Trusting You (Second Chances #2)(37)

I chose to call Claire first, and again, no answer. I was starting to get worried about her and since her mother had died I knew of no one else I could call to check up on her. Hopefully, I would hear from her soon. Sighing, the next person I knew I needed to call was Korinne.

She answered on the second ring. “Hey, Mel, what’s up?”

“Oh, Kori if you only knew. Do you have time to talk?” I asked. “If you don’t I can call you back later.”

“No, right now’s perfect. I just put Anna-Grace down to sleep so I’m all yours. You sound upset, though. What’s wrong?”

“Are you in Charlotte or are you two at your cabin in the mountains?”

“We’re in Charlotte until next week,” she said slowly, hesitantly. “Why?”

“Because Brett and I will probably need to meet up with you and Galen tomorrow at the firm to discuss some things.”

“Why are you being so cryptic?” she scolded halfheartedly. “You know you can tell me what’s going on.”

I sighed. “Oh I know, Kori, and believe me I want to, but I owe it to Brett to tell him first. I just know that once he finds out we’re going to need to figure out our next move. And since what I have to say involves M&M it should also be told to you and Galen.”

She groaned. “I don’t like the sound of this, Mel.”

“Me neither,” I retorted, “but Brett and I will be there tomorrow. Hopefully, he’ll still be talking to me.”

Jumping to conclusions, Korinne gasped and said, “Oh dear goodness, please tell me you didn’t cheat on him.”

“No,” I shouted forcefully. “I would never do that to him.”

“Okay, well since you’re not going to tell me I’d say you have your work cut out for you when Brett gets back. Just breathe, darling. Brett’s a good guy and I’m sure he’ll understand whatever’s going on. You have to have faith in him.”

“Thank you,” I cried. “I’ll see you tomorrow, all right?”

“See you tomorrow,” she repeated before hanging up.

Lying down on Brett’s pillows, I could still smell his masculine scent on the bed sheets. I breathed him in and closed my eyes. Please hurry up and get home.


I awoke to the sound of the front door opening and closing, and the clanging of keys being tossed on the counter. Immediately, my heart hammered in my chest as if I’d run a marathon, so I sat straight up in bed and clutched my heart. I could see Brett’s shadow moving around in the living room, but he’d yet to come into the bedroom. It was like everything moved in slow motion as I waited to face my fate.

Finally appearing and running his hands through his hair, Brett slowly made his way into the bedroom. It was dark in his room, and when his gaze flitted over to the bed that’s when our eyes locked. “I thought you’d be asleep right now. It’s three in the morning,” he informed me softly.

I shrugged. “Yeah, well, I haven’t been enjoying sleep these days.”

Releasing his tie, he took it off, unbuttoned his shirt, and dropped his pants on the floor. Without another word, he climbed into bed and folded me in his arms. I tried to hold back the tears but I couldn’t. I lost it and broke down into trembling sobs.

“I’m here now, Melissa. Talk to me,” he said, rubbing my back soothingly.

I held onto him for a few more minutes, touching him and breathing him in, because once he found out my secret I may not be allowed to touch him again. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to enjoy his final touches. Taking a deep breath, I reluctantly pulled out of his arms and turned to face him. His stormy gray eyes were guarded like they were in the pictures after his mother killed herself, and it devastated me to know I did that to him.

“I … I have something … to tell you,” I sputtered weakly.

Clenching his teeth, he motioned for me to get on with it by waving his hand impatiently. “Spill it, Melissa. I spent hours on a plane imagining all the sorts of things you were going to tell me tonight. And believe me, none of them were good thoughts.”

I nodded quickly and averted my gaze. “You’re right, it’s not. Shit, I don’t even know where to begin,” I said angrily.

“How about you start from the beginning?” he replied.

Taking a deep breath, I blew it out slowly. “Okay, here it goes. Do you remember the night we went out to dinner with your client and I said I didn’t feel well?”

He narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, and I pushed you to join me.” He paused for a second, anger growing across his face. “Something happened between you and Daniel, didn’t it? I could feel the tension the whole time we were at dinner.”

The tears flowed freely and in hot streaks down my cheeks. “There’s a reason for that tension, Brett, and I was stupid to have not told you from the beginning.”

“Is he one of your past boyfriends? Did you sleep with him?” he ground out through clenched teeth.

“Hell no,” I exclaimed and paused, thinking about the question. “Or at least not recently,” I added sheepishly.

Brett bolted out of bed and pinned an accusatory glare my way. “What the f*ck does that mean?” he shouted. “Not recently? What kind of shit is that?”

L. P. Dover & Meliss's Books