Trusting You (Second Chances #2)(32)

I groaned and griped to myself the whole twenty minutes it took to get to Brett’s office. I was a stubborn woman, but no one could beat the stubbornness level that Daniel had. I just wouldn’t answer the door if he came over. I’m sure he’ll love that.

When I pulled into the parking deck, the man I assumed was Jake came up to my window, so I rolled it down. He was probably mid-fifties with his salt and pepper cropped hair, and stout with muscle in his security uniform. He looked like he might’ve been ex-military at one point or another.

Leaning into the window, he smiled and greeted me, “I’m assuming you’re Ms. Ashford?”

I nodded. “Yes, sir.

He opened the gate and motioned me past with a wave of his hand. “Then you may proceed young lady.”

I saw Brett’s Jeep up ahead by the elevators, so I parked right next to him and got out of the car. My phone said I had only forty minutes to spend with him, so I rushed up to the elevator and pressed the button for the fifty-ninth floor. I was able to ride the elevator all the way to the top without having to stop. Once the doors opened, I had no clue which way to go so I approached the massive receptionist desk in the center of the giant lounge. The lady behind the desk was probably in her sixties with the sweetest smile of anyone I’d ever seen.

“Why hello there,” she greeted me, standing up. “I remember you from the party a few weeks ago. You’re Melissa, right? I’m Rebecca, Mr. Matthews assistant.” She extended her hand and I shook it firmly. “Mr. Walker told me you were coming.”

Blushing, I grinned and pulled back my hand. “Yes, ma’am. I wanted to see him before he left to go to Seattle, but I have no clue which way his office is,” I explained sheepishly.

“Oh, no problem, sweetheart.” She pointed to the hallway to the left and said, “His office is down that way, last door on the left.”

“Thank you, Rebecca.”

Grinning, she winked at me and sat back down at her desk. “You’re welcome, darling.”

Not wasting any more time, I walked briskly down the hall until I saw the last door on the left. His name was on the outside of the door, but I didn’t know if I should knock or just walk in. I’d never visited him before at work so I had no clue; I decided to knock.

“Come in,” he called out.

Opening the door, I smiled when I stuck my head through the side. “Hey, babe, I made it.” The second I stepped into his office my eyes went wide in wonder as my gaze searched his monstrosity of an office.

“Wow, the view is amazing,” I breathed in awe. I marched over to the window and peered out at what was one of the largest cities in North Carolina with its tall buildings and bustling streets. Holy crap, his office was amazing. He even had his own bathroom.

Brett beamed at me and immediately got up from his desk to capture me in his arms. He looked wonderful in his suit with his tie unkempt around his neck; I could tell he’d had a busy morning. Laying my head down on his chest, I breathed in his familiar and warm scent. I sighed when he held me tighter.

“I’m not going to know what to do without you these next couple of days. Why don’t you come with me? Surely, you can find a substitute, right?”

Exasperated, I pulled back and laughed at his teasing smile. “I wish I could go with you, Brett. I’ve gotten so used to you making my coffee in the mornings. I’m not going to know what to do without you.”

“Is that all you love me for? To make your coffee?” he quipped.

I rolled my eyes and bit my lip. “No, not exactly, but I’m sure you can think of other things I love about you.”

Smiling, he dipped his head lower. “I have some ideas about that, but why don’t you let me show you some of the things I love about you.”

Smirking, I glanced around his office and then back to him, knowing exactly what he wanted to do. The problem was that there weren’t many places that would be comfortable, unless we did it on the …

“If you don’t mind my asking, where do you plan on showing me how much you love me?” I questioned, raising my brow.

His smile grew wider as he walked back toward the door and locked it. “I’m sure we can come up with something,” he teased. Stalking over to me, I squealed when he picked me up and carried me over to his desk. Setting me down, I was amazed to see that it was uncluttered and completely devoid of any paper whatsoever.

Giggling, I crossed my arms over my chest. “You were planning this weren’t you? No one’s desk is ever this empty, especially someone who works as much as you.”

He chuckled. “It was either clear off my desk or we scatter everything on the floor. I thought I would make it less messy.”

“Good call,” I agreed with a wink of my eye. “But we don’t have much time.”

“No worries, firecracker. That’s why I’m going to f*ck you hard and fast,” he promised in his deep, sultry voice.

My breath hitched and my clit tightened as the words left his mouth; it wasn’t going to take me long to get off once he started. Unbuttoning my skirt, he slowly lowered it over my hips and lifted me up so he could slide it the rest of the way down. While he unbuttoned his shirt and pants, I worked on the rest of my clothes, slowly sliding off my silky top and unhooking my bra. After everything was said and done, all I had left on was a pair of thongs, but Brett ripped them off the second he saw them.

L. P. Dover & Meliss's Books