Hunter's Heart (Alpha Pack #4)(25)

His lips turned up. "I like you more than a little bit, myself."

"Why do I feel this pull toward you?" she asked sleepily.

"Why do any man and woman feel chemistry?" His tone was light, but his gut clenched. He knew she wasn't just talking about simple man-woman attraction, and her next words proved it.

"What I'm feeling is more than that, though I'm plenty attracted." She paused, her brown eyes liquid with heat. "It's like there's some sort of golden thread connecting us. Does that make sense?"

"It does, yes." Reaching out tentatively, he brushed a strand of black hair from her face, ready to withdraw it if she protested. When she didn't, instead turning her face into his touch, his wolf practically whined in pleasure, and the man celebrated this small progress.

He'd have to come clean, soon. He couldn't put it off much longer.

For now, he'd leave her with something that she'd hopefully think about, in a good way, after he was gone. Kneeling by the side of the bed, he brought his face close to hers. Looked into her eyes, questioning silently, again giving her time to call a halt to the kiss he was about to plant on those plump lips.

Invitation was clearly etched on her pretty face, and he closed the small gap between them, bringing their lips together. Lightly at first, then with more pressure, fusing their mouths. His c**k went rock-hard in his jeans, pushing insistently against its confines and demanding to be let out to play. She wasn't ready for more, however, so he reined in the impulse to crawl onto the bed with her.

They explored each other, tasting, tongues dueling. She was sweet, ambrosia on his tongue, the flavor unique to his mate. He figured his flavor was the same for her, and wanted to ask, but he didn't dare. Not yet. This was a good start, his mate welcoming his kiss, and he was thankful for that.

Finally, he pulled back, and saw the dazed expression on her face. She felt desire for him, the want plain to see, even if he hadn't picked it up from their bond. She desired him, but was uncertain. Confused.

He hated that confusion and the circumstances that had made it necessary. They should have met, fallen in love first. Then become Bondmates later, when they were both ready. But life didn't always happen according to a neat little plan, and the wolf shifter's makeup didn't allow a lot of time for courting when he met his mate. Ryon's mating certainly hadn't gone the way he'd always envisioned it.

"I'm going to let you rest, okay?" he asked softly.

"Will you be back later?"

His heart lightened. "I will. I'll check on you in a while and we'll have a talk."

"I'm looking forward to that. I suspect I have a few more surprises in store."

God, she had no idea. Giving her another kiss, he headed out, his emotions a weird mix of trepidation and joy.

He had a beautiful, smart, kind mate. Any man, or wolf, would be proud to have her at his side.

Now, if she didn't hate him for what he'd done, his life would be perfect.

. . .

Daria's senses reeled long after Ryon walked out the door.

"Holy shit, that man can kiss," she whispered to herself, staring at the ceiling. Her body was a sensitized mass of nerves, all straining for the man who'd left her alone when she hadn't wanted him to go.

His closeness, his warmth and clean manly scent, called to her as no other man's had, ever. The attraction was a tangible thing between them, waiting to be explored and unleashed. She had no doubt that they would end up in bed, sooner rather than later. They both wanted it, and she couldn't think of a reason why two consenting adults should deny the pull. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. She felt it.

That gave her pause. Felt it? Yes, she had. And not just in the "normal" way that people meant when they said they experienced attraction for someone. It was almost as if she could touch his attraction for her, the need and want in him, as though she had some sort of hotline to his feelings and emotions. How was that possible?

Raising her good arm, she examined her wrist again. The punctures were barely visible now, and the rest of the scratches were all but gone. Just in the few short hours since she'd last looked. One inescapable conclusion kept coming back to her, and it made her pulse flutter in anxiety.

Ryon, or someone, had bitten her. They were wolf shifters and as such, had special healing abilities. Daria should have died. At some point after that, she had been bitten. And now she was almost ready to go hiking, she was so well healed. Had one of them bitten her in order to save her life?

Okay. Assuming that was true, why would Ryon be so reluctant to share that with her even when she'd asked about the marks? Saving someone's life was a great thing, and so what if they used a bit of an advantage nature gave them to do it? There had to be more to the story. That would explain why he didn't want to discuss it.

She had a suspicion she wasn't going to like the explanation, or else he wouldn't be working so hard to avoid it.

Giving in to the lingering tiredness, she dozed for an hour or so. When she came awake, she sat up, restless. Her arm was itching around the spot of the bite mark, and she felt like she was about to jump out of her skin. A walk might help, so she decided to act.

First, she did away with the annoying sling, tossing it to the nightstand. She held her casted arm this way and that, and experienced no pain. Padding to the bathroom, she took care of business and then took a bath, which was a long process since she had to be careful of her cast. Just that small routine made her feel better. Next she dug in her backpack for her brush and a scrunchie to make a ponytail. Items in hand, she returned to the bathroom mirror, brushed out the long tresses and pulled all of it back, securing it with the stretchy band.

J.D. Tyler's Books