Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(85)

Beryl was never meant to remain with us, my pet. She's a tool, nothing more. Release her, then feign horror at what you've done. They must not know you're mine now.

"I'll do as you say."

This was wrong. He knew it, but couldn't find the foothold he needed to fight against such a dark being. Exiting his room, he walked the corridors, searching for the elevator to Block T-which stood for "Termination." The witch would be executed soon, for her part in Malik's heinous crimes, whether she talked or not.

Locating the elevator, he rode it down to the basement and got out. The witch's cell wasn't hard to find, as there weren't many and hers was the only one occupied. She moved to the door and gave him a catlike smile, as though she'd been expecting him.

"Good blow job?"

"So that really was you?"

She shrugged. "No. It was Malik. You already know he can change forms, and he's great at projecting his spirit-self."

"But was it real?"

"Who's to say? Malik is the master of the mindf*ck. It's as real as you want it to be."

Cold sweat formed on his brow. He couldn't think of that now. He had a task to perform. Quickly, he uttered a spell and the lock popped, then the door slid open on its track. Beryl stepped out and pushed into his chest, thrust her tongue into his mouth, kissing him for several moments before breaking away. "There's more where that came from, later. Right now, I have to see to my task. Take the next elevator so we're not seen together."

He shrugged, but said nothing. Little did the witch know there wouldn't be "later" for her. Either the team would kill her or Malik would. He didn't care which.

As she left, he struggled against that fact-that he didn't care about her life. That wasn't him, but the feelings of empathy weren't there. As though Malik had surgically removed them.

He waited. When the elevator returned, he followed.

"What have I done?" he whispered, leaning against the inside wall. The hated voice answered.

Your task, and you've done it well.

"Fuck you!"

A throaty laugh was the bastard's only reply. Kalen's knees shook as he wiped the sweat from his face. His stomach rolled.

What was Beryl going to do? Whatever happened, it would be his fault. Kalen hoped he could find the strength enough to do the right thing. He had to go against Malik's order and stop Beryl.

God, please help me!

But He had never answered Kalen. Not once, in all his life.

And now he was prey to the one that would.

Aric held Rowan's hand as they walked down the corridor together. A silly thing, but it made him happy. He was all domesticated, a state he hadn't imagined himself in.

"I talked to my friend, Dean," she said. "Told him I resigned from the LAPD."

"What did he say?" He'd managed not to snarl when she'd said her best friend was some guy, and a handsome FBI agent at that. He congratulated himself on his calm tone.

"He wasn't exactly shocked. I'd told him about you. He'd like to come visit sometime."

"Hmm. We'd have to clear that with Nick, but since you said he's the one who learned about the compound in the first place, I'm guessing it won't be a problem. I bet Nick will want to speak with him in person about that, to try to find out where the leak came from."


Something was eating at him, and he had to get it off his chest. "Ro, you know I'd move to L.A. with you, if that's where you want to be. I mean that."

"I know, and I love you for it." She kissed his cheek. "But my home is here now, with you and the Pack."

He was about to say something else when Sariel came around the corner. The Fae prince stopped and gave them both a blinding smile, rustling his blue wings. Aric thought those were kind of cool, but he'd never say so.

"Congratulations on your mating," he said to them both. "Will you have what humans call a wedding?"

Aric glanced at Rowan, who shrugged. "I don't think either of us has thought about it. But to me we're already married, as shifters."

"True," the faery mused. "It's the same with my kind."

Before Aric could open his mouth, a deafening blast shook the hallway. Aric and Rowan were thrown to the floor, and as he fell, Aric saw the blast catch the prince high in his chest. Sariel flew backward, slamming into the wall with the sickening sound of the wall giving way and the crunch of breaking bones. He slid to the floor and didn't move.

In an instant, Rowan shifted. To his horror, she ran, attacking Beryl from the side. He had no time to wonder what the f**k the witch was doing loose. The bitch spun and sent a bolt of light at his mate, which struck her in the shoulder. His mate spun with a sharp yelp and crumpled.

Rage suffused him, and the shift happened with no conscious thought on his part. He was a killing machine, bent on the one goal of killing the bitch who'd harmed his mate. There would be no more reprieves for Beryl.

She saw him coming, smirked, sent another blast. Aric dodged it and it sailed harmlessly to his side, smashing into the wall behind him. He had one split second of immense satisfaction when her eyes widened and she knew death had finally come to call.

Then he leapt, was on her, sending them both crashing to the floor. Shouts sounded, the cavalry coming, but no one was going to stop him. Beryl grabbed at him, tried to shove him off her, but he lunged.

J.D. Tyler's Books