Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(93)
"We haven't been overly anxious to reveal such weaknesses to others," he said dryly. "It's one of those need-to-know-basis things."
She dismissed his flippant words. "So, if you drink of humans who take drugs you become addicted yourself?"
"It is a dangerous possibility," he conceded. "One that rarely occurs since it is one of our few crimes punishable by death."
"But, if the vampire is destined to die anyway, why kill him?" she demanded.
"Because they go mad before death. Only last century a vampire managed to ravage and slaughter an entire village in China before killing three of the vampires sent to capture him. Now they are slain the moment they are discovered."
She studied his somber expression before giving a slow shake of her head. "Obviously not all are slain."
Viper flinched at the accusation. "No."
Wrapping her arms about her waist she gave a visible shudder. "I still don't understand what this has to do with me. My blood isn't contaminated with that filth."
"Just the opposite."
"I don't understand."
"It possesses a cure." He clutched his hands at his side. He wanted his fingers around someone's throat. Preferably that of the Anasso. "You said it yourself, pet. Your blood can heal anything but death. Just as your father, you are to be sacrificed."
She paled as she realized the true extent of the danger that surrounded her.
She alone could save the existence of a legendary leader.
What vampire wouldn't drown the world in blood to offer her up as a sacrifice?
Her lips parted but before she could speak a familiar tingle raced over Viper's skin and with a smooth motion he had pushed her behind him and turned to face the approaching vampire.
"He's right, of course," Styx murmured, his cold expression revealing nothing of his emotions. "Your blood is quite priceless."
"I thought I smelled your stench," Viper growled.
"There's no need to be offensive, Viper," Styx softly chided.
Without warning Shay was pushing her way past Viper, her face flushed with fury.
"No need ... why you slimy, treacherous, sorry piece of crap..."
"Shay, no," Viper shouted.
Grasping her about the waist he managed to keep her from attacking the dangerous vampire.
Damn the woman, what did she think she was doing? She was no match for a clan chief. Especially not this particular clan chief.
Nearly growling in annoyance Viper put his body in front of the rash woman only to stiffen in surprise as he felt her slide a dagger into his hand.
Well... hell. She had deliberately distracted Styx so that she could sneak him her hidden weapon. One of these days he was going to have to stop underestimating his dangerous beauty.
At least he possessed enough sense to keep the dagger hidden by his leg as Styx stepped forward and regarded Shay with small, almost sad smile.
"Spirited and beautiful," he said. "It is little wonder you have become so attached to her, old companion."
"It is rather more than a mere attachment" Viper corrected. "Where are the Ravens?"
Styx halted too far away for Viper to strike without warning. The elder vampire had never been known for reckless stupidity.
His guard would never be fully lowered.
"I have posted guards to ensure that you do not slip out of the caves " Styx said.
Viper gave a lift of his brows. "You came to take Shay away by yourself? How exquisitely insulting of you."
Something that might have been regret flashed over the bronzed features even as the warrior smoothly pulled his sword from its sheath.
"I do not wish to fight, Viper."
"I can't say that I'm overly eager for battle either, Styx, but I am not one of your Ravens. I do not obey without question."
Moving to the middle of the tunnel so he would have plenty of space to swing his deadly sword Styx eyed him with an unreadable expression.
"How did you find this tunnel?"
"The glamour is only effective against vampires. You should have thought of that when you were hiding the pathetic humans."
With blinding speed he dodged forward, plunging his dagger toward Styx's sword arm. Styx easily countered, but as he blocked the dagger with his sword Viper shifted to plant a solid kick in the stomach of his opponent.
Styx grunted but managed to stay on his feet, his sword slicing through the air to force Viper backward.
"The glamour was effective against me as well, old companion " he said as he kept careful watch on Viper.
Viper edged to one side. "You claim to have no knowledge of this cesspit?"
"Knowledge, no." The dark eyes flashed with frustration. "Suspicions? Fears? Yes."
Viper made another feint, more to keep Styx off guard than a true attempt to harm him. Any thirst for revenge at being tortured was forgotten in the need to protect Shay.
Somehow he had to get them out of here.
With all their body parts still intact.
The odds weren't good.
"And yet you still pretend that the Anasso can be restored to his former glory." He gave a sharp motion toward the humans that were sleeping in their drug haze. "He is beyond salvation, Styx. Even if he is healed there is no means to save him from himself. Can you deny it?"
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)