Hunter's Heart (Alpha Pack #4)(17)

"You're right, you did see me torn and stabbed. But I heal fast. All of my kind does."

"What kind is that?" She was almost afraid to know.

"The type that doesn't react well to silver, so that much of the legends is true." He gave her a sad smile. "You might as well know . . . we're wolf shifters, Daria."

. . .

Ben Cantrell fell to his knees in the undergrowth, sick and exhausted.

What had happened? Where had he been this time?

His confused mind finally registered the blood. His hands were coated in the vile stuff. His arms, chest, some splattered on his legs. Reaching up, he felt his face, and recoiled in horror. Blood, on his mouth.

"Oh, no. No."

Not again. Please, not again.

But to his lawyer's mind, the evidence was irrefutable. He laughed at that, a mad, hysterical sound. Because he'd never work as an attorney again. Would never be human. His life had been stolen from him and he would never get it back.

Unless he found the ones who could help. He'd set out searching for them, but now struggled to recall who he was supposed to find. But he'd remember. He would. And they would help him.

They had to. Or soon, Benjamin Cantrell would be lost forever.

Chapter Four

Ryon's guts clenched as he studied Daria's reaction.

The woman paled under her tan, her lips parting in shock. Then she dropped her gaze to the sheets. "I can't buy that."

"I know it's a lot to take in, but it's true. I wouldn't lie to you."

She looked up. "I believe you think you're telling the truth, but-"

"You can perform astral projection," he pointed out. "You know about Psy gifts, and you saw the vampires with your own eyes."

"There have been documented case studies of people who have psychic abilities and can do or see all sorts of things they shouldn't be able to," she said. "Some can predict the future, read an object to see the past, move items with their minds, find missing people. You name it. But you're asking me to believe you can change forms? I'm sorry, Ryon. You're delusional."

"I expected you to react like that," he said, trying to hide his disappointment. "I can't blame you. But I can prove it."

"You can change into a wolf, here and now." Her tone was flat.


She flicked her good hand at him. "Okay, so do it."

"I don't think so. Not yet."

Some of the hardness left her expression, and her tone became kind. "Have you sought help for this fantasy? There are some really good doctors who can treat that sort of thing."

He stood. "I don't need a doctor. Not for being delusional, anyway. I'm going to let you rest because you have a lot to take in, and this is enough for the time being."

"Will you be back?"

She sounded hopeful, and that eased some of his anxiety-and his wolf's. But not all. The beast paced inside him, not happy at being doubted. It was much too close to rejection.

"Yeah." Leaning over, he kissed her cheek, then straightened. "I'll be back soon, no worries. Sleep."

"All right, I'll try." She didn't look convinced, though.

Giving her a reassuring smile, he turned and walked out while he still had the strength to leave. He'd pushed far enough, and her scientist's mind needed precious time to absorb the truth of his words. She wasn't ready to see him change into his wolf, but she would be. As a biologist, and his mate, though she didn't know that part yet, she wouldn't be able to help her curiosity. She would continue to be drawn to him.

He hoped.

Leaving the infirmary, he headed for Nick's office. The door was cracked when he got there, and he heard his commander inside, talking. Guessing the door wouldn't be open if the boss didn't want to be disturbed, he knocked lightly and waited.

"Come in."

Pushing inside, he saw Nick sitting behind his desk, Sheriff Deveraux reclining in a chair across from him. Deveraux was about Nick's age, and Ryon supposed women would find him good-looking in a rugged, outdoorsy way. Ryon stuck his hand out to the visitor.

"Sheriff," he said politely. "I've seen you a couple of times, but we've never been introduced. I'm Ryon Hunter."

The other man grasped it briefly, his gaze sharp but not unkind. "You're part of the Alpha Pack that Nick has been telling me about?"

Ryon looked at his boss, who gave a slight nod. The sheriff had been unwittingly pulled into the Sluaghs' attack on a local family several weeks ago, and rudely made aware that the paranormal really existed. Since then, the commander had obviously been easing the lawman into their world, and so it was okay to talk freely in front of him.

"Yes, I am. I don't mean to interrupt, but I just came from visiting Daria, and I thought Nick would like to hear what she said about yesterday's events. You too, Sheriff, since you're here."

They listened intently as he described the great screeching noise Daria heard, and how it frightened her into breaking camp. If they'd expected Ryon to tell them that the culprit who chased her from the scene of the body and pushed her over the ledge was a Sluagh, or some previously unheard-of creature, they were wrong.

"It was a white wolf?" Nick repeated, going still. "She's certain?"

J.D. Tyler's Books