Hunter's Heart (Alpha Pack #4)(23)

"I doubt that will happen."

"We have several creatures depending on us, and I'm sure more will come."

That seemed to unsettle her, but she said nothing about it. Blue pointed out some of the other guys, but it was apparently too many people for her to take in. She just nodded politely and chatted with the prince, finishing her burger. When they were done eating, Blue rose.

"It's been a pleasure talking with you, Daria. I'm sure we'll get to know each other much better." He slid a sly smile at Ryon.

Ryon wondered if the prince had the ability to sense their bond, but he couldn't very well ask. He knew that Daria would likely start to feel it, too, if she hadn't already. He'd have to explain soon, as Nick advised, or she might think there was something wrong with herself. He was afraid she would be upset, too.

Blue left to join Kalen. Ryon wiped his hands and laid aside his napkin. "Would you like to see the compound?"

Her eyes held his for a moment, something sparking between them. "I'd love to."

His heart did a little happy dance, but he forced himself to stay cool. This was not a woman to be pushed, and yet he'd had no choice but to change her entire life without her input. He hoped she would forgive him.

Taking the handles of her chair, he guided it into the hallway and turned the corner. "How about the recreation room first? If you're by yourself and can't find who you need, there's always someone relaxing in there."

"Sounds good." She gestured to the place in general. "It's very homey. Not what one would expect."

"The women rallied when we first opened the place and demanded new paint, carpet, the works. They said if they had to live here, they weren't going to live in a drab white box."

"Nick approved that? He doesn't seem the type."

"Nick wouldn't have cared, but he wasn't our commander back then. Our boss was Terry Noble. He was killed in an ambush several months ago, along with some of our team."

"I'm sorry to hear that," she said honestly.

"Our job is dangerous, and death is always a high risk. But we all miss him, Ari, and Jonas. Those are the other guys we lost." He paused. "We thought Micah and Phoenix had been killed along with them, but it turns out that they were being held in a lab facility run by Malik, where his doctors were performing experiments on humans and shifters, trying to perfect a super-soldier."

"That's horrible! I'm glad you were able to get back two of your guys, though. Maybe the others are still out there somewhere?" she asked hopefully.

God love her. "It would be a miracle. All of Malik's labs have been destroyed, as far as we know, and none of the other Pack members were found."

"You never know."

"True. But on a happier note, this is the rec room." Pushing her inside, he came around to stand where they could see each other. "We have all sorts of games in here. Ping-Pong, board games, and the Wii. We're thinking about buying another TV and game system because there's always someone hogging the one we do have."

"Neat room, lots of comfy furniture. I can see why everyone likes to hang out here."

"Just beyond those doors is a field with a picnic area where we play football, baseball, grill out, and whatever other excuse we can think of to get outside."

"With scenery as beautiful as that outside your door, I can see why." She gazed outside thoughtfully. "How can you have a compound in the middle of the Shoshone when it's government land?"

"Because the government sanctions our being here. Those in power who need to know, do."

"I see."

They left the rec room and he took her to the gym. Micah was shooting hoops. Jax was there, apparently working off lunch, lying on his back on a bench, lifting weights. A small, furry brown creature was perched on his chest, curled up dozing with a look of pure bliss on its teddy-bear face. Ryon glanced at Daria, who was frowning at the creature.

"What is that?"

He pushed her closer, chuckling. But not too close. "That's Chup-Chup. He's sort of like a gremlin, or something. Nobody's really sure."

"One of the rescued critters Blue was telling me about?"

"Among others."

"Hey, guys," Jax called as they approached. He heaved a couple more bench presses, then sat the bar in the holder and wiped at the sweat on his brow with his hand. "Move slow and easy. You know how Chup is about strangers."

"You ought to know," Ryon said, ribbing him. "Took you and the furball long enough to make peace."

"Don't remind me. There are body parts that still hurt at the memories." Laughing, Jax stroked the beast's small head. "He likes me well enough now, though."

"I think the steak treats probably helped change his attitude."

"Hey, he has a fondness for women. I had to fight dirty."

Daria leaned forward. "Can I hold him?"

Jax considered Chup warily. "I don't know. Depends on him."

Just then, the creature sat up, stretched and yawned. Ryon privately thought the thing was cute as hell, but he wasn't about to touch it. He'd seen the little shit almost take off Jax's hand once, and that had been enough to convince him that his calling did not lie in taming animals.

J.D. Tyler's Books