Come to Me Quietly(115)

Her eyes stayed fixed on mine as she gradually leaned down, her lips gentle as she pressed them to the rose at the center of my chest. “You miss her,” she whispered.

I wheezed for the air her words knocked from my lungs. My heart squeezed so f*cking tight, and I struggled to breathe under the pain crushing my chest. The memories I’d fought to block out all day came flooding through, unrepressed. Aly had destroyed all the barriers I fought so hard to keep in place, leveled them with the touch of her hand.

A trigger I was powerless against.

And I thought maybe I should be pissed off at her, saying something so ridiculously obvious. But I wasn’t. Because in her words was everything I kept concealed. It wasn’t pity or some f*cking lame attempt at sympathy that I didn’t even begin to want.

Aly understood.

Locking her to me, I fisted my hands in her hair and drew her face close to mine because I needed to see her.

I needed her. Every f*cking second of every f*cking day.

Fear lifted in a flurry of nerves. My mouth was so dry, but the words that had festered for years sought release from my tongue. I couldn’t stop myself from talking, from telling Aly because I just needed someone to know. “I have no right to, Aly, but I do. I miss her so much. I would do anything… give anything… to take it back.”

Sadness swept across her features, and I hated that I put it there. How many times had I warned her that she didn’t need my shit? That I had nothing to give and everything to take? I f*cking took and took and took.

And here I was again, ruining the good.

When would I ever stop?

Emotions rushed, guilt and anger and fear.

Aly dipped down and kissed the rose again. I gritted my teeth, my hands like vises in her hair as she caressed over the imprint of my sin, covered it wholly with her nose and her mouth and her breath, showering me in everything I’d never deserve.

She rose up, and unshed tears glistened in her eyes. “I’m here for you, Jared. You know that, don’t you? You can talk to me. You can tell me,” she murmured almost urgently. “Please talk to me.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. Visions flashed.

Aly took me by the face, forcing me to look at her. “It’s okay… You can trust me.”

I couldn’t look away from the eyes that watched me so earnestly, like she really believed it would be.

Because it wasn’t f*cking okay.

That was the problem with Aly. With her, I was always pretending it was. Pretending that it was okay to feel this way, pretending it was okay to care about her so much. Pretending that maybe someday all of this really might be okay.

And I couldn’t f*cking stop.

She swept her lips across mine. “Talk to me… please, Jared… I’m here.”

I clung to her a little harder, my tongue darting out to wet my lips, my voice ragged. “I was so reckless, Aly… so f*cking reckless. Just a stupid punk kid.”

Just like the *s I constantly beat down in juvie, ungrateful for everything they’d been given.




That hatred flared, thrashed as it clamored through my spirit.

Deep inside, that warning system was blaring, a merciless siren that could never be silenced. It was shouting at me to shut my mouth before it was too late. Before I couldn’t take it back.

But with Aly, it was already far too late.

My eyes dropped closed, and I grated out the words “I was so excited that morning.” My body jerked as I completely freed the memories I’d suppressed for so long. It was kind of shocking how I could still remember exactly the way I felt. But after so many years, it was there, like this glaring reminder that promised I had no chance. “I thought I was on top of the world.”

A. L. Jackson's Books