Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(94)

Styx hissed softly. "No. No longer."

Viper blinked, not at all certain he had heard correctly. "You admit that your cause is hopeless?"

The dark eyes shifted with obvious reluctance toward the humans. "I admit that I have been deceived and manipulated. And that I can no longer hold on to the trust that has sustained me."

"Speak clearly, Styx," Viper rasped, the dagger clutched in his hands. "I will not have misunderstandings between us."

The sword slowly lowered as Styx heaved a weary sigh. "I will not halt you from taking your Shalott and leaving these caves."

"What of your Ravens?" he demanded.

"I..." Styx stiffened at the thick, swirling foulness that filled the air.

Viper crouched to prepare for an attack. He didn't need Styx's frightened expression to tell him that they were under attack. The dark power prickling over his skin was warning enough.

The problem was that he could feel the heavy evil, but he couldn't see a bloody tiling.

He shot a frown toward Styx. "What is it?"

"The Anasso. He has sensed the Shalott."

"Shit. We must leave here "

Viper turned toward Shay even as the darkness closed around her.

Her eyes widened as her hand reached toward Viper who was already rushing in her direction.

"Viper?" she whispered and then her head bowed backward as a scream was wrenched from her throat.

"No." He reached her side just as she collapsed into his arms. Scooping her off her feet he studied her pale face with a flare of terrified panic. He could sense the steady beat of her heart, but her skin was pale and clammy, and she refused to awaken. "Shay. Speak to me."

Styx crossed the narrow space to stand at his shoulder. "She is in the power of the Anasso."

Cold dread clutched at Viper's heart. He had known that the elder vampire possessed powers beyond any of them, but he hadn't realized that he could reach out and physically touch others at a distance.

Viper clutched Shay to his chest, her long braid trailing over his arm.

"How do I save her?"

"We must take her to him," Styx said softly.

Lifting his head Viper glared at his companion with sharp fury. "Never."

"Only the Anasso can release her from his power."

Viper stepped backward, his fangs extended. "You have tricked me."

Holding up his hands Styx attempted to appear unthreatening. A gesture that was spoiled as the long, deadly blade shimmered in the glow of the torchlight.

Not that he wouldn't have been just as lethal without the sword.

"No, Viper, this is no trick," he protested, his eyes shimmering with a fierce, unreadable emotion. "I did not realize that he still possessed such strength."

"How do I halt him?"

"You cannot." Styx allowed his gaze to move toward the delicate woman in Viper's arms. Something that might be regret rippled over his face. "You must take her to the Anasso."

"I have told you no," Viper rasped.

"You have no choice. He will kill her."

Viper narrowed his gaze. "He cannot kill her. He needs her blood to survive."

"He is not... entirely stable in his thinking."

The cold dread deepened as it spread throughout his body. "He is going mad?"

Styx paused. He had spent near a century disguising the slow, relentless decay of his master. It had been a thankless duty he had performed with grim loyalty.

Now he battled with the inner demon of uncertainty that tortured him.

"Mad enough," he grudgingly conceded.

Viper lowered his head until he could bury his face in the sweet silk of Shay's hair. He cursed the fate that had brought them to this time and place.

"Damn you, Styx. Damn you to hell."

Watching the two vampires carry the unconscious woman from the tunnel Damocles slowly stepped from the shadows. A faint smile touched his lips.

"Well, well I thought I smelled Shalott."

There was a rattle of chains from the cramped cave behind him. Slowly he turned to regard the disgusting troll who was huddled in a distant corner.

"Shay?" Evor demanded, his eyes flashing red. "She's here?"

Damocles gave a soft laugh as he traced his way across the cave. "Do you think she has come to rescue you, sweet Evor? I fear she is a little too unconscious to give you much thought. Still, her arrival does alter my schedule." Moving across the cave he cast a rueful glance down at the rather plain robe he had chosen. "I wish I had worn the gold. This green really is not festive enough."

Evor licked his lips. He was smart enough to know that whatever was about to happen couldn't be good.

At least not for him.

"What are you going to do? "

Damocles's smile widened as a glorious sense of justice washed through him. Soon he would watch his enemy destroyed by his own hands. And even more satisfying his plot would make the entire race of vampires howl in pain.

Events had not unfolded precisely as he had planned, but the end would be the same.

The Anasso would be dead, and he would have the peace that had eluded him for untold centuries.

Reaching up Damocles unlocked the chains from the cave wall. With a tug, he pulled the terrified troll from his corner.

Alexandra Ivy's Books