Fallen Crest High(50)

Adam kept giving me concerned looks through the rest of the day and the day after, but it didn't matter. I didn't care anymore and Jeff picked up on that too after I walked past him and Jill in the hallway. I hadn't known they were there until I almost bowled them over. They were with Lydia and Jessica. After I muttered a quick apology, one that I'd give to anybody, I hurried on my way.

It wasn't until I was about to turn the corner that I looked back and realized who I had run into.

Jill seemed upset, but Jessica and Lydia stared at me. They watched me.

Jeff's shoulder slumped and he had a downcast expression on his face. When his eyes met mine for a brief second, I saw an apology flash through his.

It was over. Really over and he knew it as well.

My step had a lighter bounce to it for the rest of the day. That lasted until the end of the day when Lydia cornered me later. She'd been waiting at my car. I slowed when I saw her, but what could I do? I wasn't stupid enough or crazy enough to try running home again.

"Hey." She shot up from my car and twisted her hands together. "How are you?"

"What do you want?"

Hurt flashed in her eyes, but she looked down. "Nothing, I just—how are you?"

I let my bag drop to the ground before I unlocked my door. "I'm fine. You?"

She gave me a tentative smile. "I think Justin Beardsley might ask me out."

I nodded. "Cool."

"So you and Adam, huh?" A strand of her hair was wound in her hand and she began to twirl it around. "That's exciting, really exciting. I tried telling Jessica we should be happy for you, but—"

"Why would she?" My tone was flat. "She slept with my boyfriend for two years to get back at me."

Lydia fell silent.

"She doesn't care, now or then."

"Yes, she does. I know she does." But she sounded as if she wanted to convince herself.

"Jessica doesn't care. At least she has the decency not to fake it anymore."

Lydia's mouth opened, but nothing came out.

And Becky bounced up to us at that moment. "How's it going?" I knew she spoke to me, but her glare was directed at Lydia.

Lydia's hands started to twist together again. "Hi, Becky."

"Hi, Lydia. What are you doing?"

"I'm just…saying hi to Sam." She sighed. "Is that okay?"

Becky jerked her shoulder up and frowned, but she looked away. "I guess. It's Sam's decision. I mean…you guys were friends after all…before me."

I rolled my eyes. "Are you serious?"

Both girls jumped at my tone.

I tried to gentle it. "Are you two pissing on each other for my friendship? I don't deal with that. You both should know that."

Lydia seemed frozen in place as she watched me, but Becky hung her head. "I know. I'm sorry."

"I have to get home." I started to reach for my car door again.

"Are you coming to the game tonight?" Becky rushed forward.

"Probably not. Why would I?"

"Because they're playing Roussou. There might be a bunch of action tonight, with the guys being in town after what we heard the Kades had done to their coach's house and some of the other guys."

I frowned at that. "I haven't heard anything."

"Oh." She seemed confused. "I thought I told you about that."

"Well, you didn't."

"Anyway, are you coming tonight?"

Tijan's Books