A Matter Of Justice (Grey Justice #4)(95)

He wished everything could have been settled before this day arrived. She deserved to have this day free from worry or fear. He had done his best to keep the details of his search for Sebastian Dark to himself. On one memorable occasion, he had walked out of the room to take a phone call. That had been a mistake.

She had reminded him in no uncertain terms that they were partners in everything. Even now, he smiled at how he had gone about easing her anger. They had both been breathless and satisfied.

Dark would turn up one day and would die. Grey refused to put his life and their happiness on hold any longer. This day had been in the making for almost two decades. Damned if he would wait any longer.

Someone in the crowd laughed, and Grey glanced out at the audience. Irelyn had been right. It was a large wedding. Neither of them had a traditional family, but they were blessed with true friends who had become family. Those people, along with hundreds of others, had come to witness what many were calling the wedding of the decade. To him, it was the continuation of a partnership and the beginning of a beautiful life together.

He was pleased to see that Lacey and Wyatt, both looking tanned and happy, had made it back from their honeymoon in time to attend the wedding. Three weeks ago, Lacey had walked down the aisle unaided by crutches, to marry the man she loved. Though she was still going to rehab twice a week, her doctors and physical therapist had assured her of a full recovery. With Lacey’s determination and Wyatt’s devotion, Grey had no doubts about that.

The music, which had been a medley of his and Irelyn’s favorite songs, suddenly changed. The crowd went quiet, and Grey got his first look at his bride. He lost his breath. He had seen this woman at her most beautiful, and still that could not compare with how she looked today. An ethereal glow seemed to surround her, and the small smile curving her beautiful mouth put Mona Lisa’s to shame. In the depths of her lovely gray eyes, he saw every hope, every dream for their future. And his heart was at peace.

Her gown was Italian lace over ivory satin. The trumpet mermaid swirl at the bottom flared out into the slightest of trains, and she loved hearing the swish of satin as she moved. Her hair was styled in a loose braid, pulled away from her face. Grey had once told her the hairstyle reminded him of how she looked when they first met. Her jewelry was a simple silver locket that looked perfect with the V neck of the gown, and her earrings were two-carat diamond studs. On her right hand, she wore the silver ring Grey had given her years ago, a symbol of their unbreakable bond. She would soon wear a circle of diamonds that would symbolize their lifetime commitment on her left hand.

As she walked toward the man she loved beyond life, she thought about fairy tales and happy endings. About glass slippers, castles in the air, and charming princes. She was living her very own storybook romance. But in every tale, there was always a threat of evil, that knowledge that no matter how much you pray for a smooth pathway to a happy ever after, something or someone could destroy it.

She wouldn’t think about that today. For this moment in time, she would concentrate on what she had been given—a man who understood her and loved her just the way she was. What more could she ask?

It had taken them a long time to get things right. She had fought against happiness, thinking she didn’t deserve it, but Grey had never given up on her.

Nontraditional, as usual, they had compromised on their wedding songs. She walked down the aisle with the soulful sound of Etta James’s At Last soaring around her, which had been her choice. At the end of the ceremony, Grey’s choice, John Legend’s All of Me, would play. Both were powerful songs, and their beautiful words described so much of their love for each other.

She made it down the aisle without tripping and smiled her relief when Grey took a few steps forward and took her hand. Together, they walked to the minister waiting for them.

She turned to face her groom and counted herself fortunate that she was made of sturdy stuff, or she would have swooned. No male model, actor, or fairy-tale prince could compete with Grey Justice in a tuxedo.

“Hello, handsome,” she whispered softly.

“Hello, my love.”

“We are gathered today, in the sight of family and friends, to join these two people as one. Irelyn and Grey have written their own vows.”

The minister turned to her first. “Irelyn, would you like to go first?”

She nodded and took a bracing breath. She had never made such a public statement of what was in her heart. More nervous than she’d ever thought possible, Irelyn raised her eyes to Grey’s. When she saw the tenderness, the love, her nerves faded away. It didn’t matter if she had an audience of a million, these words were for one man only.

“Grey, I loved you from the moment I met you, even though I had no idea what love really felt like. I loved you at fifteen when you were my knight in shining armor. I loved you when you forgave the unforgivable. Even when I hated and cursed you, I loved you. You never gave up on me, even when I gave up on myself.

“Thank you, my darling, for your bountiful love and tender forgiveness. For helping me become the kind of woman I can respect. I can never repay you for everything you’ve given me, everything you are to me. You are my life. You are my love. You are my everything.”

More moved than he had ever been in his life, Grey had to wait a moment till the lump in his throat subsided. They had both wanted to write their vows, but they hadn’t shared them until this moment.

Christy Reece's Books