Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(87)

"Thank you, Mac." Nick gave her a tired smile.

She returned it and left. Without looking at Kalen again, who stared with longing at the place where she'd just been.

Nick spoke to the group again. "All right. I need to speak to Kalen. We'll adjourn for now and discuss this mess later."

Nick led a shaken Kalen out, and Aric didn't envy him the coming meeting. The Sorcerer was in for a long session, no doubt. Aric wondered what this would mean for his future in the Pack. He liked the kid. Hoped like hell things would turn out okay for him.

Selfishly. Because if the Sorcerer turned on the Pack, gave himself to the control of the Unseelie king...

They were screwed, down to the last man.

A hand settled on his shoulder, rubbing him gently. "What do you say we go for a run, and escape for a while?" Rowan suggested. "Just you and me?"

"I think that sounds like a fantastic idea."

Smiling, he took her hand and led the way out of the building, across the field to the trailhead. This once, he was going to break Nick's rule. Because he needed to run with his mate. Make love in the sunshine.

Outside, they shifted and took off for the woods. Letting their wolves loose, they ran for miles before finally slowing near a stream. They padded over and took a long drink, slaking their thirst. Then he nipped playfully at her rear end, yipping as she nipped back and started chasing him. For several minutes they simply allowed themselves to be free, just a pair of wolf mates frolicking in the sun-dappled afternoon, splashing in the water.

God, they needed this time together. To just be. So they took it, playing until Aric shifted, laughing, and gathered his mate into his arms.

"Shift, baby."

She did, and he was suddenly holding an armful of beautiful, naked woman. Skin slick, water droplets clinging to her hair. She smiled at him and his breath caught in his throat. Rowan was everything he'd ever wanted and never allowed himself to believe he deserved.

Until now.

"I love you," he said, cupping her cheek.

Her lips parted and her eyes sparkled as she took his face in her hands. "I love you, too. So damned much."

Then there was no need for words. Scooping her up, he carried his precious burden to a grassy spot beyond the bank and set her down carefully. She held out her arms and he went into them gratefully, pressing her down, covering her sweet body with his. He captured her lips, kissed her senseless while he plucked at a nipple, already pert from their romp in the stream.

"Make love to me," she gasped.

"That's what I'm doing, baby. It's what I'll do for the rest of my life," he whispered.

Then he moved between her legs, pressed his c**k into her moist heat. Slid home, and began to move in a slow, sensual rhythm. In and out, making sweet love to his mate.

And that's what it was. Love.

The pressure began to build, spreading that delicious ache through his balls and to every nerve ending. His entire world narrowed to the two of them, connected in a ritual older than time. Only one thing remained that they hadn't done, and it was something he wanted badly.

"Bite me," he panted, increasing his strokes. "Claim me! I'm so close, and I want to come when you do."

"Are you sure?" She hesitated, but he saw the light of excitement in her eyes.

"God, yes!"

Gathering her close, he pressed her face to the curve of his neck and shoulder. Her hot little tongue lapped at the spot for a few seconds-

And then she struck.

Her fangs sunk deeply into his flesh. A moment of bright, searing pain was quickly replaced by a bolt of ecstasy so intense he almost passed out.

"Ahhh!" His shout echoed through the treetops. His balls tightened and his c**k exploded, and he came hard enough to see stars. His body shuddered as he emptied himself forever, vaguely aware that she was convulsing around him as well. After a few minutes, he came down to earth, still holding her close.

"Oh my God, that was amazing," he said breathlessly, kissing her soundly. "Can we do that again sometime? Not today, because coming that hard again in the same day might kill me!"

She giggled, burrowing into his chest. "Sure. But only if you promise to bite me first."

"Damn, who knew that biting thing was some sort of super sex stimulant?"

"If the other guys knew, they'd all be out scouring the countryside for their mates."

Grinning, he pulled out carefully and rolled to his back, taking her with him. She snuggled in and rested her head on his chest, making him feel about ten feet tall.

"I hope they all find their mates," he said, squeezing her tight. "Because nothing on earth compares to this."

"I agree. I believe a person can overcome anything, with someone special by her side. Someone made just for her."

"Or him." He kissed the top of her head. "Finding you sure proved that to me."

"I love you, wolf."

"I love you more, my baby."

They remained there in their private glen for a long while. To heck with rules, just for today.

Yes, there was a storm coming. And it threatened to consume them all in its fury.

But for now, he planned to spend every spare second loving his tough, beautiful mate.

Starting right now.

J.D. Tyler's Books