Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(95)
"You, my friend, are about to witness my most triumphant moment. A culmination of brilliant plotting and flawless execution."
Evor tugged against the shackles that held him, but he was no match for a determined imp. For a moment his round face flushed and his pointed teeth clenched in fury.
Then, like any good coward he dropped to his knees and bowed his head in a silent plea for mercy.
"Good master, I think it better that I remain here. I'm not much in the mood for triumphant moments."
Damocles's smile faded as he reached down to lightly stroke the profusely sweating face.
"Ah, but you're a vital part of my celebration. You can't possibly remain behind."
"I would really prefer..."
The words came to a strangled moan as Damocles clutched his fingers around the fat throat and easily jerked the troll off his feet.
Dangling him in the air Damocles watched with cold distaste as the round face turned a strange shade of puce.
"Don't annoy me, ugly troll, or I'll cut out your tongue. I wish to savor this victory without listening to your flapping lips." He gave the troll a small shake. "Do you understand?"
It took several tries before Evor managed to get the words past the crushing hold on his throat.
"I understand."
Opening his fingers Damocles allowed the troll to fall back to the floor. His smile returned.
"I knew you'd see things my way. Now let's go have some fun."
Viper would never recall the agonizing trek through the dark tunnels to the lair of the Anasso. Oh, there were vague flashes of progressively more lavish tapestries, and elegant candelabras that offered a flickering light. And overall a pervasive scent of depraved self-indulgence.
His attention, however, was consumed with a simmering panic for the woman in his arms.
He would not allow her to die.
Not if it meant killing every vampire, troll, and human in the caves.
At last following Styx into a cavern that was dominated by a vast bed and a roaring fire, Viper came to a halt to study the frail vampire that was propped among a pile of satin pillows.
Although he was prepared for a change in the once powerful leader, Viper still experienced a flare of shock at the sight of the frail, almost corpselike reality.
By the blood of the saints, he appeared more dead than alive. An unnerving sight even for a vampire.
How the hell could he still possess such powers? It seemed impossible until Viper met the hectic glitter in the sunken eyes.
The Anasso might literally be upon the verge of extinction, but he would battle to the bitter end.
Reading his thoughts with ease, the Anasso offered a smile that sent a flare of fear through Viper's heart.
"Ah, I knew you would come to me, Viper" the ancient vampire rasped.
Clutching Shay protectively to his chest Viper glared into the gaunt face.
"You made sure I would have no choice."
"So angry." The elder vampire heaved a faint sigh. "Do you have no sympathy for your master, my son? Do you possess no loyalty to one who has sacrificed all for the race of vampires?"
"I see a fading shadow of a once great vampire who has been lost to his own weaknesses."
The frail features tightened, but the Anasso kept his voice soft and persuasive. It was a voice that had once lured hundreds of vampires to battle.
"Yes. I have been weak. And a fool. Once I am healed I can promise you that I shall never again be prey to such failings. I will restore myself and all of my followers to the glory that is our due."
Viper gave a slow shake of his head. Styx and his Ravens might accept such a pledge. To him it rang with a hollow lack of conviction.
He had seen the humans trapped below.
"You have made such promises before, master."
This time the vampire didn't try to hide his anger. "Do not think to judge me, Viper. You cannot know what I have suffered to bring peace to us all," he said, his voice sending a flare of pain over Viper's skin.
Viper clenched his teem. Damn, that hurt. And with nothing more than a thought.
"We all know what you have done for us," he gritted.
The pain ripped through the air once again. "How could you possibly know? How could you possibly understand the cost?" The Anasso pointed a thin finger in Viper's direction. "There is not a night that I am not haunted by the faces of friends and loved ones that I was forced to kill because they would not accept change. Not a night that I do not hear the cries of my kin as they died beneath my hands. Can you truly hold me to blame for seeking to escape the ghosts that plague me?"
Viper had to concede that when it came to battle tactics the elder vampire was a master. A combination of subtle manipulation with the hovering threat of further pain. And all with seeming ease.
Viper might have been impressed if he hadn't been at the receiving end of that clever strategy.
"And what of the ghost of Shay's father?" he demanded. "Does he haunt you as well?"
"He was a necessary casualty."
"Just as Shay will be?"
There was not even the faintest flicker of remorse. "Yes."
Viper's arms instinctively tightened around Shay as he allowed his own power to begin to fill the air. He might not possess the strength of the elder vampire, but he was not helpless.
"What is to occur when all the Shalott blood is gone?" He deliberately allowed the scorn to fill his voice. "Who will you sacrifice then?"
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)