Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(80)

"Great. Now we need to get some of your blood into his mouth, try to stimulate his instinct to clamp down on you. Give me your finger."

Rowan held out her arm, palm up. Melina snapped on a pair of latex gloves and took a finger-pricking device from the counter. Rowan hated those things. The doctor wiped the tip with alcohol and positioned the instrument, then let it snap. Blood welled and the doc squeezed to get a nice, fat drop, then swiped the drop onto her own latex-protected digit.

"I'm going to put my finger in his mouth, and hope your blood stimulates a response. It's worked before, so hopefully it will again."

"Why not let me put my finger in?"

"You can, after I make sure he's not going to become too aggressive. Step one."


Melina used one hand to pry Aric's jaw open. It didn't appear too difficult, as lax as his muscles were. Then the doctor eased the finger with the droplet between his lips, and seemed to be massaging his tongue. Though it was to save his life, a big part of Rowan coiled in anger at the idea of anyone touching her man's tongue, or any other part of him.

After a moment, his jaw moved. His lips closed around the finger and he began to suckle like a babe at his mother's breast-another image she could do without.

"All right, come here and we'll replace my finger with the one I poked. Be sure to squeeze out more blood first."

Rowan did as the doctor said, and slipped her finger inside Aric's mouth as Melina removed her own. It felt weird, his tongue curling around it, hot and wet. Even that small connection was far too intimate with an audience, but she resolutely ignored them. This was for Aric.

With her free hand, she stroked his hair. "Come on, baby," she whispered. "Come back to me, you stubborn man. Why the hell did you do this to yourself? Wake up so I can yell at your stupid ass."

Making a noise in the back of his throat, he sucked a little harder, more eager to get her essence. She doubted he was aware of what he was doing or why, but maybe it would bring him to the surface. A few more minutes passed, however, and he seemed to be tiring again.

"I have an idea," Rowan said to the group. "Scoot him over so I can stretch out next to him. If I envelop him in my scent, maybe that'll bring him around."

"Excellent idea," Mac said. "At this point anything is worth a shot."

Nick assisted the women in moving Aric over just enough for Rowan to lie next to him. She situated herself on her right side, facing him, and stuck her finger back into his mouth. "Now do me a favor and give us some privacy, please? He's going to bite me, or he won't. Either way, we don't need an audience hovering."

Obviously reluctant to give her assent, Melina thought for a few seconds before replying. "All right. But we'll be back to check on you both."

The group filed out and Rowan let out a sigh. "Well, at least we can talk privately. Or how about I talk and you listen? You're going to be a good wolf and bite me, do you understand? And then if you don't want a mate, I'll go back to California and you'll never have to see me again."

A small growl rumbled in his chest, and she took that as a positive sign. Snuggling closer, she nuzzled his cheek and his hair, doing her best to make sure he couldn't escape her scent. This had to work. If it didn't...

She would not lose him. Not an option.

Resting her head on his shoulder, she began to talk. And talk, until her voice was hoarse.

He floated, twisting in agony. Nightmares of fire and death consumed him.

He'd surfaced now and then, but the pain was too much. Not just physical, but the awareness of all he'd lost. He was ready to give up, to embrace the end.

And then a sweet flavor burst on his tongue. Delicious. There was something in his mouth, and it carried whatever tasted so good. Candy? No. It was warm, alive.

Flesh. Someone's finger. And... blood?

That made no sense. He was a wolf, not a vampire. But wolves liked blood when they ate a rabbit or a deer. This taste wasn't from an animal, though.

As his thoughts became more lucid, he became aware of warmth at his side. Instead of adding to the discomfort of the internal fire that raged, it was a comfort. So was the heady scent teasing his nose. Ocean spray and flowers wrapped around his senses, giving him peace, soothing the agony.

His wolf recognized the owner of that wonderful scent before he did, and whined, needing to get closer. Mate. Mine.


Had he said her name aloud? He tried again. "Ro?"

"I'm here, honey." Arms wrapped around him and his face was pushed against her skin.

Jesus, she smelled so good. Felt right against him. He nuzzled the curve of her neck and his canines lengthened. He longed to claim his mate, thought he shouldn't, but couldn't remember why not.

"Bite me, Aric," she whispered. "Make me yours."

Parting his lips, he let his teeth graze along the delicate skin. God help him, he couldn't resist one more second.

He struck, sinking his teeth into her neck. Her ambrosia exploded on his tongue and his body detonated. Rode wave after wave of ecstasy as his mate screamed her pleasure.


His. For always.

"Bite me, Aric," Rowan whispered. "Make me yours."

For a second, she didn't think he would give in. His teeth scraped the curve of her neck and shoulder, and he hesitated. And then he sank his canines deep.

J.D. Tyler's Books