Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(76)

“What? No. I don’t get jealous.” It was true. I’d never gotten jealous of any other girls. Could I be jealous of the idea of another girl hanging around Jaxon while I’m halfway across the country? That idea had never crossed my mind before I hadn’t thought about him going home in a couple of days and spending time with all of his friends from home. Audrey would be there, no doubt. “Well maybe… a little bit. But only because I’ve seen how gorgeous one of your exes is. I can only imagine what the others look like.”

“Trust me there will be no prowling on my part. I’ll probably spend most of my time depressed because I’ll be missing my girlfriend.” He flashed all of his brilliantly white teeth at me. He was enjoying that word a little too much, already.

“You’ll miss me?” I asked surprised.

“Emerson, I miss you when you go to the bathroom and now I’m supposed to go weeks without you?”

The winter break was a month long. We all promised each other to come back before the month was up, because that was a long time to be separated. But a good majority of that time would be spent apart at our own families’ houses.

“I know that I’ll miss you too,” I whispered into his neck. It was still hard for me to be this upfront and exposed about my feelings.

“Come home with me. Please, you can meet my mom. She’s great and I know she’s dying to meet you.”

“I can’t, Jax, I need to go see Ellie. I’d invite you back with me, but I know how much you miss your mom.”

“Yeah, I can’t leave her during the holidays…” he said sadly.

“Hey, I understand.” I grabbed his face. “It’s only a couple of weeks, then we’ll come back here and lock ourselves in your room and not come out till we’re forced to go to class,” I laughed.

“Promise?” he asked, sadly.

“Promise.” I leaned in to capture his lips. We were going to enjoy our last couple of days together.

Chapter Fourteen

Winter Break

Jaxon and I had holed up in his room for the rest of the weekend. I’m positive Cole and Quinn did the same thing in her room, because Cole was leaving with the guys to go back home as well. I never saw Jace for the three days that Jaxon and I had together; he must have gone to stay at a friend’s house because we were so ‘nauseating,’ as he had repeatedly reminded us. I was starting to feel bad for leaving Jace out so much. He must be looking forward to having time alone with his brother and best friend back home.

Quinn and I dropped the guys off at the airport before we left to go home. Jaxon gave me the keys to his truck, in case I needed it for any reason at all. I made it known that there was no way in hell I would even attempt to back that thing out of the garage, let alone drive it down the street. I could just imagine crushing some poor, tiny car. He just laughed at me. I did ask if I could drive the motorcycle around though.

“Absolutely not.” All humor had left his face.

He grabbed the keys back from my hands and removed the motorcycle keys from the keychain, just in case. I never actually planned to drive it; I just wanted to rile him up before he left. Mission accomplished.

I’ll never forget the look on his face when he was saying goodbye. I swear if he had stayed in front of me at that security entrance any longer, I would have seen a tear slip down his cheek. I tried to reassure him that the time would fly by, but I was equally upset about this separation. I felt like we still had a lot of obstacles in our fresh relationship, and this was such an inconvenient time to be apart. I hugged him tightly and leaned up on my toes to kiss his lips.

Kimberly Lauren's Books