Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(81)

Instant, unbridled, bone-melting joy lit her like a torch, from the inside out. A golden thread wound its way through their souls, binding them together for always. She actually felt it, and saw it in her mind's eye, and knew it was real.

Vaguely, she was aware of screaming. That's me. God, it's so good!

Footsteps came running, the door opened. Then they must've quietly slipped away, because as she drifted back down to earth, she opened her eyes and they were alone together.

Withdrawing his fangs, Aric licked the wounds. "Mine," he rasped. "My mate."

"Yes, yours. And you're mine." She hugged him close.

Then his body went slack. At first she was alarmed, but then she realized the horrible heat that had radiated from his body was noticeably lessened. His face was relaxed, but he wore a faint smile, as though he'd just seen heaven. He was simply sleeping.

"Thank you," she said to whatever higher power had saved him. Or maybe he'd saved himself. But she had to thank someone.

And she owed him a butt-chewing when he woke up, for scaring the shit out of them all.

Sunshine. Warm, on his face.

The light didn't burn, and to Aric's surprise, he wasn't hot anymore. In fact, he was damned cozy, with someone snuggled against his side. Prying his eyes open, he let his vision adjust and craned his neck to look down at the woman whose head was resting on his chest, brown hair fanned out. He liked being her pillow, and smiled a little.

But wait-he was supposed to be sick. Dying. How was she here, and he was... normal?

Yeah, he felt fine. Tired, but okay. Thinking hard, he cast about for an explanation-and remembered. "Oh, God."

He'd bitten Rowan. Claimed her.

Mine, his wolf rumbled, immensely pleased with himself.

The man, however, was ashamed. How could he have done this? Tied her to the likes of him forever? "Rowan," he said quietly, jostling her gently. "Baby?"

She stirred some. "Mmm?"

"Ro, wake up." He kissed the top of her head, his heart beating a strange tattoo in his chest. He wanted to deny what he'd done, but he felt protective of the bond. Like his soul absolutely would not accept his denying it now.

Stretching, she raised up and gave him a sleepy smile. "You're awake. How do you feel?"

"Pretty good, actually. Better than I should."

"Oh, no. We're having no self-pity in this mating," she said firmly. "Grow a pair of balls, wolf, and use them."

His eyes widened. "Are you calling me a pu**y?"

"If the vagina fits."

He choked, not sure whether to laugh or be pissed. He went with amusement, as he just didn't have the heart to be mad at his mate. She'd obviously rushed to his side, and saved his sorry ass. "Is that so? I don't care how tough you are, officer. My balls will always be bigger than yours."

"Thank God for that." Her chocolate eyes were soft with emotion. "I'm so happy the bite worked. I hope you're happy, too."

He cupped her face. "I don't deserve to be, but yes, I am."

"See, we've got to work on that 'I don't deserve you' thing. It's self-destructive, and you're wrong. Beryl and Malik are the ones who've orchestrated every step of their plan, no one else. Isn't it time you stopped taking the blame for that bitch's manipulations?"

For the first time, he really thought about that. The truth seeped in, and looking into Rowan's beautiful face, he was freed. From the horror and the guilt. All of it. "Yes, it is. I'm not saying it will be easy, but I'm willing to put it behind me for you."

"For us."

"Right. For us."

"Will you talk to Mac? Let her counsel you so you can heal? I want you healthy, honey, inside and out. It's the only way we'll make it."

He could refuse her nothing. "Sure." Something else occurred to him, a big stumbling block. "What about your job? I know how much you love being a cop."

"I do, but..." She thought for a moment. "When I left here, I felt like my heart was being ripped out. Yes, a lot of it was the mating pull, but that's not all. This place, with you in it, feels like home. Micah is here, and I know if I stay, eventually I'll be as close to the guys as I am to my own brother."

Anxiety made his pulse pound. "What are you saying?"

"That I want to stay." Tracing his lips, she whispered, "I love you."

This is happiness. I've waited so long.

"All my life I've wanted to hear those words from someone who meant them," he said in a tight voice. "Baby, I love you, too."

Their lips came together and his body ignited-in the best way possible. His c**k hardened between them, demanding to get in on the lovin'. "I need to be inside you," he gasped. "I can't wait."

"I don't think you're in any shape to do the actual deed just yet." She smiled when he made a noise of protest. "But I can help with your problem."

Scooting lower on the bed, she pushed the blanket aside to reveal his naked body. A couple of towel-wrapped bags fell on the floor on the other side of the bed, and he vaguely remembered being iced down. Now he relished the good kind of heat and she leaned down and licked the leaking crown of his cock.

"Do you feel naughty?" she murmured. "Getting head from your mate when anyone could walk in?"

J.D. Tyler's Books