Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(92)
The typical pose for a woman about to be ridiculously stubborn.
"We're not going in there, are we?" she demanded.
"Do you fear vampires?"
"Certainly not, but I don't like imps." She wrinkled her pretty nose. "Nasty, smelly creatures."
"Imps?" Levet demanded.
"Yes. There is one who lives here."
A frown touched Level's brow. Surprises were never a good thing.
"What would vampires be doing with an imp?"
"He steals humans."
Well, that cleared up precisely nothing.
"A vampire clan hardly needs the help of an imp if they wanted a few humans for a snack."
"Only one vampire drinks of the humans, and only very special humans "
"Special? What do you mean special?"
With a huff of impatience, Bella turned to march toward a patch of trees that clung tenaciously to the rocky ground. She pointed to the ground as Levet moved to join her.
"The humans who come to stick those needles in themselves "
Levet took a hasty step back. He wasn't an expert on humans, but he knew enough to recognize the hypodermic needles scattered over the ground, and to know they were used for some sort of odd drug.
"Can we go someplace and kiss now?" Bella demanded, her hands reaching out to lightly touch his horns. "I'm much more fun than those stupid vampires. I'll play with your wings."
"Not now..." Levet's growling words trailed to a soft sigh as her clever fingers stroked down his neck and feathered over his wings. "Oh."
"I'm very good."
She was. His wings quivered beneath the soft exploration. Few realized just how sensitive a gargoyle's wings could be.
His eyes began to flutter shut before he was grimly thrusting aside the seductive pleasure.
Shay might very well be in danger.
He didn't have time for such distractions.
Dammit all.
"Non, non. I want you to tell me of your powers."
That familiar pout returned as she continued to toy with his wings. "I'm attempting to show them to you."
"Your magical powers." Levet impatiently batted her hands away. "Precisely what sort of wishes can you grant?"
She heaved a weary sigh. "Anything you desire. Wealth, beauty, love."
An idea began to form in Levet's mind. "Actually, I was thinking of something a bit more exotic."
Her expression filled with suspicion at his words. Perhaps she was a bit brighter than he thought.
"I can't just sit here waiting like Godot, hoping that Shay can survive until the cavalry arrives. I have to do something now, and you're going to help me."
Chapter Twenty-Four
Somehow the hidden caves managed to be even more miserable than even Viper had feared.
Brackish water oozed down the walls, puddles dotted the stone floor, and the heavy scent of death and decay hung in the air.
Viper's every instinct prickled with warning.
He was a fool to allow Shay to remain in this place. Any moment Styx would discover them and the Anasso would drain her without a flicker of remorse. He should toss her over his shoulder and run away as fast and as far as possible.
Unfortunately, he couldn't deny that it would be even more foolish to flee before discovering if Evor was being held by the Ravens.
If they did have him in their grasp... not all the running in the world would keep Shay safe.
Devil's freaking balls.
Staying on the scent of the troll Viper paused as they neared a large cave. He could sense the mortals that huddled in the darkness. He could smell their decaying desperation.
For a moment he hesitated, revolted at the thought of forcing Shay to bear witness to such misery. His hesitation, however, merely gave the stubborn Shalott the opportunity to sweep past him, her own heightened sense of smell leading her directly to the disgusting cave.
"Humans," she muttered, her body stiffening as she glanced into the shadows to truly see the emaciated bodies huddled together on the damp floor. "Christ, why don't they run?"
Viper grimaced before pointing toward the floor littered with; needles. "Look closer, pet."
"Drugs." She turned to frown at him in confusion. "They're drug addicts?"
"But... what are they doing here?"
His fangs lengthened as the unwelcome truth slammed into him. Even when he had suspected why the Anasso needed Shay's blood he hadn't wanted to believe it. A part of him had still clung to a hope that their leader wouldn't haven fallen so low.
His gaze flickered over the half-dozen mortals that smelled of rotting death. That lingering hope was gone.
The Anasso was beyond redemption.
He would see him dead before allowing him to remain in power.
"They are destroying a once great vampire," he admitted, his tone weary. Betrayal hung heavy in his heart. "This is why you are being hunted, Shay. Our... leader has become addicted just as these humans are addicted, and their blood is killing him."
"Killing him?" The shock on her face might have been amusing if the situation hadn't been so dire. "I didn't even know it was possible."
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)