Trusting You (Second Chances #2)(31)

Tears pooled in my eyes because I could just imagine a young Brett falling to pieces when he found out his mother had just taken her life. Looking away, Brett continued baring his soul. “Anyway, I went to school and when I came back there were police cars everywhere and an ambulance. My dad was in the front yard with his head hung low while my grandmother screamed and sobbed. It was the worst day of my life.”

“Your grandmother says you don’t speak to your dad. Will you ever talk to him again?” I asked warily.

Brett shrugged halfheartedly, but I could see the torment in his eyes at the mention of his father. “I don’t know. I blamed him for it, and I still do, but I also blame my mother for only thinking of herself and ending it the way she did. It was the coward’s way out.”

A tear fell down his cheek. I quickly brushed it away with my thumb, and tried to kiss away his pain. “Yes, it was, but you know she had to love you.”

He smiled and blinked away the moisture in his eyes. “I know she did, but there was a point to me telling you all of this. I know you have issues with trust, but I will never do what my father did. I love you, Melissa, and I’ve seen firsthand what my mother went through. I vowed never to do that to a woman and I will always hold up that end of the bargain. I trust you with my life and soul. I promise to always be honest with you, and I trust that you will be the same way with me.”

His words hit me straight through the heart. I let the tears flow freely; yes I was sad hearing the story of his mother, but I was more troubled by his words of trust and honesty. He would for sure be angry at me for keeping my secrets and deceiving him, but hopefully, he would understand why I did it.

I just need to figure out how I’m going to tell him … and when.


Once the bell rang, signaling it was lunch time, I pulled out my phone and laid it on my desk waiting for Brett’s call. He always called at lunch and he’d never failed to do it right on time. Ever since Brett told me about his mother and gave me that speech about truth and honesty, I’d pretty much lost my appetite. I could barely eat because of the stress. I wasn’t happy with keeping secrets from him, but I was clueless on how to approach it. In addition, over the past week my body wasn’t taking too well with the lack of sleep.

Right on time, my phone rang with Brett’s incoming call. “Hey babe,” I answered cheerfully.

“Hey, what are you doing?” he asked. I could hear car horns in the background so I knew he couldn’t be in his office.

“I was just waiting on your call and getting ready to eat my apple. Are you not at work?”

He sighed, and I could just picture him running his fingers through his dark, brown hair. “No, I’m not. Listen, you need to eat more. I don’t know what you’re doing or what’s wrong, but you’re starting to worry me. In just a week I can tell you’ve lost weight. Is there something going on I should know about?”

Sighing, I laid my head down on my desk. I just wanted to tell him and get it over with, but I couldn’t do it on the phone. Instead, I reassured him, “I’m fine, Brett. I just haven’t had an appetite these days. I promise to eat more later. So where are you headed?”

“I’m going over to my place to pack a bag for a couple of days. I have to go to Seattle for a meeting with a potential client.”

“Wow,” I muttered, amazed. “You’re getting out there, aren’t you?”

Brett laughed. “Yes, I am, but it’s a good thing. So anyway, I was wondering if you could get away for a few minutes right now.”

Groaning, I looked at the clock. I only had twenty minutes left until my next class.

“I can’t, babe. I don’t have time to go all the way to your place and be back before my next class. What time does your flight leave?”

“At five-thirty, but I plan on leaving the office around four,” he remarked, sounding disappointed.

“I tell you what … how about I come to your office right after school lets out. It’ll give me almost an hour with you before you have to leave. That way I can see you before you go,” I suggested.

I could just picture the smile on his face. “I’d love that. There’s a lot we can do in an hour you know,” he said slyly. “Oh yeah, I’ll give Jake in security your name so you can park in the employee parking deck. That way you can come straight up. I’m on the fifty-ninth floor.”

I rolled my eyes and smiled. “Sounds good, babe. Now let me go so I can eat my lunch and get ready for my next class.”

“All right, firecracker, I’ll see you soon. I love you.”

Before hanging up the phone I murmured, “I love you, too. I’ll get there as fast as I can after work.”

My heart ached in my chest because now I was going to have to wait yet another few days before I could come clean to Brett. Oh, please let me be able to hold out that long.

After school let out at South Point High, my phone buzzed with an incoming text as I was walking to my car.

Daniel: Can you meet me this afternoon?

Groaning, I texted him back.

Me: Can’t … I’m busy.

Daniel: I’m stopping by your house tonight then. We need to talk.

We need to talk? Yeah … right.

L. P. Dover & Meliss's Books