A Matter Of Justice (Grey Justice #4)(97)

He ran to the control room next to his bedroom and switched on the video feed. There were only six intruders. His men would handle them without any problems. In fact, he was a little surprised that they’d been able to get near the house. When this was over, he’d have a very stern talk with the guards who’d allowed them to get this close.

It didn’t really matter who was behind this raid. There were many who would pay for the privilege of taking down the infamous Sebastian Dark. Still, he couldn’t help but hope that Justice and Raine were involved. He had been busy and put off going after them. He’d heard they’d gotten married, which made him want to kill them even more.

He pulled on his protective gear and armed himself. They would never make it to his private quarters, but it never hurt to be prepared just in case. He glanced back at the cameras displaying the inside of the house. Why was it so quiet? His men should be running through the hallways, shooting everyone in their path. What was taking them so long?

He switched camera views, and with each new scan, his concern grew. Several of his guards were lying on the floor. It was to be expected that he would lose a few, and that was no matter. He would get more. But where were the intruders? Were they dead somewhere else? It was as if they had been apparitions and had disappeared as quickly as they’d come.

What was happening out there? Should he wait here until the all clear sounded? Should he hide inside his safe room? He’d hired men to guard him, so it really wasn’t his responsibility to check on them. He went to the door and chewed his lip in indecision.

He could hear his father’s voice deriding him, telling him to stop being a coward, to go check things out.

He wasn’t a coward. He wasn’t.

Opening the bedroom door, he peered out into the hallway. A man lay facedown not five feet from his door. Blood pooled around his head. Again, one of his guards. Sebastian released a disgusted huff. Imbecile.

He was about to step into the hallway when something made him stop. Was that a shadow? Was someone coming his way? It didn’t matter if it was one of his men, he couldn’t take the chance. He fired several shots in the general direction and ducked back into the bedroom.

Grey nodded his thanks to the mercenaries who had helped him and watched as they walked out of the house, their job finished. In a matter of moments, they had achieved their objectives. Now there was only one target left, and he was Grey’s to handle.

He headed down the hallway, toward Dark’s room. The shots the idiot had fired had penetrated the wall. No one had been anywhere close. The man might not realize it, but he was spiraling out of control. Shooting and hoping to hit something was the mark of desperation.

Not only had Grey procured blueprints of this house, three days ago a tech security specialist had hacked into the security cameras. Grey had had the luxury of watching Sebastian Dark inside his home. He knew where he slept, what he ate for breakfast, and what he watched on television. Grey also knew about the secret room—the one that no one other than Dark was supposed to know about.

Stopping outside the bedroom door, Grey took a moment to listen. He heard what sounded like heavy breathing and then the sound of a door clicking shut. He smiled. The coward had gone into his safe room sooner than he’d thought he would.

Still cautious, Grey opened the door. Decorated in browns and charcoal, the room was as dark and depressing as a cave. The four-poster bed was unmade and had the look of someone who’d had a restless night. Considering the nightmares Irelyn suffered from, the thought of Dark having them made Grey feel better.

Seeing no one in the room, Grey went into the security room and pressed a red button on one of the control panels. A screen appeared with a keypad. He held his gun at the ready as he entered the sequence of numbers he’d seen Dark enter the night before. A second later, the door swung open on its hinges.

In a matter of seconds, Grey took in his surroundings. If his thoughts weren’t as dark as the man he was hunting, he might have laughed. This was no safe room, this was a full-fledged apartment complete with a bed, entertainment center, kitchen, and bath. Dark was prepared to live here for months. That wasn’t going to be necessary.

Bullets whizzed toward him, missing him. Grey didn’t give him another chance. Firing rapidly, he ran toward the man he could see stooped behind a leather recliner. The thuds of his bullets hitting the leather echoed through the room.

Staying on his haunches, Dark half crawled, half scooted toward another barrier, this time a coffee table that he upended and hid behind. Grey kept moving forward, ducking behind various pieces of furniture for cover when necessary but never stopping.

“Don’t come any closer!”

“Give it up, Dark. You’re not getting away this time.”

“How did you get in here?” He sounded both frustrated and furious.

“Guess your security isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

Giving him no time to respond, Grey was on him in a second. Plucking him out of his hiding place, he jabbed his fist into the man’s face, knocking him backward. With a roar, Dark came at him. Fists flew right and left, blood spewed, splattering the carpet and walls.

They dove into each other like feral animals, neither of them giving any quarter. Dark slammed a fist into Grey’s mouth, and Grey returned the favor. Oddly enough, he was glad the man could fight. It would make taking him down all the sweeter.

Christy Reece's Books