Trusting You (Second Chances #2)(41)

Breathing hard and slick with sweat, Brett lowered his lips to mine and kissed me gently, tasting me like I was tasting him while he wiped away my tears. “Everything is going to be fine, baby. I promise. We’re going to get through this … together.”

“That’s not why I’m crying,” I told him.

With his brows furrowed, he gazed down at me and asked, “Then why?”

“Because I love you too damn much and I don’t deserve you,” I answered honestly.

Brett shook his head and smiled. It was the first show of happiness on his face since he’d gotten back and I couldn’t help but grin along with him. He murmured, “You’re wrong, firecracker. We’re perfect for each other in every way, but if you feel the need to make it up to me then so be it. I’m sure another strip tease would do wonders.”

Laughing, I wriggled my hips against his still hard cock. “Yeah, I can tell you like the idea of another strip tease. Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you … I promise.”

We didn’t have long before we needed to get ready and meet Korinne and Galen at the firm. So after another round of lovemaking, only this time more persistent and vigorous, we took our showers and got dressed quickly.

On the way to downtown I called my cousin, Mason, and waited on him to pick up. “Perfect timing,” he answered. “I was just about to call you. I have some news.”

“And I hope it’s good news,” I said, “Can you meet me at M&M in half an hour? I told Brett everything already and now we’re going to see Korinne and Galen and tell them.”

“I’ll be there,” he promised. “Oh, and Mel?”

“Yeah …”

“You are not going to believe the shit I found out.”


We arrived at M&M right after the lunch hour traffic, so it didn’t take us long to wind through the crowded downtown streets and into the parking deck. Brett stayed close to me the entire time and ran his fingers soothingly over my back as we rode the elevator to the top.

When the doors opened, Rebecca lifted her head from the receptionist’s desk and beamed. “Hey you two,” she greeted happily, fumbling with the mountain of papers on her desk. “Mr. and Mrs. Matthews are waiting for you in their office.”

“Thank you, Rebecca,” Brett said warmly.

“Oh you’re welcome, dearie. You had a couple of phone calls this morning so I took messages.” She rumbled through the documents and smiled when she found them. Handing them to Brett, she said, “I told your client you would be in later today. He’s a very persistent man that Mr. O’Briene.”

Brett stiffened beside me and nodded stiffly. “Yes, he is,” he agreed through gritted teeth. “I’ll call him this afternoon.”

Brett immediately took my hand and led me toward Galen and Korinne’s office, which was on the opposite side of the building from his. The door was open and when they both saw us approaching they motioned us in. Brett shut the door just as Galen stood up, arms crossed over his chest, and demanded, “Okay, what’s going on?”

I looked up at Brett and raised my brow. Did he want me to explain or him? “I think it’s best you tell them,” he said, gently nudging me forward. “Because if I do I’m liable to break something.”

Galen and Korinne both waited patiently for me to explain, so I took a deep breath and told them everything from start to finish. They listened and didn’t interrupt at all while I informed them about my knowledge of the land Daniel claimed was his.

“So you’re saying that your ex-husband doesn’t own rights to that land?” Galen asked to confirm.

I nodded. “That’s right. It was supposed to go to his sister. I tried calling her, but I can’t get in touch with her. Daniel is very persistent on getting this project started and was very adamant on Brett being the one to help him, no one else. That’s why when he saw me with Brett he came up with this whole blackmail scheme to make sure that your company doesn’t fall through.”

Galen lifted a brow at that, so I held up my hands and explained, “Not that your company wouldn’t take on a client just because he was the ex of your girlfriend, but this is Daniel we’re talking about. When he saw me he freaked. He said he had to make sure I didn’t screw that up for him. I’m thinking it might be a good idea to find out who this investor is and why he’s so adamant he has Brett on the project.”

Galen sighed and took a seat at his desk. He closed his eyes and rubbed them with his fingers while he leaned back in his chair. “We need to get to the bottom of this before we start anything. Are you sure without a doubt that you think Daniel is lying about the will and that his family didn’t leave him the land?” Galen questioned firmly.

Confident, I nodded. “I’m sure, Galen. If I can just talk to his sister I can get her help and figure out what happened. And once my cousin gets here he said he had some news for us, so hopefully it’ll lead us in the right direction.”

As soon as I said that a knock sounded at the door, interrupting me. “Perfect timing,” I chimed in.

Brett opened the door, and standing there was my cousin Mason in a pair of blue jeans, a tight gray T-shirt, and his favorite New York Yankees baseball cap that hid his shortly cropped blond hair. He was also holding a folder in his hands which I hoped was the information we needed.

L. P. Dover & Meliss's Books