Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(159)

“Good, that’s good, please give him my regards.”

“I will do.”

He nodded his head, his eyes back on me, while he spoke to Vera. “I’m sorry Vera, I didn’t realise you would be showing someone through so soon.”

“Yes, well you did say we could move on it straight away.”

“I did and you are that’s good.”

“And what a coincidence that you all happen to know each other.”

None of us say anything for a moment, my Mum being the first to speak, “Vera, why don’t you show me the pool again, that’s going to be just perfect for when the baby gets a bit bigger.”

My Mum looks back at me as she speaks and shakes her head, my Mum’s not stupid, anyway, you would have to be deaf, dumb, blind and thick as shit not to notice the silent interaction between Cam and myself and my Mum was none of those things.

Cam stalked toward me. “You’re pregnant?”

He looks like he was going to cry, I shake my head. “No, but we’re hoping to be, next year.” I cannot give him a clue, that I may already be and that the baby could be his.

He reaches out and strokes my face with the back of his knuckles and I stupidly lean into his touch, my eyes fill with tears. “Why Kitten, why him?”

“He owns me Cam, I have no choice. My heart belongs to him.”

“Not all of it, I have a piece, all be it a very small piece, but I know; I just know if you gave me a chance…”

I shake my head. “No, no Cam, it’s too late for us, you would’ve had to have met me when I was ten to have ever stood a chance.”

“I don’t believe you Kitten; don’t have a baby with him. Please, wait a while, think about it, think about what you really want. Who you really want. If he owns you so completely then why did you let me f*ck you just a couple of weeks ago. All this time and the instant we are together it’s there, its back.”

His words and the guilt that I feel cause me actual physical pain, like an ice cold blade has been stabbed into my chest, dragged down to my belly and twisted around and around a few times and it’s no less than I deserve.

“I want you Kitten, no one has ever wanted anything more than I want you. Please, give me a chance, choose me, let yourself love me enough, let me show you how good it can be. I’ll never hurt you; I’ll never make you doubt me, not for a second.” A sob escapes me and fat tears plop from my lashes onto my cheeks, he wipes them away with his thumbs.

“I bought this house for you.”


“That night, when we argued in the restaurant, when I behaved like a prick, I had put an offer in on this place, I knew you would love it. It was close to your parents and it had stables and you’d told me how you wanted to start horse riding again, that you hadn’t had time to get out to your Mum’s and ride and I saw the house, the location, the stables and knew you’d love it.” I shake my head in complete disbelief at what he’s telling me.

“I was all over the place that night,” he continues, “I was in negotiations to buy this place and I had a business deal falling apart in Amsterdam. Someone else was bidding on this and it looked like I was going to have to leave the country, that’s why I was in such a bad mood.” He swallows and I watch his adams apple bob up and down as his eyes dart over my face.

“But on the Saturday morning, the other party pulled out so the deal was done, this place was mine. That’s why I flew home from Amsterdam early, that’s why I came straight to the club. I wanted to tell you about the house, I wanted to ask you to move in with me.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing, I shake my head continuously, my tears flow, continuously and I hold my hand over my mouth, as I sob.

Lesley Jones's Books