Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(79)

Jaxon did not look happy. I saw his hand shoot up to grab his laptop screen. Before it slammed shut, I heard him say, “I miss you, baby doll!” Then the screen went black.

I got up to walk to my shower, laughing at the image of those two, who were probably wrestling with each other right now. I missed Jaxon tremendously, but I realized that I missed Jace too. He had become like a brother to me. Well, maybe not a brother, since brothers wouldn’t tell you how hot your rack is, but definitely closer than just a friend.

When I stepped out of the shower, I noticed I had a text message waiting for me.

Jaxon: Don’t be mad at me, but check your email.

I hate when people start comments like that; my mind always shoots to the worst conceivable outcome. What could he have possibly done in the last twenty-five minutes that would make me mad? When I opened up my email, I noticed that there was a confirmation for a plane ticket to Texas and the flight was leaving tomorrow.

Me: You bought me a plane tickets?

Jaxon: You don’t have to use it, but I hope you will. I miss you like crazy.

Me: You better be at that airport bearing gifts for doing this!


Me: There’s a handsome hunk on the other side of this ticket, of course I am.

Jaxon: I’d bring the world for you if I could.

Ellie and Charles were sad to see me off so soon, but I think Ellie was happier that there was someone out there that was worth it for me to visit. I laughed at Quinn, who could barely tell me good-bye because she was so far down Cole’s throat. We’d be back in our apartment together soon anyway.

When I got to the arrivals terminal, I rode an escalator down to the baggage claim. Jaxon was the first person in the line of greeters waiting at the very bottom. I started laughing the instant I saw him because he looked like a little kid at Christmas. His excitement was contagious, and I noticed the other people around him smiling at his giddiness. I’m sure my face mirrored his as well. He grabbed both me and my bag before I even made it down the last two steps. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled his face to my lips.

He walked over to a bench kissing me when I heard an elderly woman say, “Man, can I get a welcome like that one?” I laughed into his mouth.

He sat me down on the bench and handed me a silver wrapped box that I hadn’t noticed he was holding behind his back.

“Jax, I was kidding about gifts,” I said, while taking it from his hands.

“It’s nothing really. Just open it.”

I slid my finger under the silver flap and peeled off the wrapping. When I opened the box, I instantly knew what they were. A box filled with only chocolate raspberry truffles. I don’t know how he had found this, but this man was mind-blowing.

“You remembered?” I gasped in a whisper.

“I remember everything about you, Emerson.”

“Wow, I’m in love with Texas already.” That made him throw his head back and laugh.

We walked out to the parking garage and I realized I had no idea what kind of car I was looking for; with Jaxon, it could be anything. To my total shock, he walked right up to an old black muscle car that appeared to be in perfect condition.

I froze. “This. Is. Not. Your. Car.” I could totally imagine him driving this and I was already turned on.

“Uh… yeah, my dad rebuilt with me,” he said, self-consciously.

“Why the hell didn’t you bring this with you to California? This is so hot!”

Relief spanned his face. “My mom said I would only get in trouble with it. Little did she know, I would move right next door to trouble.” He winked at me.

Kimberly Lauren's Books