End of Story(35)
“Why do you think you did that, Lars?”
His hands fell to his sides and he looked at me. The silence got awkward fast. Finally, he said, “Being just friends with you is harder than it should be.”
My mouth was a perfect O. Not that the news was surprising. I just didn’t think he’d actually admit it out loud.
“Talk to me about something else,” he ordered, all agitated.
“Ah. Okay. Did I tell you I took the divorce certificate to another psychic?” I lifted myself up onto the counter. “A psychometry expert this time. They read objects by touch.”
“That’s not what Miss Lillian does?”
“Not exactly.”
“What’d they say?” he asked, taking another sip of water.
“That there was a lot of sadness attached to the document.”
“You expected it to be happy?”
“Some divorces are,” I argued. “My father was so overjoyed after theirs came through that he went hunting and drinking for a week with his friends. Said it was the best time he’d ever had. Sinking beers and shooting bunnies.”
“Your father is an asshole.”
“That’s true.”
“What did your mother do?”
“She doesn’t talk about it. Any topic involving my dad is prohibited.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “My family prefers to be dysfunctional. You could say it’s our chosen aesthetic.”
“I’m glad you had your aunt.”
“Me too,” I said. “She was so funny. She used to do this thing...if she poured you a glass of water or fetched you a pair of socks she’d say, That’s it for Christmas. That’s all you’re getting. It would start sometime after Thanksgiving and just keep rolling right on through until the big day. I thought it was hilarious when I was little.”
“She sounds great.”
“Yeah.” My smile slipped. “She really was.”
“Did the psychic say anything else?” he asked.
“Um, that I should not make bad choices. With an emphasis on especially not repeating previous mistakes. To be sensible and to look to the future and let go of things that don’t benefit me.”
Lars nodded. “Not bad advice.”
“You’re not going to tell me every psychic is a fraud?”
“I’m pretty sure you can make up your own mind. Her guidance sounds a bit like common sense. But maybe it’s not the worst thing in the world that people get to hear some common sense.”
“Very open-minded of you. So what are you going to do about Jane?”
“We agreed to disagree. So we’re done. Again.” He hung his head. “It lasted one whole damn week.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. That would have been a lifetime in middle school.”
“That is not comforting.”
“We can eat ice cream and watch TV if it’ll make you feel better.” I smiled. “Do you think maybe you’ll give being on your own for a while a try?”
He gave me a look.
“Just a thought.”
He sighed. “I wasn’t running scared or anything after your housewarming. That’s not why Jane and I...”
I just waited.
“You said you didn’t want to see me. I know you just needed some space, but I didn’t like it.”
“Okay.” He shut his mouth and said no more.
“You know, I can teach you how to be single. I’m good at being alone.” I hopped down off the counter. “Actually, I wonder if that’s what the divorce was about. You eventually needing time on your own to grow or whatever.”
“Wouldn’t we have just separated for a while if that was the case?”
“Who knows?” I shrugged. “Coupledom is complicated. Trying to keep something together long-term. Finding that balance between two people. Not making the mistake of conforming to meet someone else’s expectations. No matter how much you like them. It’s why my dating history is kind of spotty.”
His forehead furrowed. “You shouldn’t have to change for anyone, Susie. That’s not what it’s about. I mean, there’s compromising, but...not twisting yourself into a pretzel to make someone else happy.”
“But I’m the odd girl, Lars. The mouthy one. Not the one they take home to meet Mother.”
“Then fuck them. And not in the good way.”
The smile spread slowly but surely across my face. “Thank you for saying that.”
He just grunted.
“You know, I’ve never had someone run across town in the middle of the night just to have a fight with me before.”
“Wasn’t much of a fight.”
“Guess it was more about us sorting out our difficulties. Again.”
“I better go.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Tell me we’re fine.”
“We’re fine,” I said, following him to the door. “Quick question. Do you talk about this sort of stuff with anyone else?”
“No.” He turned away. “Think it’s safe to say I talk more with you than I do anyone else. Maybe that’s why this is so important to me. You and me being friends, I mean.”