Fallen Crest High(43)

I ignored him.

Becky took my arm and hissed in my ear, "We can sit by him."

I shrugged her off and glanced up. I didn't know what made me look, but my fake father had entered the lunch room. He was dressed in his coach's apparel, a professional looking running suit with Fallen Crest Academy printed on his left shoulder underneath our school's crest.

"Yes?" Jill snapped at me. She tried to sound bored, like I was annoying her, but I heard the apprehension underneath it.

At the sight of David, everything hardened in me again. I was growing used to that feeling and I looked back at her. There was an added edge to me when I stepped close to their table and placed a hand right in front of her.

"Sam?" Jeff leaned forward and whispered. "What are you doing?"

Jessica still refused to look at me. Lydia had both her hands over her face, but her fingers were spread. She watched from behind them and I saw that she was holding her breath.

"You're wasting our lunch time," Jill snapped. "What do you want, Sam? You're pathetic."

Then Adam was beside me and his hand held my elbow. He pulled me back against him and spoke into my ear. As his lips moved, they brushed against me and I shivered from the teasing touch. "Sit with me. Let this go. Trust me, it won't be worth it."

"Fine." I released everything in me when I surrendered with that word.

He nodded and started to pull me away. I saw the looks of relief on Jessica, Lydia, and Jeff's faces. Jill looked disappointed, but David stepped in front of me. He gave Adam a polite nod. "Do you mind if I have a word with Samantha?"

I stiffened in Adam's hold and he cast a concerned look at me. Then he reluctantly nodded. "Sure."

David gestured towards the hall and I followed at a slower pace. I glanced back and saw that Adam had pulled Becky to sit beside him, but she watched me.

Her eyes were small and she was biting her lip.

Then the door was pushed open and we stepped out into the empty hallway.

David gestured ahead. "My office?"

I rolled my eyes. "Is this about your car?"

"My office?"

I heard the forced politeness and followed. Everything in me was cement. I didn't care, not one iota, but I followed anyway. I was more curious to what he had to say and then when we were in his office and he shut the door, I knew he meant business. He indicated the couch across from his desk.

I perched on the end.

He took his seat and folded his hands on the desk. He looked at them.

I waited.

No one spoke.

Then he cursed under his breath and looked up. His eyes were bleak again.

I frowned. I didn't care why he looked like that. It made no difference to me now…

He started, "Do you know how much trouble you could've been?"

"If you had called the cops?"

"Yes," he snapped out. "Samantha, this is not a joke."

"I'm not laughing."

"If anyone else would've seen and had called the cops, I wouldn't have been able to protect you. The cops have the right to press charges, even if the offended party doesn't want them to."

"So you're saying you don't want me charged?"

He sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I didn't call the cops for a reason."

"Why's that?" I was in shock at my own voice. I sounded so bored.

He bit out a few curses. The hostility of them drew me upright again and something stirred in me. It was like I was coming awake again.

Tijan's Books