Fatal Reckoning (Fatal #14)(75)

Everyone except Nick, of course. There was never a time she didn’t want him close by.

A soft knock sounded on the door to the room she used as a closet. She opened the door to Nick, who held a steaming mug of coffee fixed just the way she liked it.

“Step into my boudoir.”

Nick came into the room, shut the door and handed over the coffee. “How is it that you can make four little words sound so sexy first thing in the morning?”

“It’s my special talent.”

“One of your many special talents. I’ve been thinking about some of your other special talents that were on full display last night.” He leaned in to kiss her, sending shivers down her spine.

“I did some rather good work last night, if I do say so myself.”

“All your work in that department is good work.”

“Glad you think so. You’re my best customer.”

“I’d better be your only customer.”

She smiled at him, amazed that he could make her laugh and smile and think about things other than the pervasive blanket of grief that hung over her. “Where are my children?” He’d taken the early shift, getting the kids up and dressed so she could sleep in a little.

“Having breakfast with Shelby and Noah.” His gorgeous hazel eyes skirted over her face, looking for signs of trouble. “How’re you doing, babe?”

Sam took a sip of the coffee and put the mug on a nearby shelf. “I’m okay. Trying to stay busy so I don’t give in to the urge to take to my bed and pull the covers over my head.”

“No one would blame you if you needed to do that for a few days.”

“That’s not my style.”

“Not usually, but you’ve never lost your dad before.”

“No, but we’ve also never been closer to finding out who shot him either, and I can’t sit on the sidelines while that’s going on.”

“Understandable, as long as you promise me you’ll take good care of my wife. I love her more than anything, and I know how bad she’s hurting right now. If you need to walk away, do it. And if you need me—at any time—you call me, and I’ll come running.”

Touched by his sweet words, she caressed his freshly shaved face. “You can’t come running. The Secret Service won’t let you.”

“Let them try to stop me if my wife needs me.”

Sam rested her head on his chest and sighed as his arms came around her. “You always know just what I need.”

“That’s my superpower.”

“As awful as it is to lose my dad, I’d be out of my mind without you to prop me up.”

“I’ll always be here to prop you up. No matter what.”

“That makes everything better. Thank you.”

“I’m so sorry you’re hurting, sweetheart.”

“I know, but I keep telling myself he’s free, and that brings comfort. He’s running around up there in heaven, dancing like a fool and throwing big parties with not a wheelchair in sight.”

“That’s a good way to think of him.”

“It’s the only way I can stand to think of him not being here anymore.” She looked up at him. “How do you think Scotty is doing?”

“He’s quieter than usual, but he seems okay. We’ve been talking a lot about Skip and things we both remember. Last night I told him about the day I met Skip and how I was sure he was going to have me killed for being in your bedroom. He loved that.”

“That was pretty funny—and the best part was that even as a quadriplegic, he could’ve done it if he’d wanted to.”

“I know! Why do you think I was so freaked out?”

“He never would’ve killed you after he saw how much I love you—and more important, how much you love me. That made him very happy.”

“I’m glad he had peace of mind where you’re concerned.”

“As much as he ever had where I’m concerned.”

Nick laughed. “You must’ve been one hell of a handful when you were younger.”

“I kept him on his toes.”

“I can only imagine. What’s on your docket for today?”

“Breakfast with my mother and then pounding the pavement with some of the leads that have come into the tip line.”

“You’re not doing that alone, are you?”

“Yeah, but I’m visiting my mom and Alice Fitzgerald, so I’ll be fine. What’re you up to?”

“Meetings on top of meetings. Another day in paradise.”

“Not sure how you stand the excitement.”

His eyes glittered with anticipation. “We’re doing more budget stuff today.”

“You’re not right in the head if you find that exciting.”

“Someone’s gotta do it, and the president has asked me to take the lead in dealing with Congress to get the budget hammered out so we can be done with this continuing resolution and have an actual budget in place.”

“Did I just pass out from boredom? I think I blacked out for a second there.”

He gave her a gentle spank and a quick kiss. “Don’t make fun of your policy-wonk husband. It’s not nice.”

“That was me being nice.”

Marie Force's Books