Fallen Crest High(46)

When he started back to us, I stood. "Becky, you're just being you. Don't worry about it. You've got nothing to feel bad about."

She jumped to her feet and smoothed her hands down the front of her pants while she gave me an unsteady smile.

Adam stood behind me and asked in a low voice, "Sam, do you need a ride to school tomorrow?"

Becky's eyes got wide. She squeaked, but slapped both her hands over her mouth and jerked away.

As she hurried out the door, I couldn't stop a laugh. "Why are you like that to her?"

The corner of his mouth lifted. "Because she's so interested in everyone else's business. I don't think that's good for her."

"Let her be. That's just her being her."

"Yeah." His voice was wry. "I heard what you said to her."

I shrugged a shoulder. "That's how I feel."

As we both turned for the door, his hand cupped the back of my elbow. "You never answered about that ride."

I shook my head and pushed open the glass door. The evening had cooled and I knew I'd need a sweater soon.

Becky was already in his car, but I knew she could see us.


"My whole name?" I teased him before I gently twisted my elbow out of his hold. "I can give myself a ride. Thanks for the offer. That was sweet."

He tugged on the back of my pants when I was about to step down for the car and held me back. His voice was close to my ear. "I could give Becky and you a ride tomorrow."

I could imagine their reactions when they pulled up to the Kade mansion. And I chuckled dryly when I removed his hold from my pants. "That's okay, Don Juan, but I think Becky would appreciate a ride."

He laughed, huskily, and brushed against the back of my neck. "Maybe I'll do that then."

I gave him a curious look as I opened the front door and he rounded the car for his, but as he slid behind the steering wheel, his face was clouded. A wall had been put in place and from the little I knew Adam, I knew I wouldn't get that wall back down for awhile.

When he drove us back to Becky's house where my car was parked, the ride was quiet. Even Becky was silent and I knew this was the right thing to do. He kept trying, but it wouldn't happen. It shouldn't happen. And he should give Becky rides. They were neighbors. A part of me felt he might start to like her, if only he'd get over whatever fascination he had for me.

I was broken. I didn't need to break anyone else with me.

When Adam pulled into his family's driveway, he didn't say goodbye. He got out of his side, shut the door, and strolled inside his family's house.

Becky gave me a sad smile as we were slower to get out. "He's mad. What'd you do?"

"Nothing." That was the truth. "He'll get over it."


I sighed. How had I gotten into more drama? "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya." She waved as I went to my car and drove off.

When I got home and after I had gone for a run, it was late. The place was empty, not a shocker. It always seemed empty except for the random sandwich wrapped in saran wrap that Mousteff would leave in the refrigerator for me . After I showered, I headed downstairs to the media room with a glass of water. I found Mason on the couch with the sports channel on the television and I hesitated in the doorway.


I jumped at his command, but I did.

He lounged back on the couch with a beer on the table beside it. The television lights played across his face. It gave him a dark look, a somber one that added to the alarm I always felt around him. His eyes were on the screen and then they were on me. I tensed at the sudden change, at the intensity in them, but steeled myself. I was starting to think this was what he'd always be like, primed and alert.

Tijan's Books