Hunter's Heart (Alpha Pack #4)(21)

"Fine, thanks." She noted that some people were watching them with interest, Daria in particular, and she smiled at some of them. Nerves tried to get the best of her, but she pushed them down.

"You okay?" he asked in concern, taking a seat across from her.

"Yes. I'm just not used to being around so many people."

"I can imagine, being out in the woods so much. Do you miss the interaction, or are you one of those who only comes back to the real world when you have to?"

She looked at him in surprise. "That's a perceptive question. I don't think anyone has ever asked me that." Reaching for a bun, she thought about it. "I do miss being around other people, talking, laughing, and sharing stuff. I love my job, but it's so isolating that I sometimes miss doing something as fun and simple as meeting the girls for drinks or going to a movie."

"Stuff other people take for granted. I totally get that."

He did, and she found it was nice. "Do you miss having a regular job?"

He smiled. "Honey, I wouldn't even know what that means. I'm happy here, doing what I do."

Warmth slid over her, her entire body reacting to his calling her honey. Even when her ex-fiance had used endearments, she hadn't felt as though she wanted to wrap herself in the man and never emerge. It was a good feeling, and scary.

They piled goodies on their burgers and munched for a while, and she took the opportunity to study him, trying not to appear as though she was doing it. He was so handsome, with those crystal blue eyes. And she had a thing for blonds, always had, maybe in part because she found her own black hair so plain and boring. She found herself wanting to bury her fingers in those sunlight tresses and do delicious things to his mouth.

She almost choked on a bite of burger.

"You okay?"

"Fine," she said, coughing. In the next instant, she was very glad she'd swallowed that bite of food.

From her seat she had a good view of the entrance, and when she turned her head slightly to the right, something, or someone, strolled in that she'd never forget.

"What the hell?" she whispered, burger plopping to her plate, forgotten.

Just inside the entrance to the dining room stood a tall, breathtakingly beautiful male creature. An otherworldly being, not a man. He stood six feet tall, maybe a little more, and was slender, jeans slung low on his hips. He had a gorgeous face with high cheekbones and large, golden eyes like an eagle's that almost glowed.

But his most stunning features were his waist-length jewel blue hair that cascaded like ribbons in water, and the magnificent feathery wings of the same color that had brushed the top of the doorframe when he'd stepped through. The wildlife biologist danced in glee at this find. The woman stared, not sure whether to greet him or run and hide.

"Incredible." She couldn't take her eyes off him.

"Isn't he?" Ryon's voice was wry, tinged with humor. "Sariel tends to suck up most of the air when he's in the room."

The male made his way toward them, having noticed Daria. His wide smile was warm as he stopped beside their table.

"Hello there! You must be Miss Bradford, our guest." He bowed slightly. "I'm Sariel, or Blue if you prefer. For obvious reasons."

Her mouth worked, speech having died between her brain and her mouth.

Ryon interceded with a chuckle. "She's going to need some time to get used to us, buddy. Just call her Daria. Daria, this is our resident Seelie prince."

"Removed from my throne," he said smoothly. "Titles don't mean much here, unless you're the commander."

"What's a Seelie?" she managed at last.

Blue explained patiently. "A member of the Fae realm, a world that exists parallel to this one. The portal to the Fae realm is located in a country you call Ireland. The Fae consist of two groups-the Seelie and the Unseelie. Members of my Court consider us to be the good guys, if you will. Though we all know not every world is made of entirely good or bad people."

A shadow passed over his face as he related that last bit, and she wondered at it. "What are the Unseelie, then? The bad guys?"

"Essentially. They devote their existence to pleasing themselves, no matter who they hurt. Their minions are the Sluagh, Seelie who've given themselves to evil, and have fallen."

She took this in. "And you're a prince."

"Yes, formerly from the Seelie Court. Old news, and a long story." He waved a hand at a vacant chair. "May I join you both?"

"Sit," Ryon said. "Eat. You're way too skinny. Haven't you been following the diet Melina put you on?"

Blue, as Daria was starting to think of him, wrinkled his nose at the hamburger patties as though they were the most revolting things he'd ever seen. "I seriously doubt those should be on anyone's diet."

"You just need to gain weight, man. Doesn't matter how at this point."

Blue glared at his friend. "Thank you for so helpfully pointing that out." He reached for a bun and piled it with vegetables, leaving out the meat altogether and ignoring the fries.

Thankfully, Ryon didn't comment on his choice. She could see that Blue was rather sensitive about the subject of his eating habits. She wondered if food was so different in the Seelie Court that he couldn't find things here to satisfy his palate. Then she ground to a mental halt at the direction of her thoughts.

J.D. Tyler's Books