Within These Walls (Within These Walls #1)(45)

“I love her,” I corrected.

Her eyes widened at my confession, and she immediately diverted her attention back down to her desk. “You just need to be careful.”

“Are you reprimanding me or moving me to another department?”

“No. No, I’m not doing anything yet. I just want you to be more cautious,” she warned, her gaze finally meeting mine.

I saw compassion and understanding in those watery blue depths. The firm grip I didn’t realize I’d had on the chair suddenly lessened, and I sank back slightly. “I’ll do that. Thank you for looking out for me.”

“Of course, Jude. That’s all I’ve ever tried to do,” she said with sincerity and warmth.

It was the same warmth she’d had when she found me swimming in grief, unable to leave the hallways where I’d lost my fiancée. It was the same emotional qualities she’d probably had when she placed that bench along that lonely wall so that I’d have a place to sit, knowing it was useless to assume I’d move on without Megan.

But I had.

Somehow, I’d managed the impossible, and even though my heart still felt like it was slowly mending itself back together again from a horrendous accident, I was moving forward again.

Lailah was my way out of that hallway and back to the land of the living.

“Hey, Margaret, can I ask you for a favor?” I leaned forward.

Anticipation replaced fear as my plans for the evening took shape.

Curious, prying eyes followed me as I tried to carry in one single load what probably should have been three. Bags were slung over my shoulders, grocery sacks were in my hands, and about a million other things were stuffed anywhere else I could fit them.

With the two fingers I had free, I managed to pry open Lailah’s door, not bothering to knock. The noise I had made as everything balanced on my shoulders fell forward against the door was an announcement in itself. I pushed forward and nearly fell on my ass. I really should have made two trips, but I’d known when I got up here and saw her, I wouldn’t want to leave.

When I heard her giggle, I looked up and melted.

“Are you moving in?” she asked, her champagne-blonde locks brushed the bare skin of her knees as she bent over her journal. Her blue eyes sparkled with amusement at the sight of me tumbling into her room.

In that moment, I knew I’d do anything to bring that smile to her face.

“Do you think they’d let me?” I began the lengthy process of setting things down—first, the grocery bags and then the large equipment strapped to my back.

“Hmm…I don’t know. The bed is awfully small for two people,” she replied.

I glanced up just in time to see her eyes widen at the realization of her words. The way she’d said it had been light and joking, but all I’d heard was the possibility of the two of us back in bed together.

“I mean, you know…it would just be uncomfortably small. I might kick you and steal the covers and—”

“I think I could manage.” I grinned, letting my gaze run down the length of her body.

The gray shorts she was wearing did little to cover her long legs, and I had trouble tearing my eyes away from her milky white skin. She was usually so covered due to the frigid temperatures of the hospital that it was rare to see so much of her.

“Are you feeling okay?” I asked, immediately stalking forward to feel her cheeks and forehead.

“Yes, fine. Why?”

“You’re usually more bundled than this,” I said, motioning to her bare legs.

“Oh, I, um…” she fumbled over her words, turning red and casting her gaze downward.

“You, um, what?” I asked softly, brushing my fingers over her thigh.

“I don’t have anything nice to dress up in, but I thought I could at least try to look…sexy.”

Her eyes were transfixed on the caress of my hand against her skin. She took in a gulp of air and released it slowly as I sank down next to her.

“You could be in a designer dress or a hospital gown, and I’d still find you irresistibly sexy either way. It doesn’t matter to me what you wear…or don’t wear,” I added with a smirk. “I’m attracted to you—your laugh, your voice, the sexy way your breath catches when I kiss you. None of that has anything to do with what you choose to put on your body.”

As soon as the last word left my lips, she was on me, kissing me with passion I hadn’t known she possessed. Just when I’d thought I figured out this shy, innocent girl of mine, she’d knock me flat on my back and remind me just what an amazing mystery she was to discover.

Pulling back, she gave me a pleased, happy smile, letting me know that she was very happy with herself.

“So, does this mean I should change into pants then?” she asked, placing her hand over mine and running it down the length of her thigh.

Innocent, my ass. This girl is a quick learner.

“No, these are fine. I mean, we don’t want to make more laundry for your mom,” I answered, digging my fingers into her flesh.

A sheepish grin appeared on her face, and she tried to cover it with her hand.

“So, if you’re not moving in, what’s with all the stuff?”

“Well, first, you have to promise me that you won’t get mad at me?” I said, bracing for possible impact.

J.L. Berg's Books