A Matter Of Justice (Grey Justice #4)(96)

He cleared his throat. “Irelyn, if I had all the words in the world to describe my feelings for you, there still wouldn’t be enough to tell you how wonderful I think you are, or how very much I love you. Your courage and resilience amaze me. Your kind heart astounds me. Your beauty enthralls me. And your strength makes me stronger. You have my devotion, my fidelity, and my heart for all eternity. I would give my life for you. All that I am, all that I have, is yours.”

The rest of the ceremony passed in a blur. Their eyes remained locked, their unspoken words meant only for them. Grey came out of his trance when the minister said, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

A roar of approval swept through the crowd as their lips met for the first time as husband and wife.

Chapter Forty-One

Four Weeks Later


Grey raised his binoculars and scanned the perimeter of the estate. The surrounding area was densely forested, providing the perfect cover. With him were five of the deadliest mercenaries in the business, sanctioned by the Justice Seekers for jobs such as these. This was not a Grey Justice Group operation. This was his mission.

The orders he had given them were simple. Take down everyone except for Sebastian Dark. The bastard was all Grey’s.

The new residence was a much smaller version of Hill House and had been aptly named Dark House. The man had tried to emulate every aspect of Hill Reed, and this was just one more. Irelyn had pegged him correctly. He had no thought of his own that wasn't influenced by what Hill Reed had taught him.

It had taken too damn long to find him. And when he had been found, it’d taken weeks to study him. Others might have gone in and massacred the entire household. Grey could not do that. If Dark was copying everything that Hill Reed had done, that could mean he had brought children into the house. Damned if he would allow any other innocents to be killed or harmed because of this bastard. It might have taken longer than he liked, but at least he was now assured that the only people within that house were almost as evil as its owner.

Leaving Irelyn five days into their honeymoon had felt like he was flaying his own skin from his body. She hadn’t wanted him to do this alone. Had tried to convince him that she should come with him, that they should do this together. He had never even considered her suggestion. Yes, she was more than capable, but this was his battle to wage. Sebastian Dark had tortured the woman he loved, had almost killed her. He had sent Irelyn’s only brother to kill Grey, forcing her to make a heartbreaking choice. Dark had also been responsible for the accident that had almost killed Lacey Slater.

Sebastian Dark had to be stopped. If Grey didn't kill him, he would continue to copy Hill Reed. What he had told the council was true. Annihilating Dark would destroy Reed’s legacy. All of that ended today.

They had been watching the house and surrounding area for weeks. From his count, twelve people were inside. The five that guarded the perimeter had already been taken out with one shot to the head each. The twelve remaining would be no problem for these men. Though he had worked with them over the last few days and had seen their humanity, Grey knew that when it came down to the actual job, they could be just as ruthless and soulless as Dark’s men.

That worked just right for him. He wasn’t here on a mercy mission. He was here, just as they were, to destroy.

Sebastian Dark was finished in the world of assassins. Word was that he was considered a blemish on their community. All he had left was his money and his delusions.

He glanced at the men beside him. “Let's do this.”

With the swift precision of expertly trained soldiers, three of them ran to the back of the house. Grey gave a nod to the remaining men, and they both took off running. One of the men placed C-4 on the door lock and stepped back. Grey checked his watch. They would go in four, three, two…he nodded. The door exploded, and they all ran into the building.

Sebastian sprang from his bed. The Smith & Wesson M&P Shield that he had taken to sleeping with was in his hand in an instant. They were here. He’d heard rumors, of course. Just because he’d been banned from the community didn’t mean he couldn’t find out what was going on. Everyone, apparently, wanted him dead.

They could try to kill him, but they wouldn’t touch a hair on his head. He had been planning for this very thing. He had more contingency plans than anyone could ever guess. He had money stashed all over the world. He had locations in both Europe and the US. He had an army to protect him.

He had no intention of dying, and the community that shunned him today would someday come crawling to him, begging for the chance to become a Dark House assassin.

He had made a mistake not following Reed in all things. But that would soon change. While others had been searching for him, he had been hidden away learning and planning. Reed had developed many of his own people by taking in children and training them himself. Sebastian had never considered such a thing, mostly because he despised the little buggers. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t work with them, teach them. He had been trained in that way. There was no reason he couldn’t do the same thing. He would be the new Hill Reed. The children would revere and fear him, call him Father. And someday, they would kill for him.

Silly men might play their games, but Sebastian Dark would have the last laugh.

Christy Reece's Books