Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(82)

Throughout the whole song, Jaxon was singing along right into my ear. I closed my eyes and let his voice flow through me. The artist sang about how no one knew his girl like he did. When he sang that she was his best friend, I melted into Jaxon. This was the sweetest song. I had no doubt in my mind he was singing this to me on purpose and in a way no one did know me like he did. I gripped him tighter as he sang the last words of the song to with his intoxicating voice.

I opened my eyes when the song ended and realized he had danced us out of the living room away from his family. We were staring at each other hungrily.

Then he stepped back and shouted, “Ma, can you finish dinner for me?” He washastily untying the apron from around his waist and tossing it on the ground.

“Yeah, sweetie, see y’all later!” she shouted back from the living room.

He hauled me out the front door into the night faster than my shorter legs could handle. We got all the way to the car and he opened the door and sat me inside. When he had my seat belt buckled, he went around to the driver’s side.

I jutted out my bottom lip, “I was looking forward to eating a dinner you actually made.”

“Mom’s probably throwing it out right now and starting all over again. You weren’t missing anything, I promise,” he laughed.

I enjoyed watching him as he drove. He didn’t drive off of their property. Instead, he drove off the dirt road into the fields. I was surprised this car was taking the bumps so well. When it was pitch black and it looked like we were in the middle of nowhere, he parked the car. His fingers switched the high beams on that illuminated a beautiful pond. It was fairly large with boulders and tall grass surrounding it like a hidden gem. In the night, the surface of the water looked like black glass.

“I had one more thing to show you,” he said quietly. “Jace and I use to live here in the summers. It might be a little cold right now because it’s January, but it won’t be too bad.”

“It’s really beautiful.”

I got out of the car and walked in front of the headlights. Jaxon came around the opposite side to meet me. Taking advantage of our moment of solitude, I pulled my shirt over my head and then slipped my jeans down over my ankles. I smiled up at Jax, who was watching me with wide eyes. I pulled my panties off next. When I reached behind and unsnapped my bra, I threw it up onto the hood of the car.

The look in his eyes screamed that he wanted to own me and I didn’t know how to comprehend that look. I walked over, stood directly in front of his hood, and stretched out on top of it.

“I think I promised you all kinds of trouble on this.” I patted the hood, while eyeing him seductively.

I raised my hands above my head, almost reaching the windshield. He stepped in between my thighs, reached out to palm my breasts, and ran his tongue across them. My back arched at his touch.

“Fuck, baby, you lying on this car… I’m pretty sure I had wet dreams about this kind of thing when I was sixteen,” he whispered on my skin.

He nipped his way down my stomach until he hit the spot he was looking for. I was so revved up from listening to him sing to me, from being wrapped up in his arms while dancing, and from watching him drive that car earlier; it only took a couple of minutes until I was screaming his name, thankful we were out in the middle of nowhere. He quickly removed all of his clothes and then slid his hands up my backside, picking me up. He walked us down to the water. I gave him a worried look when he stood up on a high rock above the water. My fingers clenched into his bare shoulders.

“Ready?” he asked.

“No!” I squeaked.

Kimberly Lauren's Books