand and then we’re off.
Aiden takes out his gun and waves it around as Nate runs with me in his arms. We’re up the steps and into the plane in less than a minute, but I know they’ll be hundreds of pictures of me being carried in my best friend’s arms while I hid my tear stained face in his shoulder. Just another thing to look forward to.
* * *
Almost everyone has left the church when I see Noah re-entering it. He’s alone, which makes me nervous. I thought Darcy was with him.
“Noah,” I say, approaching him. “Where’s Darcy.”
“She’s gone.”
“Yes. Gone. Her plane is already off the ground.”
“She didn’t stay to see me?”
“She couldn’t. Once the crown went on your head, she knew it was really over.”
“I never lied to her.”
“No. I’ll give you that. You always told her—and me—that you wouldn’t chose her over your kingdom. That doesn’t mean she didn’t still hope you’d choose her.”
I close my eyes and try to breathe normally. I had hoped I’d choose her, too. But I didn’t, and now we both have to live with my choice. And I have to live with myself after hurting her yet again.
Later that night, I’m drinking my fifth—or is it my sixth—glass of scotch when my uncle enters the room. “Anything good on television?” he asks, motioning to the screen, where I have an image of Darcy being carried into her plane by Nate frozen on the screen.
“Just broken hearts, and a king whose country hates him.”
“They don’t hate you, they’re just disappointed.”
“They want Darcy.”