Fallen Crest High(45)

"Why do you think I care?"

"Because…" He chewed on his words. "Because Mason and I are the best. Why wouldn't you come?"

"Because I don't care about that?"

"Well, you should." He sounded miffed, like I had hurt his feelings.

I lifted a careless shoulder in the air.

He narrowed his eyes. "You're bit odd in the head, aren't you?"

I couldn't hold back my grin. "What do you mean?"

"Most girls would open a facebook page that we're your new stepbrothers. You act like we're your dirty secret."

"I like my privacy."

He shook his head. "We've got a couple parties this weekend too, if you want to go?"

"I'm good with my friends."

His eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth, but Mason came around the corner that instant. Logan clamped his mouth shut, but he continued to give me a puzzling stare.

"Let's go." Mason punched Logan in the shoulder as he bypassed us.

I looked over and held Mason's gaze before he went through the front door.

A different shiver went over my body at the sight of him and something left me when the door closed behind him. I refused to think it was anything more than hate…right?


That night I met Adam for burgers and he surprised me by bringing Becky.

Everyone was happy until Jeff and Jill Flatten came in for their date night.

They chose a booth across the restaurant so it was semi-easy to ignore them.

When they left, Jeff gave me a once over and Jill gave me a glare.


I could've been a part of that.

Or not.

I shuddered at the thought of being with Jeff again, not to mention the deceit from Lydia and Jessica.

And since Becky must've been psychic, she shot forward and slammed a hand down on the table. "I heard Lydia telling Melissa Baker that Jeff asked about you."

Adam sat back.

"What are you talking about?"

She jerked her head up and down. "Uh huh. And Nancy Morrow overheard it too. He asked Lydia and Jessica about you, at Jessica's locker." She spoke like it was a hush-hush controversy.

"Come on, Becky. Jeff's not stupid."

"Yeah, he is."

"He knows that he's made his bed."

"My cousin is a jerk-one douchebag. I bet you fifty bucks that he's going to start talking to you again by the end of the month. And Jill knows it too." She pointed at the door with a French fry. "That's why she's upped her game against you."

"Since they got together, she's been like that."

"Yeah, but it's worse. I think she hates you." She glanced at Adam from underneath her eyelids. "And I think Ashley DeCortts is scared of you."

"Does she hate me too?" I hadn't done anything to anyone. Why did anyone care about me?

"No." Becky gave me a small smile. "It's not in Ashley to hate someone." She looked at Adam. "Right?"

He placed two hands against the table and pushed his chair back. When he stood, he plucked the bill from the table and went to the register.

"I think that's his answer for 'I don't care and let's get out of here.'"

Becky groaned. "I think he's mad at me."


"Because he brought me on your date, because he thought you wouldn't go without me, and now I'm bringing up Ashley." She leaned across the table and whispered behind her hands, "He still loves her, Sam."

Tijan's Books