Fatal Reckoning (Fatal #14)(72)

“I still have a lot to be thankful for, especially a husband who understands me better than anyone ever has.” She leaned in to kiss his chest and breathe him in. “And who smells so good he makes me want to do wicked things to him.”

“Don’t let me stop you.”

Smiling at his witty reply, she kissed a path down his chest to the abdomen that rippled with tight muscles. Her hair slid over the rigid length of his cock.



“Quit torturing me.”

“And do what?”

He made a sound that was a cross between a groan and a grunt.

Smiling, she skimmed her lips over the steely length of his erection, drawing a hissing sound from him as he palmed the back of her head, encouraging without pressuring. Always the consummate gentleman, even in the throes of desire. Sam decided to take mercy on him, wrapping her lips around the wide head and sucking.

His fingers tangled into her hair, his hips lifting in a silent plea for more, which she gave him, lashing him with her tongue and taking him as far as she could, letting her throat close around him the way she only ever had for him. Before him, this act had been about obligation and fair play. With him, it was about trying to give him a fraction of the pleasure he gave her.

“Sam…” He gave her hair a gentle tug. “Babe… Let’s do this together.”

She took her sweet time releasing him from her mouth and then looked up to find him watching her with a fierce, sexy expression. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe all that was for her. Then he reached for her, brought her into his embrace and fell back on the double lounge chair, bringing her with him.

He smoothed the hair back from her face. “Hi there.”

“Hi yourself.”

“You sure know how to drive me crazy.”

“I speak Nick.”


She laughed and gazed at him greedily, taking in every detail of the olive-toned skin, hazel eyes, thick eyelashes and sexy lips.


“I was just thinking that only you could make me laugh and forget the shitstorm swirling all around me.”

“I wish I could make it better for you somehow.”

“You are. This is helping.”

“Let me see what I can do to further distract you.” He rolled them so he was on top and kissed her.

Sam wrapped her arms and legs around him, losing herself to him and the magic they created together. Nothing else could compare to this, she thought as he tugged her nipple into the heat of his mouth. “Nick.” She squirmed under him, trying to move things along, even knowing how he hated to be rushed.

“You aren’t being impatient, are you?”

“Yes, I am.”

“And what is it that my baby wants?”

“You. Only you.” She pressed her pelvis against his cock. “Right now.”

He surprised her when he gave her exactly what she’d asked for in one long, deep stroke that filled her so perfectly. “Like that?”

“Yes,” she said, gasping. “Just like that.” She held on tight to him as he moved in her.

Then he repositioned her, raising her hips and hitting a spot deep inside her.

Sam cried out and held on tighter to him as he reached down to where they were joined to coax her to an orgasm that crashed over her like huge waves hitting the beach.

He was right there with her, his fingers digging into her hip and shoulder as he let himself go, sagging into her embrace afterward.

Sam ran her fingers through his hair, which was damp with sweat. Even when sweaty, he still smelled delicious to her.

“Am I crushing you?”

“Nope. Feels good.”

“Everything about this feels good.”

“I just want you to know… I wouldn’t be able to deal with this without you and our family to prop me up.”

“We’ll always be right here for you. I just wish there was more I could do to help you through it. I know what a tough loss this is for you.”

“I keep thinking I dreamed it, you know? That he’s not really gone, that none of it actually happened.”

“The suddenness of it makes it harder to accept. Someone at work today said that’s better for him but harder for those left behind.”

“I guess.” She yawned and her eyes suddenly felt heavy.

“Let’s get you to bed.” Nick pushed himself up on his arms and withdrew from her. He picked up the robe from the foot of the bed and held it for her.

Sam dragged herself off the comfortable mattress and let him wrap the robe around her. As much as she’d prefer to stay put, they needed to be able to hear the twins if they woke up in the night. It didn’t happen every night, but when it did there were usually tears involved. “We need a monitor for the twins’ room, so we can hear them from up here.”

“I’ll ask Shelby to order one tomorrow.”

Sam was so tired that her legs felt rubbery beneath her as she made her way down the stairs, past Max, the Secret Service agent positioned in the hallway outside Scotty’s room. He nodded to them as they went by.

“I hate that he knows we’re coming from a booty call,” Sam said when they were inside their room with the door closed.

Marie Force's Books