A Matter Of Justice (Grey Justice #4)(91)

Still trying to get his mind around the fact that half of the Grey Justice team had come all the way to England to be with them, he answered, “She’s been unconscious since yesterday.”

As they gathered around her bed, Grey fought a smile. If Irelyn woke up right now, she’d be either astounded or horrified. She had lived so long without anyone other than Grey getting close to her and had no clue how many people cared. No clue how many people treasured her.

“She came through the surgery just fine. Her leg was broken in three places, so it’ll take a few months before she’s kicking ass again, but…” He cleared his throat. “She’s lucky to be alive.”

That was an understatement. Hill Reed had been a skillful and inventive torturer. It only made sense that his protégé would follow his example.

“She has a lot of bruising on her face.”

That was mild compared to the bruising on the rest of her body. He had cared for Irelyn too many times not to recognize when she’d been in a bloody, physical fight. She could hold her own with anyone and, more often than not, come out the winner.

He shot a look at Gallagher. “Any word?”

“Not yet. We’ve cast a large net. Word is out in his community that he’s a man marked for death. It’s only a matter of time.”

Grey nodded, knowing Gallagher was right. Dark could count down his time here on earth in days, if not hours.

The door opened, and one of Irelyn’s nurses walked in. Her horrified eyes scanned the crowded room. “Only two visitors at a time,” she barked. “The rest of you will have to go.”

With amusement, he watched his friends gather like obedient children and single-file their way out of the room. Before going out with the others, Gallagher asked, “Anything you need?”

“Just having you all here is more than enough.”

“We’re staying at a B&B in York, and we have everything we need to work remotely. We’ll spend twenty-four seven till we find the bastard.”

Grey gave an appreciative nod and waited until the door closed before he retrieved his cellphone and checked his messages. He had received several replies, but only one gave him encouragement that he was on the right path. It was no surprise that it came from his most dangerous source. Turning back to Irelyn, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. He hated leaving her, but he had a meeting, one that might either be his doom or his answer to finding Dark.

The Grey Justice Group didn’t always color inside the lines, but there was always a concerted effort to avoid major illegalities. His operatives wouldn’t agree with him, but he wanted to be the only one to take this risk. This was between him and Dark. A covert operation using some of the deadliest people in the world was the only way to get this done to his satisfaction.

For all the death and destruction he had caused, Sebastian Dark deserved every punishment known to man. For what he had done to Irelyn, the bastard would die.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Her first awareness that anything was wrong occurred when she tried to lift her arm. It felt heavy, cumbersome. Concern grew into panic when she realized one of her legs wouldn’t move at all. Alarmed, she went for her knife at her bedside. Found nothing. It was gone. Grey had given her the knife, and she hadn’t slept without it in years. Her heart raced at the implication. Dark still had her.

“Irelyn. Listen to me. You’re fine.” A soft light appeared in a corner, and big hands gently cupped her face. “Look at me, Irelyn. It’s Grey.”

The panic washed away. “Grey?” She blinked up at the hollow-eyed, beard-stubbled man. “What happened? Where am I?” She winced at how raspy her voice sounded, how dry her throat felt.

“I’ll tell you everything, but first, do you want some water?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “Thank you.”

She heard the sound of water splashing into a glass, and then a small cup with a straw appeared. She took a sip and then another, finding instant relief.

“Not too much. Take it slow.”

After another few swallows, she nodded her thanks. “Where are we? How did you find me?”

“You’re in a private hospital in York. I found you at Hill House. Do you remember what happened?”

She closed her eyes for a moment, and everything flooded back at once. Anxiety slammed through her. “Sister Nadeen and Somer. Dark took them. Are they all right?”

“I called them. They’re fine. Worried about you, but they’re safe.”

She took in a breath, hissed at the throb of pain that permeated her entire body.

“Do you remember what else happened?”

Yes, she remembered it all. Waking up in that hideous white room at Hill House. Dark had been standing, smirking. He had shown her recordings. They had fought and then…

Her thoughts grew hazy, and she frowned up at Grey. “Did I burn down the house?”

He grinned then, and despite feeling lousy, she felt her heart click up several beats at just how sexy he looked.

“To the ground. Flattened it.”

Hill House was no more. Just that bit of news gave her a peace she hadn’t felt in years.

“What about Dark? Did he die in the fire?”

“No. He’s still out there.”

Christy Reece's Books