End of Story(30)

“It’s fine.” Lars waved them off. “We’ve got it. Go have fun.”

Tore grinned. “Thanks, brother.”

“Ah, young love,” I said as they disappeared off into the night. It had been months and months since I’d gone to bed with anyone. Not that I couldn’t provide for myself. But it was nice to feel another person’s touch now and then. And there sitting beside me was Lars, all big and strong. His hands, in particular, appealed to me. Those clever calloused fingers would be capable of all sorts of amazing things. Just the thought made me clench. Which reminded me: “Thanks for following me on TikTok and Instagram.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Though I noticed you only liked the picture of me holding the biodegradable vibrator.”

“I liked your smile in that one. It was...what’s the right word?”


“That’ll do.” His low laughter gave me feelings in my underpants.

And then I went and did it. I opened my mouth and asked, “Did you ever consider us becoming friends with benefits?”

Given the intensity in Lars’s gaze, he either loved or hated the idea. A question soon answered when he spit out the word, “No.”

“Huh. That wasn’t half-hearted at all.”

A look of alarm crossed his face.

“It was just an innocent question, Lars. No need to get so upset. I was only thinking that it might have been a way for us to perhaps manage the hormonal effects of the divorce certificate. Just do it once to get it out of our system, you know?”

He grunted.

“No one has come forward and claimed responsibility for the thing. And neither of us has any more of a clue than we did when we found it. Maybe it’s time to start managing the situation instead of looking for answers.”

His cheekbones stood out in stark relief. The man was seriously feeling things. “Susie, you and I getting involved would only make things more complicated.”

“Okay. I see now that it was a truly terrible notion and I’m going to stop talking about it.” The truth was, I never should have asked in the first place. It was my own damn fault if my delicate little feelings got hurt. The heart was a fool and the vagina far worse. I finished off my drink and got to my feet. “Why don’t you gather the dirty glasses and so on while I start on the kitchen?”

“Sure,” he said, and certainly seemed relieved by the change in topic. “I didn’t mean to insult you or anything. You know I find you attractive. But...”

“You’re worried about upsetting your best friend.”

“No. I mean, it’s not ideal, but...you and me—we don’t make sense.” He stopped and frowned up at me. “Shit, Susie. The look on your face. I’ve hurt you.”

“Eh. You didn’t mean to. That counts for something.”

His expression became pained.

I pasted on my brightest smile. “Think it might be best if we gave each other some space for a week. Let things settle. Given the existence of the certificate, all of this time together has really been a lot, you know?”

His hands flexed open and closed at his side. “If that’s what you want.”

“I think it is,” I said. “It’s late. I might just go to bed. Thank you for offering to help, but it’s okay. I’ll clean this mess up in the morning.”

“Are you sure?”


But it was safe to say, even if I knew what I wanted, chances were, I couldn’t have it. Not when it came to him. Such was life.

“Wait a minute.” Cleo followed me down the steps to one of the lower levels of Pike Place Market. “You were going to set me up with the man you have a crush on? Susie, are you serious?”

“No. That was his brilliant idea. Which I did not entertain even a little.”

“Thank goodness for that.”

It was the Saturday after the party and the first time we’d had a chance to catch up. The morning after the party, I texted her and told her I had the cleaning up in hand. I hadn’t been in the mood for visitors, even helpful ones, until now. And she’d been busy with her new man friend, Tore, all week. Mostly I spent the week working and trying not to think about Lars. The last one made harder due to my habit of staring at the damn certificate. Having a piece of paper attempt to dictate your future choices was a trip. Which was why I needed to know more. Nowish.

“Neither of us are stupid enough to get involved with a man a friend is sweet on,” said Cleo.


“So Lars is an idiot, but Tore is wonderful.”

“That’s the official opinion?” I asked.

Cleo just beamed. “I really like him. Though like is such a tame word. I just... I’m trying not to get carried away, because I know it’s early days. But damn it’s hard.”

“I’m so happy for you. And if he hurts you I’ll hurt him. I’m thinking golf stick to the knee.”

“Thank you. I think it’s called a club. We’ve seen each other almost every day this week,” she admitted. “I’m so scared we’re moving too fast and it’s all going to go wrong. But right now, it’s so right. You know what I mean?”


Kylie Scott's Books