Trusting You (Second Chances #2)(35)

“Okay, and now that I’m free I’m going to look into this whole thing with Daniel. I’d like nothing more than to bust his ass doing something illegal.”

“You and me both,” I said. “And by the way, thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. Let me know what Claire says when you call her.”

“Will do,” I insisted. As soon as we hung up the phone I got a text from him giving me Claire’s number. Immediately, I dialed it and let the phone ring. It rang and rang until eventually her voicemail chimed in. Just my luck. I decided to leave a message and hoped she’d call me back. If not, I was going to call her over and over until I got in touch with her.

Once the beep sounded, I spoke into the phone, “Hey Claire, it’s Melissa here. I haven’t talked to you in a while so I thought I’d give you a call and see how you were doing. Please give me a call back. I have something I really need to talk to you about. Hopefully, I’ll hear from you soon.”

Shit, that sucks. I was really hoping to talk to her. “Please let her call me back soon,” I said to myself, closing my phone.

Annoyed, I set down my phone and grabbed my book. Over the past couple of nights I hadn’t slept well at all, so sitting there trying to read was probably going to put me to sleep. Needless to say, I read for about an hour before my eyelids started to droop and I slowly drifted off into the dream world where nothing and no one existed but me and Brett.

I couldn’t tell if I was dreaming or if I was awake, but the tender touches flowing down my arm and leg sent chills all over my body. When I tried to open my eyes, I couldn’t … I was blindfolded. Sitting up quickly, I tried to lift the blindfold off, but a pair of strong hands held me firm and a husky voice in my ear murmured, “Shh … relax.”

I giggled. “Brett, what are you doing? I see you made it back in one piece at least.” Instead of speaking to me, he placed a finger to my lips and slowly nudged me back. “Okay, I get the hint,” I mumbled against his finger.

Slowly, I settled back in the lounge chair and fought off the shivers that crackled along my body. I didn’t know how long I had been asleep, but I could tell the temperature outside had dropped a little so I was assuming it was pushing the evening hours. Thank goodness Brett made it back in good time.

He trailed his fingers over my breasts in my bikini and let them glide down my stomach all the way to my thighs. I moaned as he separated my legs and settled his weight on top of me, making my lounge chair dip lower to the ground. If we weren’t careful the chair would break.

“I’ve missed you,” I breathed.

My body tingled in anticipation for Brett’s touch. I’d spent the past two nights almost in withdrawal from missing his kisses and feeling his hands on my body as well as on the inside. His touch was addictive. I could feel his warm breath on my stomach as he trailed kisses up to my breasts. Untying my bikini top, the straps gave away and exposed them as he lowered his lips to my taut, sensitive nipples that had been deprived of his attention.

I groaned and thrust my hips against his hard cock. “Please make love to me, Brett. These past two days have been torture without you.”

A growl rumbled in his throat and I thought it was sexy as hell. He delved his fingers inside me hard and penetrated me like he was a starved man. It was wild and feverish the way he plunged in and out with his strong fingers and with his lips sucking vigorously on my breasts. When he pulled back I could hear him undoing his pants and removing his clothes.

When I tried to remove the blindfold again, he smacked my hand away and held my arms to my sides. “Why won’t you let me see you?” I asked, exasperated. “I haven’t seen you in two days.”

He closed over my lips before I could say anything else, and that was when I knew something was wrong. His kisses weren’t the same, he didn’t taste the same, and he sure as hell didn’t smell the same. Holy shit! I should’ve known something was wrong when he didn’t speak to me, and now I knew why. It wasn’t my Brett kissing me and about to make love to me, it was Daniel.

Catching him unaware, I bit his lip hard—drawing blood—and pushed him off of me. “What the f*ck?” he shouted.

Immediately, I undid the blindfold and the second I adjusted to the light outside I punched him on the side of his cheek, making his head snap back. Angrily, I pushed him again and this time he fell on his ass on the concrete.

“What the f*ck is right, *. What do you think you’re doing? I could have you arrested for this,” I yelled vehemently.

Sitting there in his boxers with blood running down his chin, the smirk on his face turned into an evil grin. He rubbed his now bruising cheek and lifted an appreciative brow while wiping away the blood with his hand. “Damn, I didn’t know you could hit like that. And don’t think about going to the police because if you do I’ll go on my search for the perfect high school boy of your dreams. Besides, why are you fighting me? I could feel how turned on you were to have me there between your legs. I just wanted to show you what you were missing.”

Disgusted, my mouth flew open. “Are you kidding me? I thought it was Brett you arrogant *, and he’s probably going to be here any minute. How did you get in? I had all the locks redone.”

Wolfishly, he smiled. “I can’t tell you all my secrets now can I? And by the way, Brett’s not going to be here for a while. I just got off the phone with him before coming here. He’s still stuck in Texas. So…sorry to disappoint you.”

L. P. Dover & Meliss's Books