Defending Hayden (Second Chances #7)(31)

“He seems to be. We’ve been together a few times this week, and I haven’t noticed anything abnormal in his behavior.” Except for the time when Evan was around, but I didn’t want to bring that up.

“That’s good. Maybe he’s starting to come around.” She grabbed more gauze and loaded it into a bag she had slung across her shoulder.

“How is it working with a bunch of football players?” I asked.

Bursting with laughter, she started for the door and I followed her. “It’s an adventure, I can tell you that. But I love those boys to death. They’re like my brothers, but Evan is my real brother.”

“I met him the other day. He’s really nice.”

“His wife, Summer, is really sweet, too. You might have seen her around if you ever go to the Carolina Tavern. She’s the owner.”

“Wow, it’s a small world around here,” I said, laughing.

The crowd started to cheer outside, so we headed that way. “Have you ever been to a game before?” she asked. We walked out; I’d had no clue I was going to be on the field with the whole team. Eyes wide, I scanned the stands, gaping in awe. “I’ll take that as a no.” She giggled. “Don’t worry, you’ll love it. Let’s go.”

The place was full of energy and even more so when the players rushed out onto the field. Derek winked at me when he ran out, and the heat rose to my cheeks. They were going to win, I could feel it.

The Cougars won 24–7 against New York, and the crowd went crazy. I didn’t know all the rules, but it was still fun to watch. What made it even more exciting was that Derek was hoisted into the air by his teammates and carried off the field.

“I haven’t seen him this happy in a really long time,” Kate admitted. “Whatever you’re doing, keep it up.”

“I have no clue what I’m doing. I think it’s all him.”

We walked off the field and inside toward the locker room. “Either way, it’s working.”

“Are you going to the party tonight?” I asked.

She nodded. “I wouldn’t miss it. You?”

“Yep, I guess I’ll see you there,” I said.

She led me to the medical supply room so she could put everything back. It wasn’t long before Derek came up behind me and lifted me in his arms. I squealed and he let me down. “What did you think of the game?” he asked.

His hair was still wet from the shower, and he smelled like soap and cologne. I breathed him in and smiled. “I thought it was amazing. You looked so good out there.”

Kate watched us, trying to hide her smile. “I think I’m going to leave you two alone. I’ll see you both later.”

As soon as she left, Derek put his arm around my shoulders, his whole body crackling with energy. I’d never seen him so excited. “I was thinking maybe you should follow me to my house and we can ride to the party together. Is that okay?”

“It’s fine with me. Whatever you think works best.”

We walked down the hall, but at the door there were reporters with their cameras poised and ready to fire. “Uh-oh, it looks like we’re not going to be able to dodge them. Are you ready for this?” he asked, sliding his arm off my shoulders.

No, but I had no choice. He opened the door and microphones were thrust in his face, cameras flashing all around. All I could do was smile and stand by his side. “Derek, how does it feel to be back on the team?”

“Great,” he answered. “We played well today, and I can only hope we do that for the rest of the season.”

While Derek answered questions left and right, a reporter sneaked up to me and held out her microphone. “Did you enjoy the game?” she asked. She was around my age, late twenties, with jet-black hair and a ton of makeup.

“I did,” I answered.

“We saw you on the sidelines with Kate Davis. Are you working for the team?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m just a friend. Derek was nice enough to ask me to the game.” I glanced his way, but he was too busy answering questions. I was afraid I’d say something wrong. When talking to the press, one minor word change could be construed to mean something else.

“Are you and Derek McLaughlin dating?” she asked, thrusting the microphone back in my face.

“No, we’re just friends.”

“How did you two meet?”

The question caught Derek’s attention, and he joined me, his eyes lit with humor. “Did you just ask how we met?”

Grinning widely, the reporter spoke into the microphone. “Yes, I did. I was just asking your friend.”

Derek peered down at me. “Do you want to answer, or do I need to?”

“Are you sure you want them to know what you did?” I asked.

He lifted his arms and laughed. “Hey, I tried to make up for it.”

Our bantering drew the attention of everyone else, and their cameras centered on us, the lights bright. “Well, tell us,” the reporter demanded excitedly.

“I hit her with a door,” Derek blurted.

Gasps erupted all around. “Why would you do that?” one of the reporters asked.

Derek and I laughed. “It was an accident,” I said. “He was coming out and I was trying to go in. The door hit me and made me drop my brand-new phone. It shattered the second it hit the pavement.”

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